Wednesday, December 24, 2014

FDA proposes lifting lifetime ban on gay and bi men donating blood - but with one major condition

FDA proposes lifting lifetime ban on gay and bi men donating blood - but with one major condition

Arkansas appeals federal judge's ruling against same-sex marriage law

Arkansas appeals federal judge's ruling against same-sex marriage law

Canada gay porn star gets life sentence for murdering and dismembering China student

Canada gay porn star gets life sentence for murdering and dismembering China student

Idaho ordered to pay $400,000 to lawyers who fought gay marriage ban

Idaho ordered to pay $400,000 to lawyers who fought gay marriage ban

ACLU sues Indiana school district for not recognizing Gay Straight Alliance

ACLU sues Indiana school district for not recognizing Gay Straight Alliance

'Perfect storm' brewing for Israel in US

'Perfect storm' brewing for Israel in US

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Cree chief refuses to recognize contentious bill

Cree chief refuses to recognize contentious bill

WI 1848 Forward: Keystone Pipeline XL ... claims don't add up

WI 1848 Forward: Keystone Pipeline XL ... claims don't add up: The article from NBC news does a good job illustrating why we should be skeptical about any change from the status quo.  How strange ... a c...

Couple Responsible For Vegas Shooting Spree Recently Lived In Indiana « CBS Chicago

Couple Responsible For Vegas Shooting Spree Recently Lived In Indiana « CBS Chicago

Washington DC bans conversion therapy for LGBTI youth

Washington DC bans conversion therapy for LGBTI youth

Gambia arrests three men for gay sex

Gambia arrests three men for gay sex

35 gay activists attacked in Zimbabwe

35 gay activists attacked in Zimbabwe

Florida county clerks waver over issuing same-sex marriage licenses

Florida county clerks waver over issuing same-sex marriage licenses

Heterosexual couple challenge UK’s ban on civil unions for straight people

Heterosexual couple challenge UK’s ban on civil unions for straight people

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Suspects in attack against gay couple in Philadelphia ordered to stand trial

Suspects in attack against gay couple in Philadelphia ordered to stand trial

UK teen hangs herself rather than tell parents she might be gay

UK teen hangs herself rather than tell parents she might be gay

Government probe refutes corruption charges against Nepal gay group

Government probe refutes corruption charges against Nepal gay group

Malaysia ministry pulls funding of trans group amid uproar over cross-dressing rights

Malaysia ministry pulls funding of trans group amid uproar over cross-dressing rights

Gay teacher forced to hang crucifix in classroom under fascist Italian law

Gay teacher forced to hang crucifix in classroom under fascist Italian law

UKIP politician that called gays 'poofters' claims he didn't offend anyone from London

UKIP politician that called gays 'poofters' claims he didn't offend anyone from London

Chris Brown will not go to jail for anti-gay assault

Chris Brown will not go to jail for anti-gay assault

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Bullied over being a cheerleader, 12-year-old California boy commits suicide

Bullied over being a cheerleader, 12-year-old California boy commits suicide

Trans woman shot to death in LA while banging on stranger's door for help

Trans woman shot to death in LA while banging on stranger's door for help

US minister gets daily death threats for performing gay marriages

US minister gets daily death threats for performing gay marriages

Scott Lively says being gay is ‘worse than mass murder’ as trial moves forward

Scott Lively says being gay is ‘worse than mass murder’ as trial moves forward

Missouri Republicans will try to appeal same-sex marriage ruling

Missouri Republicans will try to appeal same-sex marriage ruling

Russian state TV claims Americans show gay porn to their children

Russian state TV claims Americans show gay porn to their children

33 men arrested, paraded naked in Egypt gay bathhouse raid

33 men arrested, paraded naked in Egypt gay bathhouse raid

Warsaw’s Tolerance Rainbow has been torched again

Warsaw’s Tolerance Rainbow has been torched again

Florida judge overturns gay marriage ban for a second time

Florida judge overturns gay marriage ban for a second time

UK gives Uganda lesbian, victim of torture and exorcism, reprieve from being deported

UK gives Uganda lesbian, victim of torture and exorcism, reprieve from being deported

Burger King guard tells gay couple to leave for kissing, customers respond with lots of gay kisses

Burger King guard tells gay couple to leave for kissing, customers respond with lots of gay kisses

New Zealand pastor tells gay author to kill himself

New Zealand pastor tells gay author to kill himself

China 12-year-old stabs classmate to death for touching his 'lower body'

China 12-year-old stabs classmate to death for touching his 'lower body'

Alaska gay couple's car defaced with homophobic, Nazi and religious signs

Alaska gay couple's car defaced with homophobic, Nazi and religious signs

Saturday, November 29, 2014

ACLU claims Kansas refuses to honor same-sex marriages

ACLU claims Kansas refuses to honor same-sex marriages

Senior Irish bishop: Children shouldn’t be adopted by gay people

Senior Irish bishop: Children shouldn’t be adopted by gay people

Lawyer attacked in Russia after defending gay rights protestor

Lawyer attacked in Russia after defending gay rights protestor

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee: Gay marriage threatens 'foundation' of society

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee: Gay marriage threatens 'foundation' of society

Cyprus police seize trans exhibition after single complaint

Cyprus police seize trans exhibition after single complaint

Bangalore police arrest 160 trans women a day after pride

Bangalore police arrest 160 trans women a day after pride

Former UKIP deputy leader: gay people lead ‘short, miserable lives’

Former UKIP deputy leader: gay people lead ‘short, miserable lives’

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Mike Brown was killed over 130 feet away from Darren Wilson's SUV

Take Action! Urge U.S. Congress to Stand with LGBT Iraqis

Take Action! Urge U.S. Congress to Stand with LGBT Iraqis

Trans murders are a 'silent genocide': We must stop it

Trans murders are a 'silent genocide': We must stop it

Original Hedwig, John Cameron Mitchell, is reclaiming role he created

Original Hedwig, John Cameron Mitchell, is reclaiming role he created

US Christian who shot gay couple with a BB gun gets 6 months in prison

US Christian who shot gay couple with a BB gun gets 6 months in prison

Trans woman presented as a man in open casket at funeral

Trans woman presented as a man in open casket at funeral

Gay police officer suspended for assaulting gay man in club toilets

Gay police officer suspended for assaulting gay man in club toilets

Friday, November 21, 2014

Poland playground bans 'hermaphrodite' Winnie the Pooh

Poland playground bans 'hermaphrodite' Winnie the Pooh

UN human rights boss calls out Gambia over giving life in prison to gays

UN human rights boss calls out Gambia over giving life in prison to gays

Taiwan justice ministry: time not right for same-sex marriage

Taiwan justice ministry: time not right for same-sex marriage

Christians storm gay rights hearing in Seoul

Christians storm gay rights hearing in Seoul

Gay rugby player brutally attacked in Manchester's Gay Village

Gay rugby player brutally attacked in Manchester's Gay Village

Straights might like gay rights but not when gay couples kiss in public

Straights might like gay rights but not when gay couples kiss in public

Man shocked 20 times during Sonoma County Jail | The Press Democrat

Man shocked 20 times during Sonoma County Jail | The Press Democrat

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Native Americans Arrested Following Keystone XL Pipeline Vote

Native Americans Arrested Following Keystone XL Pipeline Vote

Jimmy Swaggart’s son: LGBT activists would behead Christians if they could

Jimmy Swaggart’s son: LGBT activists would behead Christians if they could

Study of Gay Brothers Suggests Genetic Basis of Male Homosexuality

Study of Gay Brothers Suggests Genetic Basis of Male Homosexuality

Son of famous US televangelist compares gay activists to ISIS

Son of famous US televangelist compares gay activists to ISIS

Former Love In Action ‘ex-gay’ leader John Smid has married a man in Oklahoma

Former Love In Action ‘ex-gay’ leader John Smid has married a man in Oklahoma

Beaten, stoned and burnt alive: 226 trans people murdered this year

Beaten, stoned and burnt alive: 226 trans people murdered this year

Church fires gay minister for being in a Facebook photo with gay people

Church fires gay minister for being in a Facebook photo with gay people

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Gerrymandering Rigged the 2014 Elections for Republican Advantage | The Nation

Gerrymandering Rigged the 2014 Elections for Republican Advantage | The Nation

Hong Kong “Occupy Central” Funded by Washington: The Neocons and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED)

Hong Kong “Occupy Central” Funded by Washington: The Neocons and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED)

Exposed: Britain's “Any Substance” Law Bars Landowners From Opposing Fracking

Exposed: Britain's “Any Substance” Law Bars Landowners From Opposing Fracking

Kansas ban on gay marriage struck down by federal judge

Kansas ban on gay marriage struck down by federal judge

Massachusetts voters elect Maura Healey as first openly lesbian attorney general in the US

Massachusetts voters elect Maura Healey as first openly lesbian attorney general in the US

London boss sued: 'Badminton is so gay the men should wear dresses'

London boss sued: 'Badminton is so gay the men should wear dresses'

Two men arrested after attack on gay teen in London

Two men arrested after attack on gay teen in London

Thursday, October 30, 2014

New York pastor: 'upscale sodomites' spread Ebola at Starbucks

New York pastor: 'upscale sodomites' spread Ebola at Starbucks

Veteran US gay activist David Mixner admits to assisting suicide of 8 men with AIDS in the 80’s

Veteran US gay activist David Mixner admits to assisting suicide of 8 men with AIDS in the 80’s

India trans women hold off armed mob

India trans women hold off armed mob

Gay UKIP MEP compares gay rights supporters to 'Equality Nazis'

Gay UKIP MEP compares gay rights supporters to 'Equality Nazis'

Drunken man who attacked bystander he believed to be gay at Dallas airport won't face jail time

Drunken man who attacked bystander he believed to be gay at Dallas airport won't face jail time

India man arrested for gay sex after wife catches him on spycam

India man arrested for gay sex after wife catches him on spycam

Couple who tortured, killed kid that 'acted gay' to take plea deal

Couple who tortured, killed kid that 'acted gay' to take plea deal

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Companies told 'lift internet filter on LGBTI content or face court'

Companies told 'lift internet filter on LGBTI content or face court'

Why would a LGBTI person set up a business when they'll be filtered out of the internet?

Why would a LGBTI person set up a business when they'll be filtered out of the internet?

US Court of Appeals for Fifth Circuit sets January date for Texas and Louisiana gay marriage cases

US Court of Appeals for Fifth Circuit sets January date for Texas and Louisiana gay marriage cases

Man charged with 'vicious' murder of person who answered his Craigslist sex ad

Man charged with 'vicious' murder of person who answered his Craigslist sex ad

US marine denies murder of Philippines trans woman

US marine denies murder of Philippines trans woman

Azerbaijan lesbian has throat slit by sister

Azerbaijan lesbian has throat slit by sister

UK police on the hunt as sinister anti-gay monk strikes again

UK police on the hunt as sinister anti-gay monk strikes again

You will not believe what the Westboro Baptist Church has done to stop gay marriage in Kansas

You will not believe what the Westboro Baptist Church has done to stop gay marriage in Kansas

NHS Scotland accidentally outs over 80 trans patients

NHS Scotland accidentally outs over 80 trans patients

Gym teacher who sexually abused underage girl sets up group to fight 'evil' gays

Gym teacher who sexually abused underage girl sets up group to fight 'evil' gays

Gym teacher who sexually abused underage girl sets up group to fight 'evil' gays

Gym teacher who sexually abused underage girl sets up group to fight 'evil' gays

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Lesbian host Jane Velez-Mitchell loses show amid massive layoffs at CNN and HLN

Lesbian host Jane Velez-Mitchell loses show amid massive layoffs at CNN and HLN

Amid backlash from conservative Catholics, Vatican backtracks some on positive report on gays

Amid backlash from conservative Catholics, Vatican backtracks some on positive report on gays

Palau legalizes gay sex

Palau legalizes gay sex

Philippines protesters demand US give up marine over trans murder

Philippines protesters demand US give up marine over trans murder

Man throws gay lover to his death through 3rd story window in Hyderabad, India

Man throws gay lover to his death through 3rd story window in Hyderabad, India

High school cancels play because of its 'gay content'

High school cancels play because of its 'gay content'

Anti-gay law passed in Kyrgyzstan in landslide vote

Anti-gay law passed in Kyrgyzstan in landslide vote

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Newsfeed : Alabama Pastor Tells Church: I Have AIDS and Slept With Flock

Newsfeed : Alabama Pastor Tells Church: I Have AIDS and Slept With Flock

US marine detained in slaying of Philippines trans woman

US marine detained in slaying of Philippines trans woman

Tasmania state Liberal Party branch votes to reiterate opposition to gay marriage

Tasmania state Liberal Party branch votes to reiterate opposition to gay marriage

Texas Attorney General: Keeping a ban on gay marriage reduces out-of-wedlock births

Texas Attorney General: Keeping a ban on gay marriage reduces out-of-wedlock births

As same-sex marriages begin in Alaska, state's governor vows to keep fighting them

As same-sex marriages begin in Alaska, state's governor vows to keep fighting them

Korea bans lesbian music video

Korea bans lesbian music video

US warns Kyrgyzstan over gay propaganda bill

US warns Kyrgyzstan over gay propaganda bill

Russia detains eight gay activists at rally

Russia detains eight gay activists at rally

Nigeria archbishop flips from 'jail the gays' to 'set gays free'

Nigeria archbishop flips from 'jail the gays' to 'set gays free' HYPOCRITE

Turkish gay couple lose their jobs, receive death threats after symbolic wedding

Turkish gay couple lose their jobs, receive death threats after symbolic wedding

This man's cat was killed because he is gay

This man's cat was killed because he is gay

UK supermarket that threw out lesbian couple for kissing will now be venue for mass gay kiss-in

UK supermarket that threw out lesbian couple for kissing will now be venue for mass gay kiss-in

The Farting Preacher

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Heroin takes staggering toll in Connersville - 13 WTHR Indianapolis

Heroin takes staggering toll in Connersville - 13 WTHR Indianapolis

Three gay men forced to work as sex slaves in US freed

Three gay men forced to work as sex slaves in US freed

Chef cuts up and cooks his trans girlfriend in tragic murder suicide

Chef cuts up and cooks his trans girlfriend in tragic murder suicide

Brazil trans woman shot in face three times

Brazil trans woman shot in face three times

Country takes four minutes to decide anti-gay bill that makes Russia's look tame

Country takes four minutes to decide anti-gay bill that makes Russia's look tame

Film exposes how gay teens are lured, kidnapped, tortured in Russia

Film exposes how gay teens are lured, kidnapped, tortured in Russia

Tens of thousands march in France against IVF and surrogacy for gays

Tens of thousands march in France against IVF and surrogacy for gays

Bullied Virginia teen faces assault charges

Bullied Virginia teen faces assault charges