Saturday, October 10, 2015

I've stumbled across something I need help/further research from others on - if nothing else, it will remove any bias I might have & present simply the facts of the matter. From what I have stumbled-across so far, apparently Dr. Ben Carson's bid for president & his #iamachristian hastag campaign is supported-by and has something to do with support by the president of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu & The 700 Club - it appears his campaign is being financed by money from the United States funneled through Israel so that he will end-up giving Israel a "free pass" on whatever they want once he is elected into the office as far as military & defense-department actions. I'm kind-of in WAY over my head & need someone else to take-over & see what documentation that they can come across on this one. HELP!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Megaload Founder and Internet Freedom Icon Kim Dotcom In Court Facing U.S. Extradition

Megaload Founder and Internet Freedom Icon Kim Dotcom In Court Facing U.S. Extradition

Using Collective Muscle, Here's How We Free U.S. Cities from Wall Street Control

Using Collective Muscle, Here's How We Free U.S. Cities from Wall Street Control

Act Out! [30] - Chris Hedges, Klima Kamps, and Kevin Gosztola on a shado...

From Abu Ghraib To Black Lives Matter: Meet The NYPD's Most Notorious Anti-Activist Cop: Gothamist

From Abu Ghraib To Black Lives Matter: Meet The NYPD's Most Notorious Anti-Activist Cop: Gothamist

FBI Documents Reveal Secret Nationwide Occupy Monitoring

FBI Documents Reveal Secret Nationwide Occupy Monitoring

Turning Pennies Into Billion$: The Tiny Tax that Wall Street Fears

Turning Pennies Into Billion$: The Tiny Tax that Wall Street Fears

Leaked Emails Reveal Close Ties Between Heritage Foundation and Lockheed Martin

Leaked Emails Reveal Close Ties Between Heritage Foundation and Lockheed Martin

Fuck you, Roland. Fuck you AND your fictional adaptation VERY much.

Roland Emmerich: gay rights drama Stonewall needed 'straight-acting' hero | Film | The Guardian

Fuck you, Roland. Fuck you AND your fictional adaptation VERY much.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Many in the United States government (and many civilians) do not realize something very, very, very important: the entire world is watching the US closely, and gauging whether or not to allow the United States to continue to progress & mature and be a world leader or simply to fight against the corporate oligarchy that has taken over the reigns of power within the US. They are using the next US presidential primary & election to determine whether the US has become completely corrupted or has a chance of becoming an enlightened force for good. They see Bernie Sanders as our chance to redeem ourselves, and Hillary Clinton (and the GOP) as a continuance of the path to corruption. This primary is SO much more important than many people realize. This is the United States chance to become an enlightened force for progressive change - or to be set upon the path of destruction by forces that will not allow corruption to continue controlling the world.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Burmese MP's boast about forcing gay men to be porters during junta rule causes uproar

Burmese MP's boast about forcing gay men to be porters during junta rule causes uproar

Thai ice cream company apologizes for gay slur in post to mark US same-sex marriage ruling

Thai ice cream company apologizes for gay slur in post to mark US same-sex marriage ruling

Anti-gay for pay: Jewish hate group hires Mexican laborers to protest at New York Pride

Anti-gay for pay: Jewish hate group hires Mexican laborers to protest at New York Pride

Marriott urged not to host Christian attorney group that campaigns against gay rights

Marriott urged not to host Christian attorney group that campaigns against gay rights

Alan Sugar owned London gay pub up for sale, staff haven't been told

Alan Sugar owned London gay pub up for sale, staff haven't been told
Racism - Alive & Well on both Twitter & Reddit:

Monday, June 29, 2015

Turkish police attack LGBTI protestors with water cannon, create a rainbow

Turkish police attack LGBTI protestors with water cannon, create a rainbow

Puerto Rico will begin marrying same-sex couples in early July

Puerto Rico will begin marrying same-sex couples in early July

Russian lawmaker wants Facebook blocked over rainbow flag filter

Russian lawmaker wants Facebook blocked over rainbow flag filter

This photography company's response to losing clients due to his support of gay marriage is amazing

This photography company's response to losing clients due to his support of gay marriage is amazing

Texas Attorney General tells clerks they can refuse to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples

Texas Attorney General tells clerks they can refuse to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples

Pastor blames Jews for US gay marriage ruling

Pastor blames Jews for US gay marriage ruling

Mozambique officially makes gay sex legal

Mozambique officially makes gay sex legal

Italy rules trans woman and cis man are allowed to marry

Italy rules trans woman and cis man are allowed to marry

Friday, June 19, 2015

Vicar: Giving Pride God's blessing is like welcoming child molesters

Vicar: Giving Pride God's blessing is like welcoming child molesters

Meet the Cameroon gay man who was tortured so badly he can’t have sex

Meet the Cameroon gay man who was tortured so badly he can’t have sex

Austria votes against gay marriage

Austria votes against gay marriage

Lithuania is weeding out new army recruits by asking if they like flowers

Lithuania is weeding out new army recruits by asking if they like flowers
OK, here’s how it works: Women’s rights are civil-rights. Black rights are civil-rights. Latino rights are civil-rights. Asian rights are civil-rights. Gay rights are civil-rights. Transgender rights are civil-rights. ANY person within a subculture or sub-community that has rights... Yep, you guessed it - those rights are civil-rights. If you are against ANY of those groups having equal-rights, you CANNOT claim that you are for equal-rights & you CANNOT claim you are for civil-rights. It really is that simple.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Texas oil executive arrested for punching 'faggot' unconscious

Texas oil executive arrested for punching 'faggot' unconscious

India government asks Supreme Court to define 'transgender'

India government asks Supreme Court to define 'transgender'

Global drug company Pfizer 'fires gay man for protesting against Russia's homophobic laws'

Global drug company Pfizer 'fires gay man for protesting against Russia's homophobic laws'

Mayor of South Bend, Indiana, comes out publicly as gay man

Mayor of South Bend, Indiana, comes out publicly as gay man

Southern Baptists declare 'spiritual warfare' on gay marriage

Southern Baptists declare 'spiritual warfare' on gay marriage

Watch the 1961 documentary on gay people that was thought lost to history

Watch the 1961 documentary on gay people that was thought lost to history

UK teen faces jail for wanting to go kill gay people with ISIS

UK teen faces jail for wanting to go kill gay people with ISIS

 Given homophobia is not only accepted but adored, you'd think heterosexuals would've given him a prize.

DJ refuses to play gay man's birthday party, compares it to hosting KKK dance

DJ refuses to play gay man's birthday party, compares it to hosting KKK dance

Trans teacher dies by suicide after 10 years of bullying from colleagues

Trans teacher dies by suicide after 10 years of bullying from colleagues

Crossdresser attacked in London as thug's friends shouted 'kill him, kill him'

Crossdresser attacked in London as thug's friends shouted 'kill him, kill him'

Gay couple arrested in Pakistan over 'secret marriage'

Gay couple arrested in Pakistan over 'secret marriage'

Monday, June 15, 2015

Mati Weiderpass gets kicked out of Fire Island gay club, crowd cheers

Mati Weiderpass gets kicked out of Fire Island gay club, crowd cheers

Islamic religious police raid two gay parties in Saudi Arabia

Islamic religious police raid two gay parties in Saudi Arabia

Morocco magazine pulled over cover asking: 'Should gay people be burned?'

Morocco magazine pulled over cover asking: 'Should gay people be burned?'

Anti-gay Russian lawmaker wants to ban Game of Thrones over 'sexual deviancy'

Anti-gay Russian lawmaker wants to ban Game of Thrones over 'sexual deviancy'

Christian couple threatening to divorce if gays can marry uninvited to friend's wedding

Christian couple threatening to divorce if gays can marry uninvited to friend's wedding

Mexico effectively legalizes same-sex marriage

Mexico effectively legalizes same-sex marriage

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Utah chef has ’Die Fag’ carved into his arms with a knife

Utah chef has ’Die Fag’ carved into his arms with a knife

 Torture, sadistic mutilation & attempted assassination: obviously "the Christian thing to do". Now local "Christians" will be able to attempt to kill the whole family. What a blessing from the Lord.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Uganda lesbian, cut up by witch doctors at age 10 to 'cure' her, given UK asylum

Uganda lesbian, cut up by witch doctors at age 10 to 'cure' her, given UK asylum

Leading trans activist murdered in El Salvador

Leading trans activist murdered in El Salvador

Mike Huckabee doubles down on transphobic remarks about showering with girls

Mike Huckabee doubles down on transphobic remarks about showering with girls

 From the same man who declared himself Jesus Christ resurrected & God's voice-box, comes new insanity!

Meet the Christian couple who are threatening to divorce if gay marriage comes to Australia

Meet the Christian couple who are threatening to divorce if gay marriage comes to Australia

Trans musician brutally beaten at own gig, locals protest pub for letting attackers go

Trans musician brutally beaten at own gig, locals protest pub for letting attackers go

Man refuses to let gay stylist cut his son’s hair: salon boss fights back in best way possible

Man refuses to let gay stylist cut his son’s hair: salon boss fights back in best way possible

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Marco Rubio: Gay marriage is a 'real and present danger' to Christianity

Marco Rubio: Gay marriage is a 'real and present danger' to Christianity

Australian Opposition leader calls out PM with gay marriage bill

Australian Opposition leader calls out PM with gay marriage bill

Italy PM after Ireland referendum: 'Civil unions cannot be delayed any longer'

Italy PM after Ireland referendum: 'Civil unions cannot be delayed any longer'

Greenland legalizes gay marriage

Greenland legalizes gay marriage

Suspect in NYC anti-gay chair attack is gay

Suspect in NYC anti-gay chair attack is gay

Tennessee pastor stole $60,000 from church, spent it on gay dating sites

Tennessee pastor stole $60,000 from church, spent it on gay dating sites

Doctor told woman to blame her rape on being bisexual

Doctor told woman to blame her rape on being bisexual

Even if Boy Scouts ban on gay adults is lifted, religious sponsored units can keep it in place

Even if Boy Scouts ban on gay adults is lifted, religious sponsored units can keep it in place

Third San Diego trans teen commits suicide in three months

Third San Diego trans teen commits suicide in three months

Morocco jails three men for gay sex

Morocco jails three men for gay sex

Alabama minister given jail time for trying to marry lesbian couple

Alabama minister given jail time for trying to marry lesbian couple

Men who masturbate will find their hands pregnant in the afterlife, anti-gay televangelist warns

Men who masturbate will find their hands pregnant in the afterlife, anti-gay televangelist warns

Saturday, May 23, 2015

The part of Josh Dugger's arrest record not destroyed

10411826_1068469359835363_363650099887313173_n.jpg (JPEG Image, 500 × 682 pixels) - Scaled (88%)

CyberGuerrilla soApboX » #ro0ted #OpNewblood What the blackhats dont want you to know BE: think ur drive is really wiped?

CyberGuerrilla soApboX » #ro0ted #OpNewblood What the blackhats dont want you to know BE: think ur drive is really wiped?

New Orleans mayor responds to Louisiana's governor anti-gay religious freedom executive order

New Orleans mayor responds to Louisiana's governor anti-gay religious freedom executive order

Korean Christians are queuing up for weeks to block Queer Culture Festival

Korean Christians are queuing up for weeks to block Queer Culture Festival

Kyrgyzstan police demand IDAHOT participants’ strip to identify transgender people, says rights group

Kyrgyzstan police demand IDAHOT participants’ strip to identify transgender people, says rights group

Senate Staff, Not Senators, Decided to Close the NDAA

Senate Staff, Not Senators, Decided to Close the NDAA

Friday, May 22, 2015

Reserve Deputy Indicted on 58 Child Porn Charges, Back in Jail Charged With Raping Disabled Woman. – police state news

Reserve Deputy Indicted on 58 Child Porn Charges, Back in Jail Charged With Raping Disabled Woman. – police state news

Ian Reisner apologizes for Ted Cruz dinner again, donates $20,000 to Fire Island Pines

Ian Reisner apologizes for Ted Cruz dinner again, donates $20,000 to Fire Island Pines

 Fuck this son-of-a-bitch. May he forever regret his actions, especially so upon his death-bed.

Amid sexual abuse reports, Josh Duggar resigns from anti-gay Family Research Council

Amid sexual abuse reports, Josh Duggar resigns from anti-gay Family Research Council

How very Christian of him... To rape them, that is.

Ted Cruz: Gays should stop demanding equal rights because ISIS would execute them

Ted Cruz: Gays should stop demanding equal rights because ISIS would execute them

 Especially considering he is a supporter of the group that started ISIS....

Troll pays Twitter to promote tweet urging trans people to kill themselves

Troll pays Twitter to promote tweet urging trans people to kill themselves

Texas college bans gay athletes from dating, vocalizing supporting for same-sex marriage

Texas college bans gay athletes from dating, vocalizing supporting for same-sex marriage

 Well, it's the Christian thing to do.....

Mom: 'Pastor outed on Grindr told my gay teen son to kill himself'

Mom: 'Pastor outed on Grindr told my gay teen son to kill himself'

 Well, it's the Christian thing to do.....

New Zealand opposition leader apologizes for 'flippant' trans joke

New Zealand opposition leader apologizes for 'flippant' trans joke

 When you doubt that all you are to heterosexuals is comic-relief....

Agony Aunt tells dad: Don't take your kids to brother's gay wedding

Agony Aunt tells dad: Don't take your kids to brother's gay wedding

Swiss court rules gay couple can't both be fathers to their son

Swiss court rules gay couple can't both be fathers to their son

Friday, May 15, 2015

Fox News contributor: Amtrak engineer's sexuality 'a factor' in crash

Fox News contributor: Amtrak engineer's sexuality 'a factor' in crash

 Just like his socks! His socks clearly state he is part of a conspiracy to homosexualize Christians!

Chinese man 'accidentally' hacks 15-year-old boyfriend to death

Chinese man 'accidentally' hacks 15-year-old boyfriend to death

London Uber driver kicks out two gay men from car for kissing

London Uber driver kicks out two gay men from car for kissing

British monk charged with harassment, posting anti-gay leaflets

British monk charged with harassment, posting anti-gay leaflets

Irish sports star says voting no to gay marriage does not make you anti-gay

Irish sports star says voting no to gay marriage does not make you anti-gay

If you opposed equality for blacks, you'd be racist.
If you opposed equality for Jews, you'd be anti-Semitic. You clearly
oppose equality for gays - and that makes you homophobic.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Trailer park king sued by residents in Texas for raising rents | US news | The Guardian

Trailer park king sued by residents in Texas for raising rents | US news | The Guardian

9 Georgia Deputies Fired After Mentally Ill Man Dies In Custody | Global Grind

9 Georgia Deputies Fired After Mentally Ill Man Dies In Custody | Global Grind

Only 1% of gays are 'completely accepted' in sports: Survey

Only 1% of gays are 'completely accepted' in sports: Survey

 Claiming that it is as high as 1% must be a falsehood - most athletes & sports-fans are COMPLETELY homophobic.

Girl, 12, bullied for bisexuality commits suicide

Girl, 12, bullied for bisexuality commits suicide

John Whittingdale, who has voted strongly against gay rights, elected as UK culture secretary

John Whittingdale, who has voted strongly against gay rights, elected as UK culture secretary

Tyler, the Creator explains use of neo-Nazi logo on gay pride T-shirt

Tyler, the Creator explains use of neo-Nazi logo on gay pride T-shirt

 This guy is a true idiot

Kenya newspaper prints list of 'top homos'

Kenya newspaper prints list of 'top homos'

Friday, May 8, 2015

If you believe Jade Helm 15 is real, you might consider that you need to stop listening to Alex Jones & watching Fox News - because you're officially believing "right-wing created" conspiracy-theories just to avoid expanding your own mind & waking the fuck up. If you believe Alex Jones, David Icke, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh or those other "nutty as a fucking fruitcake" bullshit-artists, you officially need to quit pickling your brain with alcohol.

Republicans put plans to reauthorise Patriot Act on hold after court ruling | US news | The Guardian

Republicans put plans to reauthorise Patriot Act on hold after court ruling | US news | The Guardian

Gay couple violently hit over head with chair inside Manhattan restaurant - see shocking video

Gay couple violently hit over head with chair inside Manhattan restaurant - see shocking video

Nigel Farage accused of being homophobic over 'fag' joke

Nigel Farage accused of being homophobic over 'fag' joke

Radio presenter quits over Marriage Equality Referendum

Radio presenter quits over Marriage Equality Referendum

Nebraska woman's federal lawsuit against all gays (on behalf of Jesus) thrown out of court

Nebraska woman's federal lawsuit against all gays (on behalf of Jesus) thrown out of court

College football player punches gay couple, gets kicked off team

College football player punches gay couple, gets kicked off team

College chaplain's anti-gay mass email sparks outrage

College chaplain's anti-gay mass email sparks outrage

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

UK schools sent death threats, dead animals hung up in playgrounds for pro-gay teaching

UK schools sent death threats, dead animals hung up in playgrounds for pro-gay teaching

World cricket chief accused of holding gay son captive, forcing him to marry woman

World cricket chief accused of holding gay son captive, forcing him to marry woman

Gay Australia ambassador offers to resign after Prime Minister Tony Abbott snubs partner

Gay Australia ambassador offers to resign after Prime Minister Tony Abbott snubs partner

It’s time to stop protecting the SS doctor who operated on gay men in Holocaust

It’s time to stop protecting the SS doctor who operated on gay men in Holocaust

Iran bans 'gay' spiky hairstyles

Iran bans 'gay' spiky hairstyles

Teacher suspended for showing film warning boys of 'homosexual predators'

Teacher suspended for showing film warning boys of 'homosexual predators'

Monday, May 4, 2015

Statues of Snowden, Assange, Manning unveiled in Berlin’s Alexanderplatz square

Statues of Snowden, Assange, Manning unveiled in Berlin’s Alexanderplatz square

Anti-gay politician in North Dakota is caught sending photos of penis on Grindr

Anti-gay politician in North Dakota is caught sending photos of penis on Grindr

Anti-gay protester dragged out of Supreme Court screaming: 'You will burn in hell!'

Anti-gay protester dragged out of Supreme Court screaming: 'You will burn in hell!'

[Serious] Ex-homophobes of Reddit, what changed your mind? : AskReddit

[Serious] Ex-homophobes of Reddit, what changed your mind? : AskReddit

Gay Muslim risks death filming pilgrimage to Mecca for new documentary

Gay Muslim risks death filming pilgrimage to Mecca for new documentary

Russia lawmaker accuses Apple of distributing gay porn to minors in the form of U2's free album

Russia lawmaker accuses Apple of distributing gay porn to minors in the form of U2's free album

 You have to admit you would be annoyed at U2 songs on your phone also.
They are one of the worst bands of all-time & nothing but media

National Organization for Marriage founder writes open letter to Supreme Court Justice Kennedy

National Organization for Marriage founder writes open letter to Supreme Court Justice Kennedy

 As always, She ends by noting that human relationships do not need governmental approval - just like the Libertarian position.

ISIS stone 'gay' man to death after he survived being thrown off a roof

ISIS stone 'gay' man to death after he survived being thrown off a roof

Kenya government: 'We will not allow homosexuality in our society'

Kenya government: 'We will not allow homosexuality in our society'

Ian Reisner: 'Gay men are cheap and entitled'

Ian Reisner: 'Gay men are cheap and entitled'

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Dear journalists: Asking as a gay man, please quit using myself & people like me as a pawn to make headlines & sell more issues. You & I both know that heterosexuals like you will not allow my people to have rights equal to yours' on a federal level anytime soon & that you will always continue to discriminate against us as much as you possibly & legally can. You continue to state federal equal-rights are coming to drag readers in, but we both know it is a complete & total lie. Please quit using LGBT in your stories if they are nothing but another lie. Thank You.

NI's Health Minister sorry for saying gay couples are more likely to 'abuse' children

NI's Health Minister sorry for saying gay couples are more likely to 'abuse' children 

"I'm sorry for lying, but my bigotry comes first."

Mother of bisexual asylum seeker will sue Britain if they send her son home to die

Mother of bisexual asylum seeker will sue Britain if they send her son home to die

India's upper house of parliament passes landmark transgender rights bill

India's upper house of parliament passes landmark transgender rights bill

Kris Humphries on former father-in-law Bruce Jenner's transition: 'I'm glad I got out when I did'

Kris Humphries on former father-in-law Bruce Jenner's transition: 'I'm glad I got out when I did'

 Well, what did you expect from a brain-dead neanderthal jock?

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Iran cleric: Father's fantasies during sex causes homosexuality

Iran cleric: Father's fantasies during sex causes homosexuality

UK gay man's Grindr date slashed his throat and left him to die

UK gay man's Grindr date slashed his throat and left him to die

 Heterosexuals will never quite understand that a fear of something like THIS happening is something we are forced to grow-up with & face every time we encounter another human-being thanks to fundamentalism. They will never, ever understand the terror of knowing there are segments of the population that want you dead & have not even gotten to know you.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Were Lincoln and Nixon gay? The ‘history’ book that is dividing America | World news | The Guardian

Were Lincoln and Nixon gay? The ‘history’ book that is dividing America | World news | The Guardian

 The heterosexuals will NEVER allow the history to be public-knowledge, of course.... And since the only ones who will care to read it are already LGBT....

ISIS fighters have murdered another gay man in Syria

ISIS fighters have murdered another gay man in Syria

ISIS fighters have murdered another gay man in Syria

ISIS fighters have murdered another gay man in Syria

Former Dupont Officer Charged With Raping Children as Gunpoint. – police state news

Former Dupont Officer Charged With Raping Children as Gunpoint. – police state news

State Trooper Accused or Raping 81 Year Old Woman Pleads No Contest – police state news

State Trooper Accused or Raping 81 Year Old Woman Pleads No Contest – police state news

Germantown Police Officer Charged With Rape, Assault – police state news

Germantown Police Officer Charged With Rape, Assault – police state news

400 Rape Cases Not Investigated Under Sheriff Joe Apaio – police state news

400 Rape Cases Not Investigated Under Sheriff Joe Apaio – police state news

Lubbock Police Officer Arrested for Indecent Exposure. – police state news

Lubbock Police Officer Arrested for Indecent Exposure. – police state news

Police Chief Who Raped 7 Year Old Boy Found Dead in His Backyard – police state news

Police Chief Who Raped 7 Year Old Boy Found Dead in His Backyard – police state news

Officer Tickles Feet, Jokes, and Tampers With Corpse of Unarmed Man Killed by Police – police state news

Officer Tickles Feet, Jokes, and Tampers With Corpse of Unarmed Man Killed by Police – police state news

WA Trooper Sentenced For Child Rape, Incest, Child Pornography – police state news

WA Trooper Sentenced For Child Rape, Incest, Child Pornography – police state news

Man admits sending threatening letter to gay bar in Iowa - claimed it was filled with anthrax

Man admits sending threatening letter to gay bar in Iowa - claimed it was filled with anthrax

 He'll be considered a hero by conservatives....

Hungarian man faces 155 years' jail for running gay sex slave ring in Miami

Hungarian man faces 155 years' jail for running gay sex slave ring in Miami

Brazilian politician claims 'gay blood' should be separated

Brazilian politician claims 'gay blood' should be separated

Thursday, April 9, 2015

California activist counters 'shoot the gays' initiative with Shellfish Suppression Act

California activist counters 'shoot the gays' initiative with Shellfish Suppression Act

AFA’s Bryan Fischer compares anti-gay Indiana pizzeria owners to Holocaust diarist Anne Frank

AFA’s Bryan Fischer compares anti-gay Indiana pizzeria owners to Holocaust diarist Anne Frank

UK paramedic claimed he was gay to get close to women - then raped them

UK paramedic claimed he was gay to get close to women - then raped them

Gunmen attack group of transgender women in Pakistan killing two

Gunmen attack group of transgender women in Pakistan killing two

Native American tribes may be last holdouts on gay marriage in the USA

Native American tribes may be last holdouts on gay marriage in the USA

 Thank fundamentalism.

Trans woman killed in London, police appeal for witnesses

Trans woman killed in London, police appeal for witnesses

Singapore man extorts older male teacher for $197,000, four Chanel bags and Rolex watch

Singapore man extorts older male teacher for $197,000, four Chanel bags and Rolex watch

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Silk Road defense responds: Gov’t corruption was barred from evidence, impeding our case | The Cryptosphere

Silk Road defense responds: Gov’t corruption was barred from evidence, impeding our case | The Cryptosphere

Arkansas legislature passes 'religious freedom' bill similar to one causing firestorm in Indiana

Arkansas legislature passes 'religious freedom' bill similar to one causing firestorm in Indiana

Kentucky: Gay marriage ban isn't biased, straight people can't marry same sex either

Kentucky: Gay marriage ban isn't biased, straight people can't marry same sex either

Rand Paul doesn't believe in gay rights

Rand Paul doesn't believe in gay rights

US Presbyterians condemned by 34,000 black churches for allowing religious gay marriages

US Presbyterians condemned by 34,000 black churches for allowing religious gay marriages

Indiana pizzeria: 'We will never deliver pizza to a gay wedding'

Indiana pizzeria: 'We will never deliver pizza to a gay wedding'

 ...And I doubt you'd ever be asked-to, redneck...

Friday, March 27, 2015

German drinks start-up refused to supply gay bar over fear of 'slipping into a certain corner'

German drinks start-up refused to supply gay bar over fear of 'slipping into a certain corner'

George Takei warns Indiana governor of boycott if anti-gay bill is signed into law

George Takei warns Indiana governor of boycott if anti-gay bill is signed into law

Turkey cartoonists fined for implying president is gay

Turkey cartoonists fined for implying president is gay

Thailand to ban gays from monkhood

Thailand to ban gays from monkhood

Expat kicked out of bar in Seoul for being gay

Expat kicked out of bar in Seoul for being gay

New Zealand man escapes prison over gay bar assault

New Zealand man escapes prison over gay bar assault

Debate delayed on Australian same-sex marriage bill yet again

Debate delayed on Australian same-sex marriage bill yet again

Microsoft CMO on same-sex marriage: I don’t understand why Ben & Jerry's have gone there

Microsoft CMO on same-sex marriage: I don’t understand why Ben & Jerry's have gone there

Indiana's governor signs controversial anti-gay religious freedom bill into law

Indiana's governor signs controversial anti-gay religious freedom bill into law

Manager at state-owned enterprise expelled from Chinese Communist Party over gay affair

Manager at state-owned enterprise expelled from Chinese Communist Party over gay affair

Disciples of Christ church threaten to move conference out of Indiana over new anti-gay law

Disciples of Christ church threaten to move conference out of Indiana over new anti-gay law

Law firm lobbies UK Government to introduce non-gendered ‘X’ passports

Law firm lobbies UK Government to introduce non-gendered ‘X’ passports

Jamaica PM defends LGBTI killings by claiming country 'respects' gays

Jamaica PM defends LGBTI killings by claiming country 'respects' gays

Fire Island blaze engulfs and destroys buildings in gay area

Fire Island blaze engulfs and destroys buildings in gay area

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Mein Stolperstein ist für …

...And Munich has banned them.... And is removing ones already currently in-place (english-subtitles)


Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Will Ferrell defends anti-gay jokes in Get Hard

Will Ferrell defends anti-gay jokes in Get Hard

 I've never understood why he is considered funny anyway. The style of comedy he does borders on "pee-pee"/"ca-ca"/"wee-wee" kindergarten humor. It's lowest common denominator comedy that makes Adam Sandler look almost intelligent by comparison.

Trans homecoming king, 18, commits suicide

Trans homecoming king, 18, commits suicide

 When will fundamentalists be held accountable for the hate-filled world they have created & the millions that have died because of them?

US Family Research Council president warns of Christian uprising if gay marriage comes to all 50 states

US Family Research Council president warns of Christian uprising if gay marriage comes to all 50 states

 Just try it, you Nazi-sympathizers.....

Gamers threaten to pull $50 million convention out of Indiana if governor signs anti-gay bill

Gamers threaten to pull $50 million convention out of Indiana if governor signs anti-gay bill

Read the tragic true story of the last UK men hanged for gay sex

Read the tragic true story of the last UK men hanged for gay sex

Israeli settlers are using archaeological digs as cover to take Palestinian land, British government says - Middle East - World - The Independent

Israeli settlers are using archaeological digs as cover to take Palestinian land, British government says - Middle East - World - The Independent

UK students' union passes policy to stop white gay men acting like black women

UK students' union passes policy to stop white gay men acting like black women

 Oh, for fuck's sake..... This is just ridiculous stereotyping, if not outright homophobic.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

PressTV-I killed 13 Palestine kids today: Sniper

PressTV-I killed 13 Palestine kids today: Sniper

US Threatened Germany Over Snowden, Vice Chancellor Says - The Intercept

US Threatened Germany Over Snowden, Vice Chancellor Says - The Intercept

Mall of America Security Catfished Black Lives Matter Activists, Documents Show - The Intercept

Mall of America Security Catfished Black Lives Matter Activists, Documents Show - The Intercept

Russia calls for vote, wants UN to halt same-sex marriage benefits for staffers

Russia calls for vote, wants UN to halt same-sex marriage benefits for staffers

Authorities try to shut down Russia's only support group for LGBTI youths because of 'gay propaganda'

Authorities try to shut down Russia's only support group for LGBTI youths because of 'gay propaganda'

Uganda spent 600 million on PR to deal with anti-gay law backlash

Uganda spent 600 million on PR to deal with anti-gay law backlash

Cardinal who groped male priests while comparing gay marriage to child abuse resigns

Cardinal who groped male priests while comparing gay marriage to child abuse resigns