Saturday, January 31, 2015

U.S. NGO: Evangelical 'hate group' funding Republican National Committee trip to Israel - Jewish World News - Israel News | Haaretz

U.S. NGO: Evangelical 'hate group' funding Republican National Committee trip to Israel - Jewish World News - Israel News | Haaretz

Toronto proposes 54 new shelter beds for LGBT youth | Daily Xtra

Toronto proposes 54 new shelter beds for LGBT youth | Daily Xtra

TPP: Global nightmare for democracy, workers rights and the 99%? | Green Shadow Cabinet

TPP: Global nightmare for democracy, workers rights and the 99%? | Green Shadow Cabinet

Enbridge Gets Another Federal Tar Sands Crude Pipeline Permit As Senate Debates Keystone XL | Global Research

Enbridge Gets Another Federal Tar Sands Crude Pipeline Permit As Senate Debates Keystone XL | Global Research

David Wagoner reads “A Report to the City Commissioners” | Rise Up Times

David Wagoner reads “A Report to the City Commissioners” | Rise Up Times

Protesters Call for War Criminal Henry Kissinger’s Arrest; John McCain Threatens Them with Arrest…

Protesters Call for War Criminal Henry Kissinger’s Arrest; John McCain Threatens Them with Arrest…

Boehner: ‘I Was The Tea Party Before There Was A Tea Party’ - Tea Party News

Boehner: ‘I Was The Tea Party Before There Was A Tea Party’ - Tea Party News

Boehner: ‘I Was The Tea Party Before There Was A Tea Party’ - Tea Party News

Boehner: ‘I Was The Tea Party Before There Was A Tea Party’ - Tea Party News

Wisconsin GOP calls off fundraiser after Democrats note Assembly rules violation : Ct

Wisconsin GOP calls off fundraiser after Democrats note Assembly rules violation : Ct

Britons loathe Israel more than Iran, survey finds | The Times of Israel

Britons loathe Israel more than Iran, survey finds | The Times of Israel

Exxon oil spill town 'deserted land', residents still getting sick, forced to abandon homes — RT USA

Exxon oil spill town 'deserted land', residents still getting sick, forced to abandon homes — RT USA

Free Public Transit: You benefit from #publictransit even if you do not...

Free Public Transit: You benefit from #publictransit even if you do not...: Laredo Morning Times : "• If you are a homeowner, public transportation in a community could spell financial security during times of e...

Israel destroys water lines feeding Palestinian areas in Jordan Valley | Maan News Agency

Israel destroys water lines feeding Palestinian areas in Jordan Valley | Maan News Agency

Income gap in Florida among highest in U.S.

Income gap in Florida among highest in U.S.

Texas executes intellectually disabled killer Robert Ladd | US news | The Guardian

Texas executes intellectually disabled killer Robert Ladd | US news | The Guardian

Scott Walker’s divisive message: The Wisconsin governor doesn’t think he needs minorities to win in 2016.

Scott Walker’s divisive message: The Wisconsin governor doesn’t think he needs minorities to win in 2016.

The New York Times endorsed a secretive trade agreement that the public can’t read - The Washington Post

The New York Times endorsed a secretive trade agreement that the public can’t read - The Washington Post

BREAKING: NYPD to Permanently Patrol Protests with Machine Guns

BREAKING: NYPD to Permanently Patrol Protests with Machine Guns

Gay couple files complaint after being kicked out of taxi in Chicago for sharing chaste kiss

Gay couple files complaint after being kicked out of taxi in Chicago for sharing chaste kiss

Bruce Jenner transitioning to female

Bruce Jenner transitioning to female

Northern Ireland gay activists fight bill which could allow gay discrimination

Northern Ireland gay activists fight bill which could allow gay discrimination

Missouri man arrested after telling woman he wanted to show her where he hung her grandpa

Missouri man arrested after telling woman he wanted to show her where he hung her grandpa

Friday, January 30, 2015

Ethics complaint filed against Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore

Ethics complaint filed against Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore

Lesbian lawmaker in Alabama who threatened to expose affairs of anti-gay colleagues is getting death threats

Lesbian lawmaker in Alabama who threatened to expose affairs of anti-gay colleagues is getting death threats

US lawmakers introduce bill to promote gay rights globally

US lawmakers introduce bill to promote gay rights globally

Magic: The Gathering gets first trans character

Magic: The Gathering gets first trans character

Anti-gay referendum looms in Slovakia but may apathy save the day?

Anti-gay referendum looms in Slovakia but may apathy save the day?

Idaho Republicans kill gay protections bill

Idaho Republicans kill gay protections bill

Straight couple arrested for gay sex in Tanzania

Straight couple arrested for gay sex in Tanzania

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Gov. Scott Walker seeks $300 million in university cuts, but $220 million to build Bucks a new arena

Gov. Scott Walker seeks $300 million in university cuts, but $220 million to build Bucks a new arena

Seattle police apologize for wrongful arrest of African American senior citizen with golf club

Seattle police apologize for wrongful arrest of African American senior citizen with golf club

Police Dogs Turned Loose on Restrained University Student

Police Dogs Turned Loose on Restrained University Student

Cancel all Student Debt

Cancel all Student Debt

UK bank accuses woman of fraud just because she is trans

UK bank accuses woman of fraud just because she is trans

Germaine Greer: Transphobia does not exist

Germaine Greer: Transphobia does not exist

 Even feminists can be brain-dead bigots.

Rome recognizes gay civil unions

Rome recognizes gay civil unions

Chile gives final approval to gay civil unions

Chile gives final approval to gay civil unions

Gay conservative pundit Andrew Sullivan is quitting blogging

Gay conservative pundit Andrew Sullivan is quitting blogging

 Another hypocrite soon to be gone.

Bryan Fischer, one of the most anti-gay voices in the US, is fired

Bryan Fischer, one of the most anti-gay voices in the US, is fired

Gay students who posted kiss pic on Facebook told by court they were 'asking' for death threats

Gay students who posted kiss pic on Facebook told by court they were 'asking' for death threats

Belarus soccer team fires gay man after fans campaigned for 'no fags'

Belarus soccer team fires gay man after fans campaigned for 'no fags'

Gay couple owns Jeb Bush for President website, and they're not going to give it up

Gay couple owns Jeb Bush for President website, and they're not going to give it up

Suspend contributor who said Jesus would applaud killing Muslims | Faithful America

Suspend contributor who said Jesus would applaud killing Muslims | Faithful America

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Meet The 80 People Who Are As Rich As Half The World | FiveThirtyEight

Meet The 80 People Who Are As Rich As Half The World | FiveThirtyEight

Why do 7% of gay Americans oppose marriage equality?

Why do 7% of gay Americans oppose marriage equality?

Dublin school cancels anti-gay bullying workshops as 'both sides should be represented'

Dublin school cancels anti-gay bullying workshops as 'both sides should be represented'

Joe. My. God.: GEORGIA: Marriage Case Put On Hold

Joe. My. God.: GEORGIA: Marriage Case Put On Hold

Pastor who claims Starbucks puts semen in lattes admits he was tempted by gay sex

Pastor who claims Starbucks puts semen in lattes admits he was tempted by gay sex

UKIP candidate approves of calling gays 'fascist perverts'

UKIP candidate approves of calling gays 'fascist perverts'

Nine young gay men, attacked by mob, arrested and tortured by Uganda police

Nine young gay men, attacked by mob, arrested and tortured by Uganda police

Indisputable proof that prosecutors and politicians are penalized when they hold police accountable

Indisputable proof that prosecutors and politicians are penalized when they hold police accountable

The 13-year-old boy who grew up in a Georgia prison: Michael Lewis, now 18 years into his sentence

The 13-year-old boy who grew up in a Georgia prison: Michael Lewis, now 18 years into his sentence

Justice Stevens Pens Six Amendments to Tune-Up Constitution

Justice Stevens Pens Six Amendments to Tune-Up Constitution

Pipeline explodes in West Virginia

Pipeline explodes in West Virginia

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Lawsuit says bankers knew loans to Detroiters were risky

Lawsuit says bankers knew loans to Detroiters were risky

French Catholic group buys gay bar just to close it down

French Catholic group buys gay bar just to close it down

Philippines: Vigan city bans anti-gay hate

Philippines: Vigan city bans anti-gay hate

Trans woman murdered in Texas

Trans woman murdered in Texas

Bryan Fischer: 'You are literally staring at Satan when you meet gay people'

Bryan Fischer: 'You are literally staring at Satan when you meet gay people'

 Apparently, I am Satan - hear me roar.....

Gay victims of the Holocaust, we will remember you

Gay victims of the Holocaust, we will remember you

12 men arrested in Nigeria for holding a 'gay wedding'

12 men arrested in Nigeria for holding a 'gay wedding'

Gay lawmaker threatens to expose anti-gay colleagues' affairs if they keep going on about 'family values'

Gay lawmaker threatens to expose anti-gay colleagues' affairs if they keep going on about 'family values'

As inequality soars, the nervous super rich are already planning their escapes | Public Leaders Network | The Guardian

As inequality soars, the nervous super rich are already planning their escapes | Public Leaders Network | The Guardian

Sam Smith: Stay With Me's similarity to Tom Petty hit 'was coincidence' | Music | The Guardian

Sam Smith: Stay With Me's similarity to Tom Petty hit 'was coincidence' | Music | The Guardian

 Can you say, "Bullshit, Sam Smith is a plagiarist."?

Monday, January 26, 2015

​Oakland cops' license cams follow drivers everywhere - Boing Boing

​Oakland cops' license cams follow drivers everywhere - Boing Boing

Children given lifelong ban on talking about fracking | Environment | The Guardian

Children given lifelong ban on talking about fracking | Environment | The Guardian

WikiLeaks demands answers after Google hands staff emails to US government | Technology | The Guardian

WikiLeaks demands answers after Google hands staff emails to US government | Technology | The Guardian

Conservative US pundit jokes about poison in wedding cakes for same-sex couples

Conservative US pundit jokes about poison in wedding cakes for same-sex couples

Louisiana governor wants to amend Constitution to block gay marriage

Louisiana governor wants to amend Constitution to block gay marriage

US teacher who ran gay-straight alliance gunned down, teen in custody

US teacher who ran gay-straight alliance gunned down, teen in custody

Hold CIA Leaders Accountable! - Wyden for Senate

Hold CIA Leaders Accountable!

UKIP leader Nigel Farage’s top aide goes on trans women rant

UKIP leader Nigel Farage’s top aide goes on trans women rant

 From 2010 to 2014, this party remains hate-filled shits...

Alan Turing's secret notebook is set to go to auction and sell for seven figures

Alan Turing's secret notebook is set to go to auction and sell for seven figures

Saturday, January 24, 2015

UN Human Rights Committee Finds US in Violation on 25 Counts

UN Human Rights Committee Finds US in Violation on 25 Counts

Michele Bachmann May Go From Congress to Prison as DOJ Launches Investigation

Michele Bachmann May Go From Congress to Prison as DOJ Launches Investigation

Nearly 3 Million Gallons Of Drilling Waste Spill From North Dakota Pipeline | ThinkProgress

Nearly 3 Million Gallons Of Drilling Waste Spill From North Dakota Pipeline | ThinkProgress

EXCLUSIVE: New Documents Show FBI Targeted NATO Protesters - In These Times

EXCLUSIVE: New Documents Show FBI Targeted NATO Protesters - In These Times

Oil Spill into Yellowstone River Sends Montana Residents Into State of Emergency

Oil Spill into Yellowstone River Sends Montana Residents Into State of Emergency

Erin Brockovich: Flint water system 'failing,' stop making excuses |

Erin Brockovich: Flint water system 'failing,' stop making excuses |

Julian Assange's New Book Exposes The Google-Government Partnership AnonHQ

Julian Assange's New Book Exposes The Google-Government Partnership AnonHQ

The Benefits of Economic Expansions Are Increasingly Going to the Richest Americans -

The Benefits of Economic Expansions Are Increasingly Going to the Richest Americans -

Despite Prior Claims, FBI’s Own Records Show Agency Coordinated with Police & Spied on Occupy Movement | The Dissenter

Despite Prior Claims, FBI’s Own Records Show Agency Coordinated with Police & Spied on Occupy Movement | The Dissenter

Snowden Reveals First Ever Public Disclosure of Secret Black Budget Programs » The Event Chronicle

Snowden Reveals First Ever Public Disclosure of Secret Black Budget Programs » The Event Chronicle

Deaths Of “Gray State” Director And Family Under Investigation | Ben Swann Truth In Media

Deaths Of “Gray State” Director And Family Under Investigation | Ben Swann Truth In Media

Barrett Brown sentenced to 63 months for 'merely linking to hacked material' | Technology | The Guardian

Barrett Brown sentenced to 63 months for 'merely linking to hacked material' | Technology | The Guardian

Tax Wall Street NOW!!!

Take Action

 Tax Wall Street NOW!!!

Compensation for ousted CEO is roughly the same as the total compensation for 17,600 workers

Compensation for ousted CEO is roughly the same as the total compensation for 17,600 workers

These are the Democrats who voted against abortion coverage, Wall Street reform, and the environment

These are the Democrats who voted against abortion coverage, Wall Street reform, and the environment

My Husband's Not Straight

Federal judge strikes down Alabama's gay marriage ban

Federal judge strikes down Alabama's gay marriage ban

Oklahoma lawmaker files three bills targeting LGBTs

Oklahoma lawmaker files three bills targeting LGBTs

IS releases evil penal code, sodomy punished by death

IS releases evil penal code, sodomy punished by death

Nashville school rejects children being raised by two gay dads

Nashville school rejects children being raised by two gay dads

Nashville school rejects children being raised by two gay dads

Nashville school rejects children being raised by two gay dads

Russian founder of LGBTI teen support group fined thousands for breaking anti-gay law

Russian founder of LGBTI teen support group fined thousands for breaking anti-gay law

Friday, January 23, 2015

Singapore blogger found guilty of contempt for post criticizing anti-gay law

Singapore blogger found guilty of contempt for post criticizing anti-gay law

US government spent nearly $500,000 to study Grindr

US government spent nearly $500,000 to study Grindr

 I can hear the National Institute Of Health now - "Where did all these queers come from? Can we blame this on Satan?".

US ‘ex-gay’ movement pioneer turned critic John Evans has died aged 80

US ‘ex-gay’ movement pioneer turned critic John Evans has died aged 80

Chile approves same-sex civil unions

Chile approves same-sex civil unions

Scientist Richard Dawkins reveals homophobic hate mail: ‘You’re gay and stupid’

Scientist Richard Dawkins reveals homophobic hate mail: ‘You’re gay and stupid’

US Evangelicals and senior Catholics unite to condemn same-sex marriage

US Evangelicals and senior Catholics unite to condemn same-sex marriage

Monday, January 19, 2015

Mass Eviction at Sage Pointe Apartments in Clarkston

Mass Eviction at Sage Pointe Apartments in Clarkston

The Poor People's Campaign: the little-known protest MLK was planning when he died - Vox

The Poor People's Campaign: the little-known protest MLK was planning when he died - Vox

Thailand abbot resigns amid gay sex row

Thailand abbot resigns amid gay sex row

Priest arrested in Cameroon for being gay

Priest arrested in Cameroon for being gay

Billy Crystal: 'Gay scenes on TV are going too far'

Billy Crystal: 'Gay scenes on TV are going too far'

Russia will ban films that 'defile its culture'

Russia will ban films that 'defile its culture'

Why now is the time for world and business leaders to talk LGBT at Davos

Why now is the time for world and business leaders to talk LGBT at Davos

Labour's Lord Cashman pledges for the world to achieve gay rights by 2020

Labour's Lord Cashman pledges for the world to achieve gay rights by 2020

Citizens United Fifth Anniversary Event - The Action Network

Citizens United Fifth Anniversary Event - The Action Network

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Top European human rights official slams Russian ban on transgender drivers

Top European human rights official slams Russian ban on transgender drivers

Virginia lawmaker introduces bill to allow businesses to legally discriminate against LGBTIs

Virginia lawmaker introduces bill to allow businesses to legally discriminate against LGBTIs

Westboro Baptist Church driven away from protest by pro-gay supporters

Westboro Baptist Church driven away from protest by pro-gay supporters

UK armed forces to ask recruits if they’re gay

UK armed forces to ask recruits if they’re gay

Gay UK football fans lured to hoax meeting and attacked

Gay UK football fans lured to hoax meeting and attacked

US country singer calls New Jersey governor and Dallas Cowboys owner gay lovers

US country singer calls New Jersey governor and Dallas Cowboys owner gay lovers

Anti-gay US pundit wonders if bisexuals want two spouses

Anti-gay US pundit wonders if bisexuals want two spouses

Kyrgyzstan lawmaker calls for public execution of all gays

Kyrgyzstan lawmaker calls for public execution of all gays

Psychologist warns serial killer may be stalking Manchester’s gay village

Psychologist warns serial killer may be stalking Manchester’s gay village

Philippines archbishop: 'Being a homosexual is not a sin'

Philippines archbishop: 'Being a homosexual is not a sin'

India state plans official rehab to 'cure' gay teens

India state plans official rehab to 'cure' gay teens

Independent Concerns: The War on Drugs and the Cost of Vice

Independent Concerns: The War on Drugs and the Cost of Vice: Travon Free takes a look at the War on Drugs-- is it worth losing? The legalization of prostitution, drugs, and sports gambling could br...

How Congress Plans To Kill Dodd-Frank And Keep Wall Street Unregulated

How Congress Plans To Kill Dodd-Frank And Keep Wall Street Unregulated

Albuquerque Police Officers Who Shot Homeless Man Face Murder Charges

Albuquerque Police Officers Who Shot Homeless Man Face Murder Charges

Federal judge says there is no 'sufficient justification' for South Dakota's gay marriage ban - strikes it down

Federal judge says there is no 'sufficient justification' for South Dakota's gay marriage ban - strikes it down

UN secretary-general 'staunchly opposes' India gay sex ban

UN secretary-general 'staunchly opposes' India gay sex ban

Tesco cashier tells lesbian couple 'gay people shouldn't have babies'

Tesco cashier tells lesbian couple 'gay people shouldn't have babies'

Gary Sinise pulls out of summit for anti-gay Catholic group amid controversy

Gary Sinise pulls out of summit for anti-gay Catholic group amid controversy

India state minister denies gay 'rehab' plans

India state minister denies gay 'rehab' plans

Gay couple told to leave British pub for kissing

Gay couple told to leave British pub for kissing

Could one court ruling force Northern Ireland to allow gay marriage?

Could one court ruling force Northern Ireland to allow gay marriage?

Gambia president: 'Earth is doomed because of gays'

Gambia president: 'Earth is doomed because of gays'

Saturday, January 10, 2015

US Supreme Court still mum on whether it will hear gay marriage cases this term

US Supreme Court still mum on whether it will hear gay marriage cases this term

Federal Appeals Court hears arguments on marriage bans in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas

Federal Appeals Court hears arguments on marriage bans in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas

'We as a society have failed' Leelah Alcorn and other LGBT youths, gay Cincinnati City Councilman tells assembly

'We as a society have failed' Leelah Alcorn and other LGBT youths, gay Cincinnati City Councilman tells assembly

Australian former councilor forced to apologize for gay slur after 9-year legal battle

Australian former councilor forced to apologize for gay slur after 9-year legal battle

Panti Bliss tells us why the little things, like holding hands, matter

Panti Bliss tells us why the little things, like holding hands, matter

UPDATE: George Zimmerman Arrested Charged With Aggravated Assault, Domestic Violence With A Weapon

UPDATE: George Zimmerman Arrested Charged With Aggravated Assault, Domestic Violence With A Weapon

Friday, January 9, 2015

The right-wing domestic terror plot you didn’t hear about this week

The right-wing domestic terror plot you didn’t hear about this week

US Senator Marco Rubio lashes out at courts for striking down gay marriage ban

US Senator Marco Rubio lashes out at courts for striking down gay marriage ban

Snoop Dogg faces lawsuit after mocking gay carer on Instagram

Snoop Dogg faces lawsuit after mocking gay carer on Instagram

Radio host compares Paris shooting to gay 'terrorism' in Atlanta

Radio host compares Paris shooting to gay 'terrorism' in Atlanta

US Christian author urges families to retreat into 1950’s programming to avoid gays on the TV

US Christian author urges families to retreat into 1950’s programming to avoid gays on the TV

HRC takes action against Saks for defending anti-trans discrimination

HRC takes action against Saks for defending anti-trans discrimination

Dublin priest comes out as gay at church, receives standing ovation

Dublin priest comes out as gay at church, receives standing ovation

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Deal's daughter-in-law's firm gets big payment from election

Deal's daughter-in-law's firm gets big payment from election
Rand Paul needs to accept Palistinians have rights

Miami archbishop threatens to fire employees who support gay marriage

Miami archbishop threatens to fire employees who support gay marriage

US Christian pundit claims LGBTI people are possessed by demons in response to Leelah Alcorn suicide

US Christian pundit claims LGBTI people are possessed by demons in response to Leelah Alcorn suicide

Transgender woman turned away from Western Wall in Jerusalem

Transgender woman turned away from Western Wall in Jerusalem

Is this the most comically bad, anti-gay poem ever written?

Is this the most comically bad, anti-gay poem ever written?

Gay leaders in the world's most anti-gay countries write letter to Obama

Gay leaders in the world's most anti-gay countries write letter to Obama

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Young Iraqis see Suicide as an Escape

Young Iraqis see Suicide as an Escape

FBI Documents Reveal Secret Nationwide Occupy Monitoring

FBI Documents Reveal Secret Nationwide Occupy Monitoring

Idaho’s Governor tries to ban same-sex marriage: says children benefit by being raised by heterosexuals

Idaho’s Governor tries to ban same-sex marriage: says children benefit by being raised by heterosexuals

Gay couple kicked out of Uber cab in London for kissing

Gay couple kicked out of Uber cab in London for kissing

First gay couple are married by a Mennonite Church in Canada

First gay couple are married by a Mennonite Church in Canada

Zimbabwe 'prophet' endorses Mugabe's threats to behead gays

Zimbabwe 'prophet' endorses Mugabe's threats to behead gays

Gay UKIP politician: 'Equality Nazis Labour and Lib Dems want to ban sex'

Gay UKIP politician: 'Equality Nazis Labour and Lib Dems want to ban sex'

Gay couple turned away from Wetherspoons pub in Manchester

Gay couple turned away from Wetherspoons pub in Manchester

600 arrested for gay sex in India last year

600 arrested for gay sex in India last year

United Methodists clear civil rights veteran bishop who wed a gay couple in Alabama

United Methodists clear civil rights veteran bishop who wed a gay couple in Alabama

Atlanta fire chief ousted for equating gay sex to bestiality

Atlanta fire chief ousted for equating gay sex to bestiality

Anti-gay politician awarded MBE by Queen 'welcomes scrutiny' by Ellen Page

Anti-gay politician awarded MBE by Queen 'welcomes scrutiny' by Ellen Page

Italian pamphlets are telling patients: 'Beware the gay dentist'

Italian pamphlets are telling patients: 'Beware the gay dentist'

Friday, January 2, 2015

2014: The year homophobes kept talking and saying little

2014: The year homophobes kept talking and saying little

Between The Lines - Steve Schnapp: Near Record Levels of Economic Inequality in U.S. Produced by Deliberate Government Policies (Week Ending Jan. 9, 2015)

Between The Lines - Steve Schnapp: Near Record Levels of Economic Inequality in U.S. Produced by Deliberate Government Policies (Week Ending Jan. 9, 2015)

WisDemocurmudgeon: Junk Food for Kids Lunches, but not for Low-Income Food Stamp Recipients.

WisDemocurmudgeon: Junk Food for Kids Lunches, but not for Low-Income Food Stamp Recipients.

Arrested For 'Unlawful Surveillance': Officer Took Nude Pics Of Woman Without Consent, Posted Online | Police State Daily

Arrested For 'Unlawful Surveillance': Officer Took Nude Pics Of Woman Without Consent, Posted Online | Police State Daily

Report: Cop Turned Himself In For Allegedly Attacking MTA Worker At Subway Station

Report: Cop Turned Himself In For Allegedly Attacking MTA Worker At Subway Station

Saudi beheads 83 people in 2014, the most in years |

Saudi beheads 83 people in 2014, the most in years |

Jamaica school principal has gay sex photos posted, gets death threats

Jamaica school principal has gay sex photos posted, gets death threats

Vigil to be held for trans man who jumped to his death in Pittsburgh

Vigil to be held for trans man who jumped to his death in Pittsburgh

Florida county clerks announce they will end courthouse wedding ceremonies

Florida county clerks announce they will end courthouse wedding ceremonies