Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Marco Rubio: Gay marriage is a 'real and present danger' to Christianity

Marco Rubio: Gay marriage is a 'real and present danger' to Christianity

Australian Opposition leader calls out PM with gay marriage bill

Australian Opposition leader calls out PM with gay marriage bill

Italy PM after Ireland referendum: 'Civil unions cannot be delayed any longer'

Italy PM after Ireland referendum: 'Civil unions cannot be delayed any longer'

Greenland legalizes gay marriage

Greenland legalizes gay marriage

Suspect in NYC anti-gay chair attack is gay

Suspect in NYC anti-gay chair attack is gay

Tennessee pastor stole $60,000 from church, spent it on gay dating sites

Tennessee pastor stole $60,000 from church, spent it on gay dating sites

Doctor told woman to blame her rape on being bisexual

Doctor told woman to blame her rape on being bisexual

Even if Boy Scouts ban on gay adults is lifted, religious sponsored units can keep it in place

Even if Boy Scouts ban on gay adults is lifted, religious sponsored units can keep it in place

Third San Diego trans teen commits suicide in three months

Third San Diego trans teen commits suicide in three months

Morocco jails three men for gay sex

Morocco jails three men for gay sex

Alabama minister given jail time for trying to marry lesbian couple

Alabama minister given jail time for trying to marry lesbian couple

Men who masturbate will find their hands pregnant in the afterlife, anti-gay televangelist warns

Men who masturbate will find their hands pregnant in the afterlife, anti-gay televangelist warns

Saturday, May 23, 2015

The part of Josh Dugger's arrest record not destroyed

10411826_1068469359835363_363650099887313173_n.jpg (JPEG Image, 500 × 682 pixels) - Scaled (88%)

CyberGuerrilla soApboX » #ro0ted #OpNewblood What the blackhats dont want you to know BE: think ur drive is really wiped?

CyberGuerrilla soApboX » #ro0ted #OpNewblood What the blackhats dont want you to know BE: think ur drive is really wiped?

New Orleans mayor responds to Louisiana's governor anti-gay religious freedom executive order

New Orleans mayor responds to Louisiana's governor anti-gay religious freedom executive order

Korean Christians are queuing up for weeks to block Queer Culture Festival

Korean Christians are queuing up for weeks to block Queer Culture Festival

Kyrgyzstan police demand IDAHOT participants’ strip to identify transgender people, says rights group

Kyrgyzstan police demand IDAHOT participants’ strip to identify transgender people, says rights group

Senate Staff, Not Senators, Decided to Close the NDAA

Senate Staff, Not Senators, Decided to Close the NDAA

Friday, May 22, 2015

Reserve Deputy Indicted on 58 Child Porn Charges, Back in Jail Charged With Raping Disabled Woman. – police state news

Reserve Deputy Indicted on 58 Child Porn Charges, Back in Jail Charged With Raping Disabled Woman. – police state news

Ian Reisner apologizes for Ted Cruz dinner again, donates $20,000 to Fire Island Pines

Ian Reisner apologizes for Ted Cruz dinner again, donates $20,000 to Fire Island Pines

 Fuck this son-of-a-bitch. May he forever regret his actions, especially so upon his death-bed.

Amid sexual abuse reports, Josh Duggar resigns from anti-gay Family Research Council

Amid sexual abuse reports, Josh Duggar resigns from anti-gay Family Research Council

How very Christian of him... To rape them, that is.

Ted Cruz: Gays should stop demanding equal rights because ISIS would execute them

Ted Cruz: Gays should stop demanding equal rights because ISIS would execute them

 Especially considering he is a supporter of the group that started ISIS....

Troll pays Twitter to promote tweet urging trans people to kill themselves

Troll pays Twitter to promote tweet urging trans people to kill themselves

Texas college bans gay athletes from dating, vocalizing supporting for same-sex marriage

Texas college bans gay athletes from dating, vocalizing supporting for same-sex marriage

 Well, it's the Christian thing to do.....

Mom: 'Pastor outed on Grindr told my gay teen son to kill himself'

Mom: 'Pastor outed on Grindr told my gay teen son to kill himself'

 Well, it's the Christian thing to do.....

New Zealand opposition leader apologizes for 'flippant' trans joke

New Zealand opposition leader apologizes for 'flippant' trans joke

 When you doubt that all you are to heterosexuals is comic-relief....

Agony Aunt tells dad: Don't take your kids to brother's gay wedding

Agony Aunt tells dad: Don't take your kids to brother's gay wedding

Swiss court rules gay couple can't both be fathers to their son

Swiss court rules gay couple can't both be fathers to their son

Friday, May 15, 2015

Fox News contributor: Amtrak engineer's sexuality 'a factor' in crash

Fox News contributor: Amtrak engineer's sexuality 'a factor' in crash

 Just like his socks! His socks clearly state he is part of a conspiracy to homosexualize Christians!

Chinese man 'accidentally' hacks 15-year-old boyfriend to death

Chinese man 'accidentally' hacks 15-year-old boyfriend to death

London Uber driver kicks out two gay men from car for kissing

London Uber driver kicks out two gay men from car for kissing

British monk charged with harassment, posting anti-gay leaflets

British monk charged with harassment, posting anti-gay leaflets

Irish sports star says voting no to gay marriage does not make you anti-gay

Irish sports star says voting no to gay marriage does not make you anti-gay

If you opposed equality for blacks, you'd be racist.
If you opposed equality for Jews, you'd be anti-Semitic. You clearly
oppose equality for gays - and that makes you homophobic.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Trailer park king sued by residents in Texas for raising rents | US news | The Guardian

Trailer park king sued by residents in Texas for raising rents | US news | The Guardian

9 Georgia Deputies Fired After Mentally Ill Man Dies In Custody | Global Grind

9 Georgia Deputies Fired After Mentally Ill Man Dies In Custody | Global Grind

Only 1% of gays are 'completely accepted' in sports: Survey

Only 1% of gays are 'completely accepted' in sports: Survey

 Claiming that it is as high as 1% must be a falsehood - most athletes & sports-fans are COMPLETELY homophobic.

Girl, 12, bullied for bisexuality commits suicide

Girl, 12, bullied for bisexuality commits suicide

John Whittingdale, who has voted strongly against gay rights, elected as UK culture secretary

John Whittingdale, who has voted strongly against gay rights, elected as UK culture secretary

Tyler, the Creator explains use of neo-Nazi logo on gay pride T-shirt

Tyler, the Creator explains use of neo-Nazi logo on gay pride T-shirt

 This guy is a true idiot

Kenya newspaper prints list of 'top homos'

Kenya newspaper prints list of 'top homos'

Friday, May 8, 2015

If you believe Jade Helm 15 is real, you might consider that you need to stop listening to Alex Jones & watching Fox News - because you're officially believing "right-wing created" conspiracy-theories just to avoid expanding your own mind & waking the fuck up. If you believe Alex Jones, David Icke, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh or those other "nutty as a fucking fruitcake" bullshit-artists, you officially need to quit pickling your brain with alcohol.

Republicans put plans to reauthorise Patriot Act on hold after court ruling | US news | The Guardian

Republicans put plans to reauthorise Patriot Act on hold after court ruling | US news | The Guardian

Gay couple violently hit over head with chair inside Manhattan restaurant - see shocking video

Gay couple violently hit over head with chair inside Manhattan restaurant - see shocking video

Nigel Farage accused of being homophobic over 'fag' joke

Nigel Farage accused of being homophobic over 'fag' joke

Radio presenter quits over Marriage Equality Referendum

Radio presenter quits over Marriage Equality Referendum

Nebraska woman's federal lawsuit against all gays (on behalf of Jesus) thrown out of court

Nebraska woman's federal lawsuit against all gays (on behalf of Jesus) thrown out of court

College football player punches gay couple, gets kicked off team

College football player punches gay couple, gets kicked off team

College chaplain's anti-gay mass email sparks outrage

College chaplain's anti-gay mass email sparks outrage

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

UK schools sent death threats, dead animals hung up in playgrounds for pro-gay teaching

UK schools sent death threats, dead animals hung up in playgrounds for pro-gay teaching

World cricket chief accused of holding gay son captive, forcing him to marry woman

World cricket chief accused of holding gay son captive, forcing him to marry woman

Gay Australia ambassador offers to resign after Prime Minister Tony Abbott snubs partner

Gay Australia ambassador offers to resign after Prime Minister Tony Abbott snubs partner

It’s time to stop protecting the SS doctor who operated on gay men in Holocaust

It’s time to stop protecting the SS doctor who operated on gay men in Holocaust

Iran bans 'gay' spiky hairstyles

Iran bans 'gay' spiky hairstyles

Teacher suspended for showing film warning boys of 'homosexual predators'

Teacher suspended for showing film warning boys of 'homosexual predators'

Monday, May 4, 2015

Statues of Snowden, Assange, Manning unveiled in Berlin’s Alexanderplatz square

Statues of Snowden, Assange, Manning unveiled in Berlin’s Alexanderplatz square

Anti-gay politician in North Dakota is caught sending photos of penis on Grindr

Anti-gay politician in North Dakota is caught sending photos of penis on Grindr

Anti-gay protester dragged out of Supreme Court screaming: 'You will burn in hell!'

Anti-gay protester dragged out of Supreme Court screaming: 'You will burn in hell!'

[Serious] Ex-homophobes of Reddit, what changed your mind? : AskReddit

[Serious] Ex-homophobes of Reddit, what changed your mind? : AskReddit

Gay Muslim risks death filming pilgrimage to Mecca for new documentary

Gay Muslim risks death filming pilgrimage to Mecca for new documentary

Russia lawmaker accuses Apple of distributing gay porn to minors in the form of U2's free album

Russia lawmaker accuses Apple of distributing gay porn to minors in the form of U2's free album

 You have to admit you would be annoyed at U2 songs on your phone also.
They are one of the worst bands of all-time & nothing but media

National Organization for Marriage founder writes open letter to Supreme Court Justice Kennedy

National Organization for Marriage founder writes open letter to Supreme Court Justice Kennedy

 As always, She ends by noting that human relationships do not need governmental approval - just like the Libertarian position.

ISIS stone 'gay' man to death after he survived being thrown off a roof

ISIS stone 'gay' man to death after he survived being thrown off a roof

Kenya government: 'We will not allow homosexuality in our society'

Kenya government: 'We will not allow homosexuality in our society'

Ian Reisner: 'Gay men are cheap and entitled'

Ian Reisner: 'Gay men are cheap and entitled'