Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Burmese MP's boast about forcing gay men to be porters during junta rule causes uproar

Burmese MP's boast about forcing gay men to be porters during junta rule causes uproar

Thai ice cream company apologizes for gay slur in post to mark US same-sex marriage ruling

Thai ice cream company apologizes for gay slur in post to mark US same-sex marriage ruling

Anti-gay for pay: Jewish hate group hires Mexican laborers to protest at New York Pride

Anti-gay for pay: Jewish hate group hires Mexican laborers to protest at New York Pride

Marriott urged not to host Christian attorney group that campaigns against gay rights

Marriott urged not to host Christian attorney group that campaigns against gay rights

Alan Sugar owned London gay pub up for sale, staff haven't been told

Alan Sugar owned London gay pub up for sale, staff haven't been told
Racism - Alive & Well on both Twitter & Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/CoonTown/ https://twitter.com/CoonTownReddit

Monday, June 29, 2015

Turkish police attack LGBTI protestors with water cannon, create a rainbow

Turkish police attack LGBTI protestors with water cannon, create a rainbow

Puerto Rico will begin marrying same-sex couples in early July

Puerto Rico will begin marrying same-sex couples in early July

Russian lawmaker wants Facebook blocked over rainbow flag filter

Russian lawmaker wants Facebook blocked over rainbow flag filter

This photography company's response to losing clients due to his support of gay marriage is amazing

This photography company's response to losing clients due to his support of gay marriage is amazing

Texas Attorney General tells clerks they can refuse to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples

Texas Attorney General tells clerks they can refuse to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples

Pastor blames Jews for US gay marriage ruling

Pastor blames Jews for US gay marriage ruling

Mozambique officially makes gay sex legal

Mozambique officially makes gay sex legal

Italy rules trans woman and cis man are allowed to marry

Italy rules trans woman and cis man are allowed to marry

Friday, June 19, 2015

Vicar: Giving Pride God's blessing is like welcoming child molesters

Vicar: Giving Pride God's blessing is like welcoming child molesters

Meet the Cameroon gay man who was tortured so badly he can’t have sex

Meet the Cameroon gay man who was tortured so badly he can’t have sex

Austria votes against gay marriage

Austria votes against gay marriage

Lithuania is weeding out new army recruits by asking if they like flowers

Lithuania is weeding out new army recruits by asking if they like flowers
OK, here’s how it works: Women’s rights are civil-rights. Black rights are civil-rights. Latino rights are civil-rights. Asian rights are civil-rights. Gay rights are civil-rights. Transgender rights are civil-rights. ANY person within a subculture or sub-community that has rights... Yep, you guessed it - those rights are civil-rights. If you are against ANY of those groups having equal-rights, you CANNOT claim that you are for equal-rights & you CANNOT claim you are for civil-rights. It really is that simple.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Texas oil executive arrested for punching 'faggot' unconscious

Texas oil executive arrested for punching 'faggot' unconscious

India government asks Supreme Court to define 'transgender'

India government asks Supreme Court to define 'transgender'

Global drug company Pfizer 'fires gay man for protesting against Russia's homophobic laws'

Global drug company Pfizer 'fires gay man for protesting against Russia's homophobic laws'

Mayor of South Bend, Indiana, comes out publicly as gay man

Mayor of South Bend, Indiana, comes out publicly as gay man

Southern Baptists declare 'spiritual warfare' on gay marriage

Southern Baptists declare 'spiritual warfare' on gay marriage

Watch the 1961 documentary on gay people that was thought lost to history

Watch the 1961 documentary on gay people that was thought lost to history

UK teen faces jail for wanting to go kill gay people with ISIS

UK teen faces jail for wanting to go kill gay people with ISIS

 Given homophobia is not only accepted but adored, you'd think heterosexuals would've given him a prize.

DJ refuses to play gay man's birthday party, compares it to hosting KKK dance

DJ refuses to play gay man's birthday party, compares it to hosting KKK dance

Trans teacher dies by suicide after 10 years of bullying from colleagues

Trans teacher dies by suicide after 10 years of bullying from colleagues

Crossdresser attacked in London as thug's friends shouted 'kill him, kill him'

Crossdresser attacked in London as thug's friends shouted 'kill him, kill him'

Gay couple arrested in Pakistan over 'secret marriage'

Gay couple arrested in Pakistan over 'secret marriage'

Monday, June 15, 2015

Mati Weiderpass gets kicked out of Fire Island gay club, crowd cheers

Mati Weiderpass gets kicked out of Fire Island gay club, crowd cheers

Islamic religious police raid two gay parties in Saudi Arabia

Islamic religious police raid two gay parties in Saudi Arabia

Morocco magazine pulled over cover asking: 'Should gay people be burned?'

Morocco magazine pulled over cover asking: 'Should gay people be burned?'

Anti-gay Russian lawmaker wants to ban Game of Thrones over 'sexual deviancy'

Anti-gay Russian lawmaker wants to ban Game of Thrones over 'sexual deviancy'

Christian couple threatening to divorce if gays can marry uninvited to friend's wedding

Christian couple threatening to divorce if gays can marry uninvited to friend's wedding

Mexico effectively legalizes same-sex marriage

Mexico effectively legalizes same-sex marriage

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Utah chef has ’Die Fag’ carved into his arms with a knife

Utah chef has ’Die Fag’ carved into his arms with a knife

 Torture, sadistic mutilation & attempted assassination: obviously "the Christian thing to do". Now local "Christians" will be able to attempt to kill the whole family. What a blessing from the Lord.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Uganda lesbian, cut up by witch doctors at age 10 to 'cure' her, given UK asylum

Uganda lesbian, cut up by witch doctors at age 10 to 'cure' her, given UK asylum

Leading trans activist murdered in El Salvador

Leading trans activist murdered in El Salvador

Mike Huckabee doubles down on transphobic remarks about showering with girls

Mike Huckabee doubles down on transphobic remarks about showering with girls

 From the same man who declared himself Jesus Christ resurrected & God's voice-box, comes new insanity!

Meet the Christian couple who are threatening to divorce if gay marriage comes to Australia

Meet the Christian couple who are threatening to divorce if gay marriage comes to Australia

Trans musician brutally beaten at own gig, locals protest pub for letting attackers go

Trans musician brutally beaten at own gig, locals protest pub for letting attackers go

Man refuses to let gay stylist cut his son’s hair: salon boss fights back in best way possible

Man refuses to let gay stylist cut his son’s hair: salon boss fights back in best way possible