Thursday, September 24, 2015

Megaload Founder and Internet Freedom Icon Kim Dotcom In Court Facing U.S. Extradition

Megaload Founder and Internet Freedom Icon Kim Dotcom In Court Facing U.S. Extradition

Using Collective Muscle, Here's How We Free U.S. Cities from Wall Street Control

Using Collective Muscle, Here's How We Free U.S. Cities from Wall Street Control

Act Out! [30] - Chris Hedges, Klima Kamps, and Kevin Gosztola on a shado...

From Abu Ghraib To Black Lives Matter: Meet The NYPD's Most Notorious Anti-Activist Cop: Gothamist

From Abu Ghraib To Black Lives Matter: Meet The NYPD's Most Notorious Anti-Activist Cop: Gothamist

FBI Documents Reveal Secret Nationwide Occupy Monitoring

FBI Documents Reveal Secret Nationwide Occupy Monitoring

Turning Pennies Into Billion$: The Tiny Tax that Wall Street Fears

Turning Pennies Into Billion$: The Tiny Tax that Wall Street Fears

Leaked Emails Reveal Close Ties Between Heritage Foundation and Lockheed Martin

Leaked Emails Reveal Close Ties Between Heritage Foundation and Lockheed Martin

Fuck you, Roland. Fuck you AND your fictional adaptation VERY much.

Roland Emmerich: gay rights drama Stonewall needed 'straight-acting' hero | Film | The Guardian

Fuck you, Roland. Fuck you AND your fictional adaptation VERY much.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Many in the United States government (and many civilians) do not realize something very, very, very important: the entire world is watching the US closely, and gauging whether or not to allow the United States to continue to progress & mature and be a world leader or simply to fight against the corporate oligarchy that has taken over the reigns of power within the US. They are using the next US presidential primary & election to determine whether the US has become completely corrupted or has a chance of becoming an enlightened force for good. They see Bernie Sanders as our chance to redeem ourselves, and Hillary Clinton (and the GOP) as a continuance of the path to corruption. This primary is SO much more important than many people realize. This is the United States chance to become an enlightened force for progressive change - or to be set upon the path of destruction by forces that will not allow corruption to continue controlling the world.