Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Wikileaks and the Podesta Emails: Two Things | The William Lloyd Garrison Center for Libertarian Advocacy Journalism

Wikileaks and the Podesta Emails: Two Things | The William Lloyd Garrison Center for Libertarian Advocacy Journalism

Veteran Cop Fired For Giving a Homeless Man a Sh*t Sandwich -- Claims It Was a Joke

Veteran Cop Fired For Giving a Homeless Man a Sh*t Sandwich -- Claims It Was a Joke

Three Fiercely Dangerous Mass Surveillance Scandals that Vindicate Edward Snowden

Three Fiercely Dangerous Mass Surveillance Scandals that Vindicate Edward Snowden

Cops Exposed for Knowingly Using Faulty Drug Test Kits Because Convictions Matter More than Justice

Cops Exposed for Knowingly Using Faulty Drug Test Kits Because Convictions Matter More than Justice

BREAKING: US Military Just Hacked Into Russia's Entire Infrastructure Prepping for Massive Cyber Attack

BREAKING: US Military Just Hacked Into Russia's Entire Infrastructure Prepping for Massive Cyber Attack

3,000 Homeless People Denied Food As City Forces Charity to Bleach the Food and Throw it In Dumpster

3,000 Homeless People Denied Food As City Forces Charity to Bleach the Food and Throw it In Dumpster

Disgusting Leaked Photo Shows a Cop Making Fun and Posing With a Mother's Dead Son

Disgusting Leaked Photo Shows a Cop Making Fun and Posing With a Mother's Dead Son

France: Authorities Force Remaining Refugees from Calais Camp | Democracy Now!

France: Authorities Force Remaining Refugees from Calais Camp | Democracy Now!

Pentagon: U.S. Drone Strike in Syria Kills al-Qaeda Leader | Democracy Now!

Pentagon: U.S. Drone Strike in Syria Kills al-Qaeda Leader | Democracy Now!

Amnesty Accuses Iraqi Militias Fighting ISIS of Torture | Democracy Now!

Amnesty Accuses Iraqi Militias Fighting ISIS of Torture | Democracy Now!

Mississippi: Black Church Burned, Vandalized with Words "Vote Trump" | Democracy Now!

Mississippi: Black Church Burned, Vandalized with Words "Vote Trump" | Democracy Now!

Louisiana: Police Pepper-Spray Protesters Outside David Duke Senate Debate | Democracy Now!

Louisiana: Police Pepper-Spray Protesters Outside David Duke Senate Debate | Democracy Now!

Colorado: DA to Retry Man Who Served 28 Years After Being Convicted Based on Dream | Democracy Now!

Colorado: DA to Retry Man Who Served 28 Years After Being Convicted Based on Dream | Democracy Now!

Bronx Man Dies After Being Repeatedly Tased by NYPD Sergeant | Democracy Now!

Bronx Man Dies After Being Repeatedly Tased by NYPD Sergeant | Democracy Now!

Afghanistan: NATO Airstrike Kills 30 Civilians in Kunduz | Democracy Now!

Afghanistan: NATO Airstrike Kills 30 Civilians in Kunduz | Democracy Now!

Turkey: Leaders and 10 Lawmakers of Pro-Kurdish Party Arrested | Democracy Now!

Turkey: Leaders and 10 Lawmakers of Pro-Kurdish Party Arrested | Democracy Now!

Pakistan: 18 Die After Oil Tanker Exploded, Dozens More Trapped | Democracy Now!

Pakistan: 18 Die After Oil Tanker Exploded, Dozens More Trapped | Democracy Now!

200 Refugees Drown Off Coast of Libya in Last 48 Hours | Democracy Now!

200 Refugees Drown Off Coast of Libya in Last 48 Hours | Democracy Now!

Are the CIA and Western Intelligence Services Covering Up Algerian Sponsorship of Islamist Jihadists?

Are the CIA and Western Intelligence Services Covering Up Algerian Sponsorship of Islamist Jihadists?

Black Voters in North Carolina Feeling Consequences of Gutted Voting Rig...

iframe width 480 height 270 src https://www.youtube.com/embed/yr9qgEbuSeU frameborder 0 allowfullscreen> /iframe>

RIP Ted V. Mikels 1929-2016 – CINEBEATS

RIP Ted V. Mikels 1929-2016 – CINEBEATS

Friday, November 4, 2016

WATCH: Militarized Police Shoot Innocent Journalist as She Conducts an Interview at Standing Rock

WATCH: Militarized Police Shoot Innocent Journalist as She Conducts an Interview at Standing Rock

Assange: Clinton and ISIS Funded by Same Money, Trump Won't Be Allowed to Win

Assange: Clinton and ISIS Funded by Same Money, Trump Won't Be Allowed to Win

Armed Militias Prepping for Violence if Clinton Wins in "Stolen Election"

Armed Militias Prepping for Violence if Clinton Wins in "Stolen Election"

Here's a List of the 45 Officials Responsible for Militarizing Standing Rock -- and How to Contact Them

Here's a List of the 45 Officials Responsible for Militarizing Standing Rock -- and How to Contact Them

Chelsea Manning Tried Committing Suicide a Second Time in October - The New York Times

Chelsea Manning Tried Committing Suicide a Second Time in October - The New York Times

Center for a Stateless Society » Open Source Revolution Circumvents Capitalist Monopoly

Center for a Stateless Society » Open Source Revolution Circumvents Capitalist Monopoly

Thursday, November 3, 2016

This Tiny, Portable Tech Lets You Print Moving Photographs

This Tiny, Portable Tech Lets You Print Moving Photographs

Global Crisis: Billions of Children Worldwide Are Breathing In Deadly Air

Global Crisis: Billions of Children Worldwide Are Breathing In Deadly Air

MIT Biologically Engineers a New Weapon to Kill Bacteria

MIT Biologically Engineers a New Weapon to Kill Bacteria

Scientists May Have Identified the Particles That Make Up Dark Matter

Scientists May Have Identified the Particles That Make Up Dark Matter

New Report Shows Colorado Cannabis Industry Contributes More to Economy Than All Other Industries

New Report Shows Colorado Cannabis Industry Contributes More to Economy Than All Other Industries

Multiple NY Police Departments Under Investigation for Hosting Gay Sex Parties With Underage Boys

Multiple NY Police Departments Under Investigation for Hosting Gay Sex Parties With Underage Boys  

What else did you expect from cops?

Report: FBI to Move to "Likely Indictment" Of Clinton Foundation

Report: FBI to Move to "Likely Indictment" Of Clinton Foundation

Cop Arrested for Using Police Status to Rape Little Boys at Home for Abused Children

Cop Arrested for Using Police Status to Rape Little Boys at Home for Abused Children

"I Can't Believe I'm Doing this' -- Man Livestreams Himself Stealing a Cop Car on Facebook

"I Can't Believe I'm Doing this' -- Man Livestreams Himself Stealing a Cop Car on Facebook

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Energy East: Kanesatake grand chief vows to pull out stops to fight pipeline - Montreal - CBC News

Energy East: Kanesatake grand chief vows to pull out stops to fight pipeline - Montreal - CBC News

United Nations Finally Acknowledges US-Backed Rebels in Syria are Murdering Civilians

United Nations Finally Acknowledges US-Backed Rebels in Syria are Murdering Civilians

WATCH: California Cops Rob Every Penny from Innocent Family, Including their Children

WATCH: California Cops Rob Every Penny from Innocent Family, Including their Children

Breaking: Emergency Call to Action at Standing Rock as Police Violently Attack Prayer Ceremony

Breaking: Emergency Call to Action at Standing Rock as Police Violently Attack Prayer Ceremony

Senator NUKES Clinton Foundation, Calls it "Largest Money Laundering...Operation in the World"

Senator NUKES Clinton Foundation, Calls it "Largest Money Laundering...Operation in the World"

Leaked Email Proves New Clinton DOJ Investigator Tipped Off Hillary's Campaign During First Investigation

Leaked Email Proves New Clinton DOJ Investigator Tipped Off Hillary's Campaign During First Investigation

FBI — William J. Clinton Foundation

FBI — William J. Clinton Foundation

Culture Isn’t Property. Copying Isn’t Stealing. | The William Lloyd Garrison Center for Libertarian Advocacy Journalism

Culture Isn’t Property. Copying Isn’t Stealing. | The William Lloyd Garrison Center for Libertarian Advocacy Journalism

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Did #DAPL Security Worker Wielding an AR-15 Rifle Try to Infiltrate Native Water Protectors? | Democracy Now!

Did #DAPL Security Worker Wielding an AR-15 Rifle Try to Infiltrate Native Water Protectors? | Democracy Now!

Meet Birgitta Jónsdóttir: The Ex-WikiLeaks Volunteer Who Has Helped the Pirate Party Reshape Iceland | Democracy Now!

Meet Birgitta Jónsdóttir: The Ex-WikiLeaks Volunteer Who Has Helped the Pirate Party Reshape Iceland | Democracy Now!

WIKILEAKS Discovers “INTENT” In Clinton Email Investigation! – InvestmentWatch

WIKILEAKS Discovers “INTENT” In Clinton Email Investigation! – InvestmentWatch

Morocco: Massive Protests Against Neoliberalism, Privatization Follow Death of Fish Seller | Democracy Now!

Morocco: Massive Protests Against Neoliberalism, Privatization Follow Death of Fish Seller | Democracy Now!

Democrats Sue Trump

Democrats Sue Trump

The Russians are Coming: War Propaganda Goes into High Gear. Renewed NATO Military Deployments on Russia’s Doorstep… | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

The Russians are Coming: War Propaganda Goes into High Gear. Renewed NATO Military Deployments on Russia’s Doorstep… | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

City of Bedford sued by ACLU over new yard signs law | Fox 59

City of Bedford sued by ACLU over new yard signs law | Fox 59

 ...And, before any idiot comments,"You realize this is a FOX-site, don't
you?", yes. I'm pretty fucking aware that channel 59 out of
Indianapolis is a FOX affiliate. If you really cannot get over the fact
that is the station that aired this story, piss-off.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Cop Fired After Reporting Supervisor's Practice of Rating Female Drivers on 'Rapability' Scale

Cop Fired After Reporting Supervisor's Practice of Rating Female Drivers on 'Rapability' Scale

Google Search Results for 'Pathological Lying' Return Clinton Photo in Epic Act of Trolling

Google Search Results for 'Pathological Lying' Return Clinton Photo in Epic Act of Trolling

FBI Insider Reveals Agent Revolt Inside the Bureau Made Comey Reopen Clinton Investigation to 'Save Face'

FBI Insider Reveals Agent Revolt Inside the Bureau Made Comey Reopen Clinton Investigation to 'Save Face'

Elon Musk to Completely Revolutionize the Energy Industry with New Tesla Solar Roof

Elon Musk to Completely Revolutionize the Energy Industry with New Tesla Solar Roof

FBI Gets Warrant To Search Clinton Aide's Emails As Comey Backlash Intensifies: Gothamist

FBI Gets Warrant To Search Clinton Aide's Emails As Comey Backlash Intensifies: Gothamist

FBI Gets Warrant To Search Clinton Aide's Emails As Comey Backlash Intensifies: Gothamist

FBI Gets Warrant To Search Clinton Aide's Emails As Comey Backlash Intensifies: Gothamist

Remembering the Black Panther Party | Jacobin

Remembering the Black Panther Party | Jacobin

Google Co-Founder Was Reportedly Spotted in A Flying Car

Google Co-Founder Was Reportedly Spotted in A Flying Car

Male Birth Control: Study Shows 96% Efficacy

Male Birth Control: Study Shows 96% Efficacy

New Flooring Tech Generates Electricity Through Your Footsteps

New Flooring Tech Generates Electricity Through Your Footsteps

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Police Officer's Wife Caught Faking a Robbery In a Scheme To Frame Black Lives Matter

Police Officer's Wife Caught Faking a Robbery In a Scheme To Frame Black Lives Matter

Residents Fed Up With 'Overbearing Presence' of Police -- Entire Department Evicted

Residents Fed Up With 'Overbearing Presence' of Police -- Entire Department Evicted

Mark Ruffalo Delivers Mobile Solar Trailers to Standing Rock Camps in Preparation for Harsh Winter

Mark Ruffalo Delivers Mobile Solar Trailers to Standing Rock Camps in Preparation for Harsh Winter

Report Exposes Inner Workings of Facebook and How Clinton Loyalists Control Your Newsfeed

Report Exposes Inner Workings of Facebook and How Clinton Loyalists Control Your Newsfeed

How Despots Use Twitter to Hunt Dissidents - Bloomberg

How Despots Use Twitter to Hunt Dissidents - Bloomberg

Dakota Access versus the American Way | The William Lloyd Garrison Center for Libertarian Advocacy Journalism

Dakota Access versus the American Way | The William Lloyd Garrison Center for Libertarian Advocacy Journalism

Saturday, October 29, 2016

A Criminal State: Understanding and countering institutionalized corruption and violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo | Enough

A Criminal State: Understanding and countering institutionalized corruption and violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo | Enough

Russia Asks CIA: Why Did Hillary Clinton Just Buy $137 Million Worth Of Illegal Arms? | EUTimes.net

Russia Asks CIA: Why Did Hillary Clinton Just Buy $137 Million Worth Of Illegal Arms? | EUTimes.net

Family Sues After Cops Shot 6yo Autistic Boy and Watched Him "Suffer Immensely" As He Died

Family Sues After Cops Shot 6yo Autistic Boy and Watched Him "Suffer Immensely" As He Died

Leaked Audio Catches Clinton Red-Handed Talking About Rigging Elections

Leaked Audio Catches Clinton Red-Handed Talking About Rigging Elections

How A Disgraced Congressman Sexting a Child Led to the FBI Reopening Investigation into Clinton

How A Disgraced Congressman Sexting a Child Led to the FBI Reopening Investigation into Clinton

Like a 'Concentration Camp' Police Mark DAPL Protesters with Numbers & Lock Them in Dog Kennels

Like a 'Concentration Camp' Police Mark DAPL Protesters with Numbers & Lock Them in Dog Kennels

The Fix is In -- Russia Kicked Off UN Human Rights Council, While Terrorist Saudi Arabia Re-Elected

The Fix is In -- Russia Kicked Off UN Human Rights Council, While Terrorist Saudi Arabia Re-Elected

Hillary Turns Her Back on Standing Rock Sioux: 'Path Forward Must Serve Broadest Public Interest'

Hillary Turns Her Back on Standing Rock Sioux: 'Path Forward Must Serve Broadest Public Interest'

Russia is Hoarding Gold at an Alarming Rate -- The Next World War Will Be Fought with Currencies

Russia is Hoarding Gold at an Alarming Rate -- The Next World War Will Be Fought with Currencies

Watch: Police Viciously Attack, Arrest Peaceful Protesters at DAPL Including Children and the Elderly

Watch: Police Viciously Attack, Arrest Peaceful Protesters at DAPL Including Children and the Elderly

NYPD Cop Steals Fellow Cop's Credit Card, Gets Caught in Multiple Videos On a Huge Shopping Spree

NYPD Cop Steals Fellow Cop's Credit Card, Gets Caught in Multiple Videos On a Huge Shopping Spree

NATO, US, & UK Assemble Largest Troop Buildup On Russian Border Since Cold War

NATO, US, & UK Assemble Largest Troop Buildup On Russian Border Since Cold War

Finally! After More than 2 Years, The Cop Who Killed Eric Garner Will Be Charged

Finally! After More than 2 Years, The Cop Who Killed Eric Garner Will Be Charged

Brother of Clinton's Campaign Chair is an Active Foreign Agent on the Saudi Arabian Payroll

Brother of Clinton's Campaign Chair is an Active Foreign Agent on the Saudi Arabian Payroll

Meet Satan 2: Russia's New ICBM Nuke Capable of Leveling France or Texas in One Hit

Meet Satan 2: Russia's New ICBM Nuke Capable of Leveling France or Texas in One Hit

Hotel CEO Caught Celebrating Using Government to Make Airbnb Illegal So They Can Price Gouge

Hotel CEO Caught Celebrating Using Government to Make Airbnb Illegal So They Can Price Gouge

Cop Fires Round From His 9mm Glock into a Daycare Center in a 'Gun-Free Zone'-- Yet to Be Charged

Cop Fires Round From His 9mm Glock into a Daycare Center in a 'Gun-Free Zone'-- Yet to Be Charged

'Unlawful' US Airstrikes Kill 300 Civilians In Syria -- Bombs Dropped a Second Time to Kill First Responders

'Unlawful' US Airstrikes Kill 300 Civilians In Syria -- Bombs Dropped a Second Time to Kill First Responders

Friday, October 28, 2016

Venezuela: Opposition Calls National Strike in Bid to Oust President | Democracy Now!

Venezuela: Opposition Calls National Strike in Bid to Oust President | Democracy Now!

Judge Rejects "Riot" Charges Against Amy Goodman in North Dakota | Democracy Now!

Judge Rejects "Riot" Charges Against Amy Goodman in North Dakota | Democracy Now!

New FCC Rule Limits Internet Providers from Selling Customer Data | Democracy Now!

New FCC Rule Limits Internet Providers from Selling Customer Data | Democracy Now!

United Nations Begins Global Nuclear Disarmament Negotiations | Democracy Now!

United Nations Begins Global Nuclear Disarmament Negotiations | Democracy Now!

France: Refugee Children in "The Jungle" Left Without Shelter | Democracy Now!

France: Refugee Children in "The Jungle" Left Without Shelter | Democracy Now!

Iraq: Up to 1 Million Could Become Displaced by Mosul Offensive | Democracy Now!

Iraq: Up to 1 Million Could Become Displaced by Mosul Offensive | Democracy Now!

Oregon Militia Members Acquitted in Armed Standoff at Wildlife Refuge | Democracy Now!

Oregon Militia Members Acquitted in Armed Standoff at Wildlife Refuge | Democracy Now!

Will the DOJ or FCC Stop the AT

Will the DOJ or FCC Stop the AT

Shots Fired, 117 Arrests Made as Militarized Police Remove Pipeline Protesters

Shots Fired, 117 Arrests Made as Militarized Police Remove Pipeline Protesters

Assange Claims 'Crazed' Clinton Campaign Tried to Hack WikiLeaks

Assange Claims 'Crazed' Clinton Campaign Tried to Hack WikiLeaks

Crisis of Conscience? Obama Frees Scores of Drug Offenders from Prison, Including 42 Lifers, Days Before Election

Crisis of Conscience? Obama Frees Scores of Drug Offenders from Prison, Including 42 Lifers, Days Before Election

BREAKING: FBI Makes Stunning Reversal, Reopens Clinton Investigation After Discovery of New Documents

BREAKING: FBI Makes Stunning Reversal, Reopens Clinton Investigation After Discovery of New Documents

HBGary leaked emails (download torrent) - TPB

HBGary leaked emails (download torrent) - TPB

US-Saudi Plan: Let 9,000 ISIS Fighters Walk Free from Mosul – to Fight in Syria

US-Saudi Plan: Let 9,000 ISIS Fighters Walk Free from Mosul – to Fight in Syria

The Virtue of Selfies-ness: Libertarians Fight for Free Speech at the Ballot Box | The William Lloyd Garrison Center for Libertarian Advocacy Journalism

The Virtue of Selfies-ness: Libertarians Fight for Free Speech at the Ballot Box | The William Lloyd Garrison Center for Libertarian Advocacy Journalism

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Political Party of Anarchists, Libertarians, Hackers, and Computer Geeks to Take Power in Iceland

Political Party of Anarchists, Libertarians, Hackers, and Computer Geeks to Take Power in Iceland 

It's about damn time.....

Redflex CEO Just Given 14 Months In Prison For Bribing Politicians to Extort Citizens with Traffic Cameras

Redflex CEO Just Given 14 Months In Prison For Bribing Politicians to Extort Citizens with Traffic Cameras

'Plan-B' -- Obama Paves Way to Give Syrian 'Moderate Rebels' Anti-Aircraft Weapons to Fight Russia

'Plan-B' -- Obama Paves Way to Give Syrian 'Moderate Rebels' Anti-Aircraft Weapons to Fight Russia

Sheriff’s Union Makes Unprecedented Stand -- Sides With Inmates During Hunger Strike

Sheriff’s Union Makes Unprecedented Stand -- Sides With Inmates During Hunger Strike

BREAKING: Irrefutable Proof Obama Lied to Protect Hillary Clinton's Run for the White House

BREAKING: Irrefutable Proof Obama Lied to Protect Hillary Clinton's Run for the White House

WikiLeaks List Exposes At Least 65 Corporate 'Presstitutes' Who Colluded to Hide Clinton's Crimes

WikiLeaks List Exposes At Least 65 Corporate 'Presstitutes' Who Colluded to Hide Clinton's Crimes

The Key to Saving the Environment? Seaweed-Eating Cows

The Key to Saving the Environment? Seaweed-Eating Cows

No, the Universe Is Not Expanding at an Accelerated Rate, Physicists Say

No, the Universe Is Not Expanding at an Accelerated Rate, Physicists Say

Monday, October 24, 2016

Standing Rock: Police Arrest 120+ Water Protectors as Dakota Access Speeds Up Pipeline Construction | Democracy Now!

Standing Rock: Police Arrest 120+ Water Protectors as Dakota Access Speeds Up Pipeline Construction | Democracy Now!

New Podesta Email Exposes Strategic Playbook for Rigging Polls by 'Oversampling'

New Podesta Email Exposes Strategic Playbook for Rigging Polls by 'Oversampling'

Dozens of Innocent Women and Children Murdered as US Coalition Forces Drop Bombs on a Funeral

Dozens of Innocent Women and Children Murdered as US Coalition Forces Drop Bombs on a Funeral

In 2013, Before Being 'Elevated' By Clinton, Trump Wrote An Op-Ed For CNN Calling For Open Borders

In 2013, Before Being 'Elevated' By Clinton, Trump Wrote An Op-Ed For CNN Calling For Open Borders

Self Flying Drones Equipped With Tasers Coming Soon To A Police Department Near You

Self Flying Drones Equipped With Tasers Coming Soon To A Police Department Near You

WATCH: Crazed Cop Smashes Surrendering Man's Face In With His Boot

WATCH: Crazed Cop Smashes Surrendering Man's Face In With His Boot

Army Major Says "Everything's in Place" to Round Up Antiwar Dissenters for Military Detention

Army Major Says "Everything's in Place" to Round Up Antiwar Dissenters for Military Detention

Disturbing Video Shows a Cop Kneel on Handcuffed Man, As Another Cop Kicks Him in the Face

Disturbing Video Shows a Cop Kneel on Handcuffed Man, As Another Cop Kicks Him in the Face

Shocking Video Shows Cop Drag a 13yo Girl Around by Her Hair 'Like a Piece of Meat'

Shocking Video Shows Cop Drag a 13yo Girl Around by Her Hair 'Like a Piece of Meat'

This is Why They Protest -- Pipeline Owned By People Behind DAPL Just Spilled 55,000 Gallons Of Gasoline Into Pristine River

This is Why They Protest -- Pipeline Owned By People Behind DAPL Just Spilled 55,000 Gallons Of Gasoline Into Pristine River

Recent Poll Shows More Americans Want Clinton Indicted than Want Her to Be President

Recent Poll Shows More Americans Want Clinton Indicted than Want Her to Be President

Friday, October 21, 2016

Scientists Identified a Vitamin That Could Halt the Progress of Muscular Dystrophy

Scientists Identified a Vitamin That Could Halt the Progress of Muscular Dystrophy

Milwaukee Cop Who Killed Sylville Smith, Just Arrested for Raping Another Man

Milwaukee Cop Who Killed Sylville Smith, Just Arrested for Raping Another Man

Cop Mistakes Innocent Trucker for Kidnapper, Assualts Him, and Fires a Round "Inches" From His Head

Cop Mistakes Innocent Trucker for Kidnapper, Assualts Him, and Fires a Round "Inches" From His Head

WikiLeaks: Hillary Took $12 Mil for Clinton Foundation from Country She Declared Human Rights Violators

WikiLeaks: Hillary Took $12 Mil for Clinton Foundation from Country She Declared Human Rights Violators

Cops Attempt to Bully Innocent Man and Steal His Phone, But He Stands His Ground and Owns Them

Cops Attempt to Bully Innocent Man and Steal His Phone, But He Stands His Ground and Owns Them

Putin Just Exposed US Election Rigging By Trolling The State Dept. In The Most Hilarious Way

Putin Just Exposed US Election Rigging By Trolling The State Dept. In The Most Hilarious Way

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

WikiLeaks Show Rothschilds Grooming Clinton for Presidency -- Months Before She Launched Candidacy

WikiLeaks Show Rothschilds Grooming Clinton for Presidency -- Months Before She Launched Candidacy

BREAKING: Hillary Clinton Linked to Bogus Dating Site Associated with Julian Assange Pedophile Smear

BREAKING: Hillary Clinton Linked to Bogus Dating Site Associated with Julian Assange Pedophile Smear

Award-Winning Filmmaker Faces 45 Years in Prison for Reporting on the Dakota Access Pipeline

Award-Winning Filmmaker Faces 45 Years in Prison for Reporting on the Dakota Access Pipeline

Undercover Video Catches Clinton Operatives Admit to "Starting Sh*t" Inciting "Anarchy" at Trump Rallies

Undercover Video Catches Clinton Operatives Admit to "Starting Sh*t" Inciting "Anarchy" at Trump Rallies

WikiLeaks' 10 Most Damning Clinton Emails that Prove Mainstream Media is Scripted & Controlled

WikiLeaks' 10 Most Damning Clinton Emails that Prove Mainstream Media is Scripted & Controlled

'Make Soros Happy' -- Leaked Email Exposes Clinton Campaign's Yearning to Gratify Corrupt Billionaire

'Make Soros Happy' -- Leaked Email Exposes Clinton Campaign's Yearning to Gratify Corrupt Billionaire

VIDEO: Cop Beats, Tasers, Falsely Arrests Innocent Man after He Asked the Cop Not to Block His Driveway

VIDEO: Cop Beats, Tasers, Falsely Arrests Innocent Man after He Asked the Cop Not to Block His Driveway

Video: 40 Cops With Riot Gear, Armored Vehicle and LRAD Swarm 5 Praying Native Americans at DAPL

Video: 40 Cops With Riot Gear, Armored Vehicle and LRAD Swarm 5 Praying Native Americans at DAPL

France: Court Rejects Bid to Stop Demolition of Calais Refugee Camp | Democracy Now!

France: Court Rejects Bid to Stop Demolition of Calais Refugee Camp | Democracy Now!

PA: 5,000 Faculty Members to Strike at 14 State Universities Today | Democracy Now!

PA: 5,000 Faculty Members to Strike at 14 State Universities Today | Democracy Now!

Ecuador Confirms It Cut Off Assange’s Internet Access in Embassy | Democracy Now!

Ecuador Confirms It Cut Off Assange’s Internet Access in Embassy | Democracy Now!

Georgia Sees Record-Long Lines for Early Voting | Democracy Now!

Georgia Sees Record-Long Lines for Early Voting | Democracy Now!

 October 17th is burned into our brains..... The earlier you vote, the lesser the chance of having your voice silenced....

Iraq: U.S.-Led Coalition Fight to Retake Mosul from ISIS Enters 3rd Day | Democracy Now!

Iraq: U.S.-Led Coalition Fight to Retake Mosul from ISIS Enters 3rd Day | Democracy Now!

Yemen: 72-Hour Ceasefire Slated to Take Effect at Midnight Tonight | Democracy Now!

Yemen: 72-Hour Ceasefire Slated to Take Effect at Midnight Tonight | Democracy Now!

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Man Cleared of Attempted Murder After Leaked Dashcam Shows Cop Shoot HIM in the Back, TWICE

Man Cleared of Attempted Murder After Leaked Dashcam Shows Cop Shoot HIM in the Back, TWICE

VIDEO: CNN Forgets to Turn Off Mic, Records Reporter Telling Debate Focus Group What to Say

VIDEO: CNN Forgets to Turn Off Mic, Records Reporter Telling Debate Focus Group What to Say

Take that Islamaphobes -- Syrian Refugees, Not Cops, Capture Terrorist Before Bomb Attack

Take that Islamaphobes -- Syrian Refugees, Not Cops, Capture Terrorist Before Bomb Attack

Religious Doctrine That "Legalized" Columbus' Native Genocide Went On To Become US Federal Law

Religious Doctrine That "Legalized" Columbus' Native Genocide Went On To Become US Federal Law

 The U.S. Supreme Court, in 1823, adopted the Christian Doctrine of Discovery into U.S. law in the celebrated case, Johnson v. McIntosh.Our government is INHERENTLY wrong.

Women's Boat to Gaza: 13 Activists Detained by Israel, Weeks After U.S. OKs $38B in Military Aid | Democracy Now!

Women's Boat to Gaza: 13 Activists Detained by Israel, Weeks After U.S. OKs $38B in Military Aid | Democracy Now!

Climate Direct Action: Activists Halt Flow of Tar Sands Oil by Shutting Off Valves of Five Pipelines | Democracy Now!

Climate Direct Action: Activists Halt Flow of Tar Sands Oil by Shutting Off Valves of Five Pipelines | Democracy Now!

Leaked Hillary Clinton Emails: Could Bernie Sanders Have Won Primary If Leak Occurred Earlier? | Democracy Now!

Leaked Hillary Clinton Emails: Could Bernie Sanders Have Won Primary If Leak Occurred Earlier? | Democracy Now!

MEDIA ADVISORY: Journalist Amy Goodman to Turn Herself in to North Dakota Authorities | Democracy Now!

MEDIA ADVISORY: Journalist Amy Goodman to Turn Herself in to North Dakota Authorities | Democracy Now!

The White Helmets: As Syria Death Toll Mounts, Meet the Rescue Workers Saving Thousands of Lives | Democracy Now!

The White Helmets: As Syria Death Toll Mounts, Meet the Rescue Workers Saving Thousands of Lives | Democracy Now!

Cop Caught Chasing After Women While Publicly Masturbating -- Said He Had to Do It to Stay Awake

Cop Caught Chasing After Women While Publicly Masturbating -- Said He Had to Do It to Stay Awake

US Proves Its Allegiance to Terrorism by Threatening War With Russia All to Protect ISIS 

US Proves Its Allegiance to Terrorism by Threatening War With Russia All to Protect ISIS 

Drug War Failure: Thanks to DEA Protecting Big Pharma More Babies Born Addicted to Opioids than Ever

Drug War Failure: Thanks to DEA Protecting Big Pharma More Babies Born Addicted to Opioids than Ever

Innocent Family Sues After Police Tried to Kill Their Dog, But Shot Their 10yo Son Instead

Innocent Family Sues After Police Tried to Kill Their Dog, But Shot Their 10yo Son Instead

War Drums Beat: US Air Force Preps for War, Drops Two Fake Nuclear Bombs

War Drums Beat: US Air Force Preps for War, Drops Two Fake Nuclear Bombs

ACLU Nabs Firm Using Facebook, Twitter to Help Police Investigate Protesters

ACLU Nabs Firm Using Facebook, Twitter to Help Police Investigate Protesters

Performing anarchism, practicing freedom, pursuing revolt | Simon Springer - Academia.edu

Performing anarchism, practicing freedom, pursuing revolt | Simon Springer - Academia.edu

“F” is for Factory Farmed: Get Routine Antibiotics Out of Our Food

“F” is for Factory Farmed: Get Routine Antibiotics Out of Our Food

The Anti-Russian Lynch Mob Fails | Dissident Voice

The Anti-Russian Lynch Mob Fails | Dissident Voice

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Scientists May Have Identified the Protein That Controls Aging

Scientists May Have Identified the Protein That Controls Aging

Wikileaks Emails Show Clinton Insiders “Conspired to Produce an Unaware and Compliant Citizenry”

Wikileaks Emails Show Clinton Insiders “Conspired to Produce an Unaware and Compliant Citizenry”

Citizens Arrested, Forced to Register as Sex Offenders for Having Consensual Anal Sex Now Suing State

Citizens Arrested, Forced to Register as Sex Offenders for Having Consensual Anal Sex Now Suing State

Innocent Man Gets $200K After Cop Beat Him & Stomped His Head for Asking Him to Move His Car

Innocent Man Gets $200K After Cop Beat Him & Stomped His Head for Asking Him to Move His Car

No Justice -- Cops Walk Free in Mistrial After Murdering Man on Video for Illegally Camping

No Justice -- Cops Walk Free in Mistrial After Murdering Man on Video for Illegally Camping

60% of the US Govt's Billion Dollar PR Budget Goes to the Pentagon to Sell You War -- And It's Working

60% of the US Govt's Billion Dollar PR Budget Goes to the Pentagon to Sell You War -- And It's Working

#Followed: How police across the country are employing social media surveillance

#Followed: How police across the country are employing social media surveillance 

Started in 2011 by Phil Harris, a businessperson with stints at
Priceline and Match.com, Geofeedia allows users to target a geographic
area on their computer and scoop up the public social media posts of
everybody within the target range. The posts are harvested from the
companies with which Geofeedia has patents, including Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, YouTube, Flickr, Picasa, Yik Yak, Seno-Weibo, and others. In
addition to targeting a geographical region, users can also use
Geofeedia to search social media posts based on people and keywords.

Support the Open Our Democracy Act

Support the Open Our Democracy Act

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Afghanistan: Car Bomb Kills 14 in Lashkar Gah | Democracy Now!

Afghanistan: Car Bomb Kills 14 in Lashkar Gah | Democracy Now!

Yemen in Mourning After U.S.-Backed, Saudi-Led Airstrike Kills 140 | Democracy Now!

Yemen in Mourning After U.S.-Backed, Saudi-Led Airstrike Kills 140 | Democracy Now!

Trump Taj Mahal Shuts Down, Leaving 3,000 Out of a Job | Democracy Now!

Trump Taj Mahal Shuts Down, Leaving 3,000 Out of a Job | Democracy Now!

While the Democratic-Party version of the Tea-Party struggles to deny that Wikileaks is a genuine source & instead claims it is TMZ......

Leaked Emails Show Clinton Campaign Struggling to Address Sanders's Popularity | Democracy Now!

Rashid Khalidi on the Global Issues Being Ignored by Clinton & Trump from Afghan War to Palestine | Democracy Now!

Rashid Khalidi on the Global Issues Being Ignored by Clinton & Trump from Afghan War to Palestine | Democracy Now!

Bill Clinton's Trade Policies Destroyed Haitian Rice Farming, Now Haiti Faces Post-Hurricane Famine | Democracy Now!

Bill Clinton's Trade Policies Destroyed Haitian Rice Farming, Now Haiti Faces Post-Hurricane Famine | Democracy Now!

U.S.-Backed Saudi Forces Bomb Yemeni Funeral, Killing 140, Injuring 500 in Possible War Crime | Democracy Now!

U.S.-Backed Saudi Forces Bomb Yemeni Funeral, Killing 140, Injuring 500 in Possible War Crime | Democracy Now!

Obama Is Killing Yemen: A Yemeni Journalist Speaks Out After U.S.-Backed Bombing Strikes Funeral | Democracy Now!

Obama Is Killing Yemen: A Yemeni Journalist Speaks Out After U.S.-Backed Bombing Strikes Funeral | Democracy Now!

Breaking: Activists Reportedly Shut Down Five Pipelines Carrying Tar Sands Oil into U.S. | Democracy Now!

Breaking: Activists Reportedly Shut Down Five Pipelines Carrying Tar Sands Oil into U.S. | Democracy Now!

Sunday, October 2, 2016

As Earth Reaches Frightening CO2 Milestone, Bill McKibben Calls for War on Climate Change | Democracy Now!

As Earth Reaches Frightening CO2 Milestone, Bill McKibben Calls for War on Climate Change | Democracy Now!

Trump's Hypocrisy on NAFTA

Trump's Hypocrisy on NAFTA

Deutsche Bank is Too Big to Fail, Too Big For Big Fines?

Deutsche Bank is Too Big to Fail, Too Big For Big Fines?

National Prison Strike Enters Third Week

National Prison Strike Enters Third Week

An Unmanned Boat Just Launched an Unmanned Aircraft

An Unmanned Boat Just Launched an Unmanned Aircraft

A Very Interesting Bloodline Indeed - How Prince Charles is Related to Vlad the Impaler

A Very Interesting Bloodline Indeed - How Prince Charles is Related to Vlad the Impaler

Scientists Found a Significant New Source of Greenhouse Gases

Scientists Found a Significant New Source of Greenhouse Gases

A Window Into the Brain: Scientists Are Making Brain Tissue Transparent

A Window Into the Brain: Scientists Are Making Brain Tissue Transparent

The Cost of Solar Power Has Fallen 25% in Only 5 Months

The Cost of Solar Power Has Fallen 25% in Only 5 Months

Mind-Controlled Bionics: New Tech Translates Thoughts Into Motion

Mind-Controlled Bionics: New Tech Translates Thoughts Into Motion

List of financial regulatory authorities by country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of financial regulatory authorities by country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Online Financial Innovations: Internet Strategies for Financial Institutions. Top 150 Largest Banks

Online Financial Innovations: Internet Strategies for Financial Institutions. Top 150 Largest Banks

Member firm directory - London Stock Exchange

Member firm directory - London Stock Exchange

List of entities involved in 2007–08 financial crises - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of entities involved in 2007–08 financial crises - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Saturday, September 17, 2016

The Power Shift Network

The Power Shift Network

Corporate Media Silent as States Declare Emergency In Aftermath Massive Pipeline Rupture

Corporate Media Silent as States Declare Emergency In Aftermath Massive Pipeline Rupture

The Sixth Mass Extinction Will Be Like Nothing In Earth's History

The Sixth Mass Extinction Will Be Like Nothing In Earth's History

The King In Yellow (The Play) - The Yellow Site - Wikia

The King In Yellow (The Play) - The Yellow Site - Wikia

(73) Ordoglobalism: The Invention of International Economic Law | Quinn Slobodian - Academia.edu

(73) Ordoglobalism: The Invention of International Economic Law | Quinn Slobodian - Academia.edu

(73) Anarchist Political Ecology: Theoretical Horizons and Empirical Axes | Simon Springer - Academia.edu

(73) Anarchist Political Ecology: Theoretical Horizons and Empirical Axes | Simon Springer - Academia.edu

Federal Judge Cancels Restraining Order Against Dakota Access Pipeline Protesters  | RED POWER MEDIA

Federal Judge Cancels Restraining Order Against Dakota Access Pipeline Protesters  | RED POWER MEDIA

Open Call Collective Intelligence for Democracy - Medialab-Prado Madrid

Open Call Collective Intelligence for Democracy - Medialab-Prado Madrid

Wolf Richter: That 5.2% Jump in Household Income? Nope, People Aren’t Suddenly Getting Big-Fat Paychecks | naked capitalism

Wolf Richter: That 5.2% Jump in Household Income? Nope, People Aren’t Suddenly Getting Big-Fat Paychecks | naked capitalism

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The Empire Files: Rejecting Neoliberalism with Ecuador's Foreign Minister

The Empire Files: Rejecting Neoliberalism with Ecuador's Foreign Minister

The Israel Factor in the Syrian Ceasefire

The Israel Factor in the Syrian Ceasefire

African Refugees Fleeing War and Economic Strife on the Rise

African Refugees Fleeing War and Economic Strife on the Rise

Catalan Independence Struggle Impedes Formation of Spanish Government

Catalan Independence Struggle Impedes Formation of Spanish Government

Rudolph Giuliani: "Of Course It's Legal" to Take Iraq's Oil | Democracy Now!

Rudolph Giuliani: "Of Course It's Legal" to Take Iraq's Oil | Democracy Now!

Peace Activist Stanley Sheinbaum Dies at 96 | Democracy Now!

Peace Activist Stanley Sheinbaum Dies at 96 | Democracy Now!

North Dakota: #NoDAPL Organizer Cody Hall Released from Jail | Democracy Now!

North Dakota: #NoDAPL Organizer Cody Hall Released from Jail | Democracy Now!

California Farmworkers Win Major Labor Victory | Democracy Now!

California Farmworkers Win Major Labor Victory | Democracy Now!

New Video Shows Trump Supporter Punching Anti-Trump Activist | Democracy Now!

New Video Shows Trump Supporter Punching Anti-Trump Activist | Democracy Now!

ACLU Attorney: Growing Number of Murders of Trans Women Can't Be Separated from Anti-Trans Laws | Democracy Now!

ACLU Attorney: Growing Number of Murders of Trans Women Can't Be Separated from Anti-Trans Laws | Democracy Now!

Brazil: Eduardo Cunha Faces Possible Arrest After House Expulsion | Democracy Now!

Brazil: Eduardo Cunha Faces Possible Arrest After House Expulsion | Democracy Now!

Trump Names Pro-Iraq War Fmr. CIA Head James Woolsey to Be Adviser | Democracy Now!

Trump Names Pro-Iraq War Fmr. CIA Head James Woolsey to Be Adviser | Democracy Now!

After Man Lights Muslim Woman on Fire, Wearing Hijab "Has Become Act of Courage" | Democracy Now!

After Man Lights Muslim Woman on Fire, Wearing Hijab "Has Become Act of Courage" | Democracy Now!

Bangladesh: Death Toll from Factory Fire Rises to 31 | Democracy Now!

Bangladesh: Death Toll from Factory Fire Rises to 31 | Democracy Now!

WSJ: EpiPen Maker Mylan Has 2nd Highest Executive Pay in Industry | Democracy Now!

WSJ: EpiPen Maker Mylan Has 2nd Highest Executive Pay in Industry | Democracy Now!

U.S. Agrees to Give Israel $38 Billion in Military Aid over 10 Years | Democracy Now!

U.S. Agrees to Give Israel $38 Billion in Military Aid over 10 Years | Democracy Now!

Sanders Calls on Obama to Require Full Review of Dakota Access | Democracy Now!

Sanders Calls on Obama to Require Full Review of Dakota Access | Democracy Now!

20+ Water Protectors Arrested Resisting Dakota Access Construction | Democracy Now!

20+ Water Protectors Arrested Resisting Dakota Access Construction | Democracy Now!

Newsweek: Trump Org. Vast Business Network, Including Ties to Russia | Democracy Now!

Newsweek: Trump Org. Vast Business Network, Including Ties to Russia | Democracy Now!

Manning Ends Hunger Strike, as Army Agrees to Gender-Affirming Surgery | Democracy Now!

Manning Ends Hunger Strike, as Army Agrees to Gender-Affirming Surgery | Democracy Now!

"Pardon Snowden" Campaign Launches, Led by ACLU, Amnesty

"Pardon Snowden" Campaign Launches, Led by ACLU, Amnesty

Monday, September 12, 2016

War Crimes Shouldn't Pay - The Sentry

War Crimes Shouldn't Pay - The Sentry

War Crimes Shouldn't Pay - The Sentry

War Crimes Shouldn't Pay - The Sentry

War Crimes Shouldn't Pay - The Sentry

War Crimes Shouldn't Pay - The Sentry

OSINT Search Tool by Michael Bazzell | Open Source Intelligence Techniques

OSINT Search Tool by Michael Bazzell | Open Source Intelligence Techniques

Voter Registries Face Purges in Republican-Controlled States

Voter Registries Face Purges in Republican-Controlled States

Tribal Dakota Pipeline Resistance the Start of Something Bigger | Opinion | teleSUR English

Tribal Dakota Pipeline Resistance the Start of Something Bigger | Opinion | teleSUR English

Ecuador Under Attack | In Depth | teleSUR English

Ecuador Under Attack | In Depth | teleSUR English

Leamington Spa temple occupied by armed men in protest 'against marriage of Sikh and Muslim' | The Independent

Leamington Spa temple occupied by armed men in protest 'against marriage of Sikh and Muslim' | The Independent

Sunday, September 11, 2016

'The Mother of All Risks': Insurance Giants Call on G20 to Stop Bankrolling Fossil Fuels | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community

'The Mother of All Risks': Insurance Giants Call on G20 to Stop Bankrolling Fossil Fuels | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community

Wells Fargo Just Made The Case For Elizabeth Warren’s Bank Agency | Huffington Post

Wells Fargo Just Made The Case For Elizabeth Warren’s Bank Agency | Huffington Post

How Spy Tech Firms Let Governments See Everything On a Smartphone

How Spy Tech Firms Let Governments See Everything On a Smartphone

Police Taser drones authorized in N.D.

Police Taser drones authorized in N.D.

Once 'No Money Mike,' Cambridge's Mike Connolly now primed for Beacon Hill

Once 'No Money Mike,' Cambridge's Mike Connolly now primed for Beacon Hill

Sen. Bob Graham: Bush and Cheney Created an Intel Culture of "Not Wanting to Know" about 9/11 Attacks (Pt.2/2)

Sen. Bob Graham: Bush and Cheney Created an Intel Culture of "Not Wanting to Know" about 9/11 Attacks (Pt.2/2)

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Long-Buried IG Report on BLM Reveals Gifts from Oil & Gas Industry, Other Violations

Long-Buried IG Report on BLM Reveals Gifts from Oil & Gas Industry, Other Violations

Whistleblower Rejects $8 Million Award to Protest Revolving Door

Whistleblower Rejects $8 Million Award to Protest Revolving Door

Halt DHS Procurement while Private Detention Centers Evaluated

Halt DHS Procurement while Private Detention Centers Evaluated

Justice Dept. Watchdog Confirms “Unacceptable” FARA Compliance

Justice Dept. Watchdog Confirms “Unacceptable” FARA Compliance

POGO Critical of Pentagon Watchdog’s Handling of Whistleblowers

POGO Critical of Pentagon Watchdog’s Handling of Whistleblowers

Independence of Inspectors General is Essential

Independence of Inspectors General is Essential

F-35 May Never Be Ready for Combat

F-35 May Never Be Ready for Combat

2,100-year-old statue of Cybele the Anatolian mother goddess unearthed in northwestern Turkey - Daily Sabah

2,100-year-old statue of Cybele the Anatolian mother goddess unearthed in northwestern Turkey - Daily Sabah

REPORT – Democracy Lost – Election Justice

REPORT – Democracy Lost – Election Justice

Friday, August 26, 2016

FBI won’t pursue hate crime charges in scalding water attack – The Republic

FBI won’t pursue hate crime charges in scalding water attack – The Republic 

What do you expect? They were QUEERS. Heterosexuals will be happy to tell you that they shouldn't be punished for killing FAGGOTS, they should be rewarded. The sooner they can kill them all off, the happier they will be.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

This Genetically-Engineered Bacteria Can Inhale CO2 and Produce Energy

This Genetically-Engineered Bacteria Can Inhale CO2 and Produce Energy

By the Numbers: Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are Fringe Candidates

By the Numbers: Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are Fringe Candidates

Bill McKibben on Being Named by Sanders to DNC Platform Committee | Free Speech TV

Bill McKibben on Being Named by Sanders to DNC Platform Committee | Free Speech TV

Apple Supplier Just Cut 60,000 Jobs. Replaces Factory Workers With Robots

Apple Supplier Just Cut 60,000 Jobs. Replaces Factory Workers With Robots

Real Life Yale Experiment Reveals Schrödinger's Cat Can Be in 2 Boxes at Once

Real Life Yale Experiment Reveals Schrödinger's Cat Can Be in 2 Boxes at Once

Scientists Find a Better Way to Make Structures to Create DNA Based Tech

Scientists Find a Better Way to Make Structures to Create DNA Based Tech

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Illinois Police Dept Gets Rid of Body Cams Because Administrative Workload is Too Burdensome – The Free Thought Project

Illinois Police Dept Gets Rid of Body Cams Because Administrative Workload is Too Burdensome – The Free Thought Project

A Single Delaware Address is Home to 200,000 Shell Companies — Including 2 of Hillary Clinton’s – The Free Thought Project

A Single Delaware Address is Home to 200,000 Shell Companies — Including 2 of Hillary Clinton’s – The Free Thought Project

A Single Delaware Address is Home to 200,000 Shell Companies — Including 2 of Hillary Clinton’s – The Free Thought Project

A Single Delaware Address is Home to 200,000 Shell Companies — Including 2 of Hillary Clinton’s – The Free Thought Project

VICTORY! Maryland Ends Mandatory Minimums for Drug Users, Lets Non-Violent Offenders Out Early – The Free Thought Project

VICTORY! Maryland Ends Mandatory Minimums for Drug Users, Lets Non-Violent Offenders Out Early – The Free Thought Project

Cop Avoids Jail Time After Graphic Dashcam Video Shows Him Execute an Unarmed Elderly Man – The Free Thought Project

Cop Avoids Jail Time After Graphic Dashcam Video Shows Him Execute an Unarmed Elderly Man – The Free Thought Project

“Love Must Prevail,” says Assange on the eve of Lauri Love’s court appearance – The Cryptosphere

“Love Must Prevail,” says Assange on the eve of Lauri Love’s court appearance – The Cryptosphere

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Shameless Cops Giving Homeless People Money to Buy Drugs to Bust Them — Let Dealers Go Free – The Free Thought Project

Shameless Cops Giving Homeless People Money to Buy Drugs to Bust Them — Let Dealers Go Free – The Free Thought Project

Shameless Cops Giving Homeless People Money to Buy Drugs to Bust Them — Let Dealers Go Free – The Free Thought Project

Shameless Cops Giving Homeless People Money to Buy Drugs to Bust Them — Let Dealers Go Free – The Free Thought Project

DUI checkpoint refusal, Cop Block, Granny wins!

As Americans Rioted for a Ball Game, Iceland Took to the Streets and Forced their PM to Resign – The Free Thought Project

As Americans Rioted for a Ball Game, Iceland Took to the Streets and Forced their PM to Resign – The Free Thought Project

 sTORM 15 c0m1ng

1- Resolution to Restore Free and Fair Elections - Google Docs

1- Resolution to Restore Free and Fair Elections - Google Docs

Friday, April 1, 2016

Mississippi Lawmakers Want to Discriminate Against Basically Everyone | American Civil Liberties Union

Mississippi Lawmakers Want to Discriminate Against Basically Everyone | American Civil Liberties Union

 Still think Christians are the persecuted and not the persecutors?

Jesus And Mississippi Legislature Disagree About Killing People At Church – Irregular Times

Jesus And Mississippi Legislature Disagree About Killing People At Church – Irregular Times

 Still think Christians are the persecuted and not the persecutors?

Mississippi Bill Permits Churches To Form Private Police Force

Mississippi Bill Permits Churches To Form Private Police Force

 Still think Christians are the persecuted and not the persecutors?

Mississippi passes bill that would allow churches to appoint unaccountable ‘soldiers of God’ armed guards | DeadState

Mississippi passes bill that would allow churches to appoint unaccountable ‘soldiers of God’ armed guards

 Still think Christians are the persecuted and not the persecutors?

Bill Grants Churches the Power to Make ‘Soldiers of God’ Who Can Legally Kill Citizens Like Cops – The Free Thought Project

Bill Grants Churches the Power to Make ‘Soldiers of God’ Who Can Legally Kill Citizens Like Cops – The Free Thought Project

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Arizona Officials Confirm Legal Action in Primary Fiasco, Sanders Ask Voters Monitor Situation

Arizona Officials Confirm Legal Action in Primary Fiasco, Sanders Ask Voters Monitor Situation

Do a revote of the Arizona primary due to voter suppression. | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government

Do a revote of the Arizona primary due to voter suppression. | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government



Pledge to write in Bernie Sanders or vote Green 2016

Pledge to write in Bernie Sanders or vote Green 2016

WikiLeaks to Facebook: "Stop Censoring Our Hillary Clinton Email Release" Searchable Database

WikiLeaks to Facebook: "Stop Censoring Our Hillary Clinton Email Release" Searchable Database

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Is BDS Headed Towards Criminalization in Canada?

Is BDS Headed Towards Criminalization in Canada?

Obama's Plan to Close Guantanamo Too Little, Too Late

Obama's Plan to Close Guantanamo Too Little, Too Late

Elderly Grandma Defends Herself Against Cops Raiding Wrong the Home – She’s the One Arrested | The Free Thought Project

Elderly Grandma Defends Herself Against Cops Raiding Wrong the Home – She’s the One Arrested | The Free Thought Project

They Can Already Hack the iPhone — FBI’s Public Display is Propaganda to Sell You the Police State | The Free Thought Project

They Can Already Hack the iPhone — FBI’s Public Display is Propaganda to Sell You the Police State | The Free Thought Project

US District Court Rules “There is No First Amendment Right to Film the Police” | The Free Thought Project

US District Court Rules “There is No First Amendment Right to Film the Police” | The Free Thought Project

Friday, February 12, 2016

Hillary Rodham Clinton has BOUGHT AND PAID FOR the Presidency

The DNC has now proven to the American people that the presidential-election is thoroughly rigged.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

13th Richest Man in World Michael Bloomberg Tells People Elect Hillary C...

iframe width 459 height 344 src https://www.youtube.com/embed/S3BvB-8_jCI frameborder 0 allowfullscreen> /iframe>

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Blames Voters for Failures of Democratic Party

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Blames Voters for Failures of Democratic Party

 Debbie Wasserman Schultz just needs to resign - it is greedy, selfish neoliberal scum like her that are the very reason liberals feel that they have had any choice taken-away from them (until Bernie, that is).