Saturday, September 17, 2016

The Power Shift Network

The Power Shift Network

Corporate Media Silent as States Declare Emergency In Aftermath Massive Pipeline Rupture

Corporate Media Silent as States Declare Emergency In Aftermath Massive Pipeline Rupture

The Sixth Mass Extinction Will Be Like Nothing In Earth's History

The Sixth Mass Extinction Will Be Like Nothing In Earth's History

The King In Yellow (The Play) - The Yellow Site - Wikia

The King In Yellow (The Play) - The Yellow Site - Wikia

(73) Ordoglobalism: The Invention of International Economic Law | Quinn Slobodian -

(73) Ordoglobalism: The Invention of International Economic Law | Quinn Slobodian -

(73) Anarchist Political Ecology: Theoretical Horizons and Empirical Axes | Simon Springer -

(73) Anarchist Political Ecology: Theoretical Horizons and Empirical Axes | Simon Springer -

Federal Judge Cancels Restraining Order Against Dakota Access Pipeline Protesters  | RED POWER MEDIA

Federal Judge Cancels Restraining Order Against Dakota Access Pipeline Protesters  | RED POWER MEDIA

Open Call Collective Intelligence for Democracy - Medialab-Prado Madrid

Open Call Collective Intelligence for Democracy - Medialab-Prado Madrid

Wolf Richter: That 5.2% Jump in Household Income? Nope, People Aren’t Suddenly Getting Big-Fat Paychecks | naked capitalism

Wolf Richter: That 5.2% Jump in Household Income? Nope, People Aren’t Suddenly Getting Big-Fat Paychecks | naked capitalism

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The Empire Files: Rejecting Neoliberalism with Ecuador's Foreign Minister

The Empire Files: Rejecting Neoliberalism with Ecuador's Foreign Minister

The Israel Factor in the Syrian Ceasefire

The Israel Factor in the Syrian Ceasefire

African Refugees Fleeing War and Economic Strife on the Rise

African Refugees Fleeing War and Economic Strife on the Rise

Catalan Independence Struggle Impedes Formation of Spanish Government

Catalan Independence Struggle Impedes Formation of Spanish Government

Rudolph Giuliani: "Of Course It's Legal" to Take Iraq's Oil | Democracy Now!

Rudolph Giuliani: "Of Course It's Legal" to Take Iraq's Oil | Democracy Now!

Peace Activist Stanley Sheinbaum Dies at 96 | Democracy Now!

Peace Activist Stanley Sheinbaum Dies at 96 | Democracy Now!

North Dakota: #NoDAPL Organizer Cody Hall Released from Jail | Democracy Now!

North Dakota: #NoDAPL Organizer Cody Hall Released from Jail | Democracy Now!

California Farmworkers Win Major Labor Victory | Democracy Now!

California Farmworkers Win Major Labor Victory | Democracy Now!

New Video Shows Trump Supporter Punching Anti-Trump Activist | Democracy Now!

New Video Shows Trump Supporter Punching Anti-Trump Activist | Democracy Now!

ACLU Attorney: Growing Number of Murders of Trans Women Can't Be Separated from Anti-Trans Laws | Democracy Now!

ACLU Attorney: Growing Number of Murders of Trans Women Can't Be Separated from Anti-Trans Laws | Democracy Now!

Brazil: Eduardo Cunha Faces Possible Arrest After House Expulsion | Democracy Now!

Brazil: Eduardo Cunha Faces Possible Arrest After House Expulsion | Democracy Now!

Trump Names Pro-Iraq War Fmr. CIA Head James Woolsey to Be Adviser | Democracy Now!

Trump Names Pro-Iraq War Fmr. CIA Head James Woolsey to Be Adviser | Democracy Now!

After Man Lights Muslim Woman on Fire, Wearing Hijab "Has Become Act of Courage" | Democracy Now!

After Man Lights Muslim Woman on Fire, Wearing Hijab "Has Become Act of Courage" | Democracy Now!

Bangladesh: Death Toll from Factory Fire Rises to 31 | Democracy Now!

Bangladesh: Death Toll from Factory Fire Rises to 31 | Democracy Now!

WSJ: EpiPen Maker Mylan Has 2nd Highest Executive Pay in Industry | Democracy Now!

WSJ: EpiPen Maker Mylan Has 2nd Highest Executive Pay in Industry | Democracy Now!

U.S. Agrees to Give Israel $38 Billion in Military Aid over 10 Years | Democracy Now!

U.S. Agrees to Give Israel $38 Billion in Military Aid over 10 Years | Democracy Now!

Sanders Calls on Obama to Require Full Review of Dakota Access | Democracy Now!

Sanders Calls on Obama to Require Full Review of Dakota Access | Democracy Now!

20+ Water Protectors Arrested Resisting Dakota Access Construction | Democracy Now!

20+ Water Protectors Arrested Resisting Dakota Access Construction | Democracy Now!

Newsweek: Trump Org. Vast Business Network, Including Ties to Russia | Democracy Now!

Newsweek: Trump Org. Vast Business Network, Including Ties to Russia | Democracy Now!

Manning Ends Hunger Strike, as Army Agrees to Gender-Affirming Surgery | Democracy Now!

Manning Ends Hunger Strike, as Army Agrees to Gender-Affirming Surgery | Democracy Now!

"Pardon Snowden" Campaign Launches, Led by ACLU, Amnesty

"Pardon Snowden" Campaign Launches, Led by ACLU, Amnesty

Monday, September 12, 2016

War Crimes Shouldn't Pay - The Sentry

War Crimes Shouldn't Pay - The Sentry

War Crimes Shouldn't Pay - The Sentry

War Crimes Shouldn't Pay - The Sentry

War Crimes Shouldn't Pay - The Sentry

War Crimes Shouldn't Pay - The Sentry

OSINT Search Tool by Michael Bazzell | Open Source Intelligence Techniques

OSINT Search Tool by Michael Bazzell | Open Source Intelligence Techniques

Voter Registries Face Purges in Republican-Controlled States

Voter Registries Face Purges in Republican-Controlled States

Tribal Dakota Pipeline Resistance the Start of Something Bigger | Opinion | teleSUR English

Tribal Dakota Pipeline Resistance the Start of Something Bigger | Opinion | teleSUR English

Ecuador Under Attack | In Depth | teleSUR English

Ecuador Under Attack | In Depth | teleSUR English

Leamington Spa temple occupied by armed men in protest 'against marriage of Sikh and Muslim' | The Independent

Leamington Spa temple occupied by armed men in protest 'against marriage of Sikh and Muslim' | The Independent

Sunday, September 11, 2016

'The Mother of All Risks': Insurance Giants Call on G20 to Stop Bankrolling Fossil Fuels | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community

'The Mother of All Risks': Insurance Giants Call on G20 to Stop Bankrolling Fossil Fuels | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community

Wells Fargo Just Made The Case For Elizabeth Warren’s Bank Agency | Huffington Post

Wells Fargo Just Made The Case For Elizabeth Warren’s Bank Agency | Huffington Post

How Spy Tech Firms Let Governments See Everything On a Smartphone

How Spy Tech Firms Let Governments See Everything On a Smartphone

Police Taser drones authorized in N.D.

Police Taser drones authorized in N.D.

Once 'No Money Mike,' Cambridge's Mike Connolly now primed for Beacon Hill

Once 'No Money Mike,' Cambridge's Mike Connolly now primed for Beacon Hill

Sen. Bob Graham: Bush and Cheney Created an Intel Culture of "Not Wanting to Know" about 9/11 Attacks (Pt.2/2)

Sen. Bob Graham: Bush and Cheney Created an Intel Culture of "Not Wanting to Know" about 9/11 Attacks (Pt.2/2)

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Long-Buried IG Report on BLM Reveals Gifts from Oil & Gas Industry, Other Violations

Long-Buried IG Report on BLM Reveals Gifts from Oil & Gas Industry, Other Violations

Whistleblower Rejects $8 Million Award to Protest Revolving Door

Whistleblower Rejects $8 Million Award to Protest Revolving Door

Halt DHS Procurement while Private Detention Centers Evaluated

Halt DHS Procurement while Private Detention Centers Evaluated

Justice Dept. Watchdog Confirms “Unacceptable” FARA Compliance

Justice Dept. Watchdog Confirms “Unacceptable” FARA Compliance

POGO Critical of Pentagon Watchdog’s Handling of Whistleblowers

POGO Critical of Pentagon Watchdog’s Handling of Whistleblowers

Independence of Inspectors General is Essential

Independence of Inspectors General is Essential

F-35 May Never Be Ready for Combat

F-35 May Never Be Ready for Combat

2,100-year-old statue of Cybele the Anatolian mother goddess unearthed in northwestern Turkey - Daily Sabah

2,100-year-old statue of Cybele the Anatolian mother goddess unearthed in northwestern Turkey - Daily Sabah

REPORT – Democracy Lost – Election Justice

REPORT – Democracy Lost – Election Justice