Friday, February 3, 2017

Good News for Public Lands! (No, Really!) | NRDC

Good News for Public Lands! (No, Really!) | NRDC

DHS Walks Back Immigration Directives as Muslim Ban Chaos Continues

DHS Walks Back Immigration Directives as Muslim Ban Chaos Continues

Why is Romania suddenly in turmoil? - Inside Story - YouTube

Why is Romania suddenly in turmoil? - Inside Story - YouTube

LIVE: Anti-corruption protests continue in Bucharest

Two Arrested for Hacking Washington CCTV Cameras Before Trump Inauguration

Two Arrested for Hacking Washington CCTV Cameras Before Trump Inauguration

‘Become a suicide bomber!’: Trident whistleblower says artist’s spoof Navy ads are accurate — RT UK

‘Become a suicide bomber!’: Trident whistleblower says artist’s spoof Navy ads are accurate — RT UK

Radio Stations Hacked to Play "F**k Donald Trump" on Repeat Across the Country

Radio Stations Hacked to Play "F**k Donald Trump" on Repeat Across the Country

Software Is Eating the World, And You Need to See It

Software Is Eating the World, And You Need to See It

Scientists Plan to Replace Fossil Fuels With Nuclear Fusion by 2030

Scientists Plan to Replace Fossil Fuels With Nuclear Fusion by 2030

The Most Controversial Quantum Computer Ever Made Just Got an Upgrade

The Most Controversial Quantum Computer Ever Made Just Got an Upgrade

An AI Law Firm Wants to 'Automate the Entire Legal World'

An AI Law Firm Wants to 'Automate the Entire Legal World'

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Please, 2017, Give Us This: Chelsea Manning Could Be Freed In The Next Eight Days

Please, 2017, Give Us This: Chelsea Manning Could Be Freed In The Next Eight Days

Chelsea Manning Is Exactly the Kind of Advocate We Need in 2017 | Broadly

Chelsea Manning Is Exactly the Kind of Advocate We Need in 2017 | Broadly

McCain says Taliban 'murdered' people because of Chelsea Manning and WikiLeaks | PolitiFact

We scoured court documents, congressional hearing transcripts and media
reports, and we found that the government has not named a single
individual who was killed because he or she was named in the leaked

Assange Lawyer to Justice Department: Your Move | Mother Jones

Assange Lawyer to Justice Department: Your Move | Mother Jones

Delaware prison hostage siege enters 9th hour

Delaware prison hostage siege enters 9th hour

Impeach Trump Now

Impeach Trump Now