Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Not One Penny More to the Rich!

Not One Penny More to the Rich! – Dandelion Salad

Linguistic Analysis Suggests WannaCry Hackers Could be From Southern China

Linguistic Analysis Suggests WannaCry Hackers Could be From Southern China

Shadow Brokers Launches 0-Day Exploit Subscriptions for $21,000 Per Month

Shadow Brokers Launches 0-Day Exploit Subscriptions for $21,000 Per Month

Chrome Flaw Allows Sites to Secretly Record Audio/Video Without Indication

Chrome Flaw Allows Sites to Secretly Record Audio/Video Without Indication

Letter to the Patriot Militias: The Alt Right Murders Veterans

Letter to the Patriot Militias: The Alt Right Murders Veterans | Anti-Fascist News

a REAL-LIFE "Tommy, the pinball wizard"!

How an autistic child became world pinball champion - BBC News

Cthulhu, where ARE you?! We're waiting, dammit!!!

Is America (Really) Collapsing? – Bad Words – Medium

Thursday, May 25, 2017

American Promise

American Promise

A 28th Amendment to Restore the American Promise

Trump Calls Germans 'Very Bad' At EU Trade Meeting - The New Civil Rights Movement

Trump Calls Germans 'Very Bad' At EU Trade Meeting - The New Civil Rights Movement

where your tax-dollars for healthcare and education is going.....

The U.S. Military Has A "Space Aggressor Squadron" Trained for Off-World Warfare

Introducing the 'chit' - the world's first one-bit chemical hard drive - ScienceAlert

Introducing the 'chit' - the world's first one-bit chemical hard drive - ScienceAlert

The Whitewashing and Death of Ferro Lad: Lack of Diversity in Comics Didn’t 'Just Happen'

The Whitewashing and Death of Ferro Lad: Lack of Diversity in Comics Didn’t 'Just Happen'

7-Year-Old Samba Flaw Lets Hackers Access Thousands of Linux PCs Remotely

7-Year-Old Samba Flaw Lets Hackers Access Thousands of Linux PCs Remotely

Wanna Cry Again? NSA’s Windows 'EsteemAudit' RDP Exploit Remains Unpatched

Wanna Cry Again? NSA’s Windows 'EsteemAudit' RDP Exploit Remains Unpatched

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Friday, May 5, 2017

Unpatched Wordpress Flaw Could Allow Hackers To Reset Admin Password

Unpatched Wordpress Flaw Could Allow Hackers To Reset Admin Password

An Army of Thousands of Hacked Servers Found Mining Cryptocurrencies

An Army of Thousands of Hacked Servers Found Mining Cryptocurrencies

Beware! Don't Fall for FireFox "HoeflerText Font Wasn't Found" Banking Malware Scam

Beware! Don't Fall for FireFox "HoeflerText Font Wasn't Found" Banking Malware Scam

Google Patches 6 Critical Android Mediaserver Bugs in May Security Update

Google Patches 6 Critical Android Mediaserver Bugs in May Security Update

Hundreds of Apps Using Ultrasonic Signals to Silently Track Smartphone Users

Hundreds of Apps Using Ultrasonic Signals to Silently Track Smartphone Users

Warning! Don't Click that Google Docs Link You Just Received in Your Email

Warning! Don't Click that Google Docs Link You Just Received in Your Email

Real-World SS7 Attack — Hackers Are Stealing Money From Bank Accounts

Real-World SS7 Attack — Hackers Are Stealing Money From Bank Accounts

Tuesday, May 2, 2017