Monday, January 29, 2018

Shut the Fuck Up-The Big Bullshit Edition January 28, 2018

How to get booted from Facebook

Well, now that I've been kicked-off of Facebook for stating the truth about a homophobic, racist bar-owner in Atlanta.....

David Lynch e a Receita de Quinoa Pt. 2.mp4


this “toxic masculinity” issue is completely one-sided - str8-folks will not even admit to the fact they have “feminized” gay-men for years. When you have to cross-dress, act effeminate, act shallow & be unable to defend yourself to be accepted - that's NOT equality. They did it because the very concept of homosexuality feels like a threat to them. When they are willing to deal with THIS, we’ll talk. Until then… They can shove their "Oh, I have gay friends!"-shit back up their asses.