Wednesday, October 24, 2018
REPORTED hate-crimes in 2018
January 1, 2018: Charles William Davis II - a black army veteran and gay man - is waiting for a ride home with his friend when six men start in with homophobic slurs before escalating to a full-on six-on-two assault. When Davis begins getting the upper hand, one of the men pulls a gun before a passerby scares them off. Davis suffers a broken nose and several lacerations; his friend spends the first few days of 2018 in an ICU.
January 1, 2018: A shelter for unaccompanied refugee children in Spinetoli, Italy is destroyed by arsonists.
January 2, 2018: 19-year-old student Blaze Bernstein is stabbed nearly two dozen times and then buried in a shallow grave in a park outside of Los Angeles. 20-year-old Samuel Woodward, a former classmate, is charged with the murder and makes statements indicating that Bernstein was murdered because of his sexual orientation. It’s later revealed that Woodward is a self-described “national socialist” and member of neo-nazi terrorist organization Atomwaffen Division.
January 6, 2018: A black farm worker driving his employer’s tractor in South Africa was shot dead by a security guard in an unprovoked shooting described by the province’s agriculture minister as a hate crime.
January 9, 2018: After being vandalized repeatedly with swastikas and anti-Semitic graffiti the week before, a grocery store near Paris is set on fire by arsonists, causing extensive damage.
January 10, 2018: Viccky Guiterrez, an immigrant and transgender woman, is killed when her LA apartment mysteriously is engulfed in flames. Her friends claim that the attack was hate-motivated.
January 11, 2018: 31-year-old Aryan Nations gang member Ronnie Lucas Wilson is stopped for speeding in Knoxville, TN and opens fire on the police officer with a shotgun, seriously wounding him, before driving away. Lucas remains at large until being apprehended two days later.
January 11, 2018: Believing that he is being followed, Alabama resident Lorenzo Freeman pulls into a parking lot where he is confronted by the driver of the other vehicle, who jumps out yelling racial slurs at Freeman, then pulls out a gun and fires at Freeman, killing him.
January 12, 2018: Over 30 armed Casa Pound fascists attack people putting up anti-racist posters in Genova, Italy, stabbing one of them twice in the back.
January 13, 2018: A meeting on Roma culture in a bar in Naples, Italy is disrupted when dozens of members of the racist group Forze Nuova crash the event, smashing up the bar and seriously injuring the woman who had organized the event.
January 14, 2018: 44-year-old Manuel Lewis runs up to a table outside of a Tucson’s Starbucks where seven Muslim women are sitting and drinking coffee. Shouting Islamophobic slurs and curses at them, Lewis knocks two of the women down to the ground, flips their table end-over-over, and smashes one woman’s smartphone. A bystander stops Lewis from getting away and when police arrive to arrest Lewis, they found that his is carrying multiple knives.
January 19, 2018: 37-year-old neo-nazi Jacob Albert Laskey, who had previously served a prison sentence for throwing swastika-engraved rocks through the windows of a synagogue during services and conspiring to murder a witness, stabs a 41-year-old man in a Creswell trailer park.
January 20, 2018: As he was leaving the home of his date, 26-year-old Dashawn Horne is hit in the back of the head twice with an aluminum baseball bat by an 18-year-old assailant. As he laid bleeding and unconscious on the ground, the assailant said “this is what happens when you bring black people around here,” then struck him several more times with the baseball bat, then recorded himself yelling “Nigger” at Horne.
January 21, 2018: Fascists in Thessaloniki, Greece set fire to a historic building occupied by leftists, gutting it.
January 23, 2018: A 25-year-old man makes several attempts to run over an Arab man sweeping the sidewalk in Beitar Illit after speaking with him and discovering he was Arab. The racist driver later confessed to several other attacks on Palestinians as well as vandalizing Palestinian-owned vehicles.
January 24, 2018: A man approaches a student at Cupertino College yelling homophobic slurs. He punches the student in the face and then flees.
January 25, 2018: A car belonging to an Arab men is torched in Jerusalem, with “Death to the Arabs” and other racist graffiti spray-painted on the wall next to it.
January 26, 2018: After hearing someone calling for help, 58-year-old Thomas Williams leaves his Scottsdale, AZ apartment to investigate. He is immediately confronted by a Keaton Formica, a 30-year-old neighbor, who begins calling Williams a nigger and stabbing him. Williams is stabbed three times and manages to escape by rolling underneath a parked truck.
January 26, 2018: when her Lyft driver stops to pick up a man outside of a gay bar in Miami Beach, 24-year-old Sherry Shelsey Moody becomes infuriated and begins screaming homophobic slurs at the new passenger, then stabbed him in the face with one of her high-heeled shoes, puncturing his forehead.
January 27, 2018: Two men in the bathroom of a Sacramento bar are physically assaulted by a man yelling homophobic slurs at them before fleeing. One man is injured so badly that he will likely lose one of his eyes.
January 30, 2018: 59-year-old Jon Holte knocks on the door of a Latino family in Wisconsin and shoves the door in as they open it, forcing one man backwards and injuring him. Holte then falsely claims to be an ICE agent and undercover deputy sheriff there “because of all the illegals.” He is charged with several hate crimes.
January 31, 2018: Two teenagers randomly ambush and assault an eight-year-old Jewish boy while he is walking to a tutoring class in a Paris suburb.
January-February 2018: Members of the “Aryan Circle” and “Aryan Brotherhood of Texas” kidnap a man they suspect ripped them off in a drug deal. They hold the man for several days, chopping off part of his index finger with a hatchet and trying to bludgeon him unconscious. They then order an associate to take the man to another location and murder him, but the man escapes.
January-February 2018: 31-year-old Shane Sleeper makes a series of terrorist threats against several gay nightclubs in Chicago as well as the staff working there. He is charged with several misdemeanors which are later upgraded to a litany of terrorism, hate crime, and stalking charges. Sleeper was last arrested in 2015 for beating the owner of a gay nightclub in Atlanta.
February 3, 2018: 28-year-old white supremacist and failed candidate for the anti-immigrant Northern League party Luca Traini goes on a two-hour drive-by shooting spree, seriously wounding six African migrants.
February 4, 2018: Four African migrants in Pavia, Italy are attacked by a group of two dozen neo-nazis.
February 4, 2016: Transgender woman Celine Walker is shot to death in a Jacksonville hotel.
February 4, 2018: 32-year-old Izmir Koch asks a crowd of people outside of a Cincinnati restuarant whether any of them are Jewish. When a man answers in the affirmative, Koch runs up to him and punches him in the head, knocks him to the ground, and begins kicking him, along with some of his friends, fracturing the man’s eye socket.
February 6, 2018: 35-year-old transgender woman Tonya Harvey is shot dead in Buffalo, NY.
February 7, 2018: 36-year-old John Ross Niko is driving his truck through Keizer, Oregon when he spots a Latino man standing on the sidewalk. Niko jumps out of his truck and approaches the man, saying “why are you standing here? Go back to Mexico!” before punching him in the face. Niko had previously harassed the victim’s son and attempted to run him over. When placed under arrest, Niko protested that he had “been attacked by an illegal” who “does not speak English” and admitting to harassing the man’s son.
February 9, 2018: Reigning Mr. Gay Belgium winner Jaimie Deblieck is attacked from behind on the streets of his hometown of Roeselare by assailiants yelling “fucking homo!” as they stomped on him.
February 9, 2018: Dalit law student Dilip Saroj is beaten to death by four men armed with clubs, bricks, and chairs after Saroj’s leg brushed against the leg of another man in a crowded restaurant in Allahbad, India.
February 10, 2018: A 19-year-old Muslim woman is speaking to a nurse in a Michigan hospital emergency room when 57-year-old John Deliz runs up behind her and punches her repeatedly in the head before he is subdued by hospital security.
February 10, 2018: Portland tattoo shop owner Joseph “Dymond” Vinci - who has publicly proclaimed his support of both the extreme right Three Percenter and Patriot Prayer gangs - confronts a homeless man in the parking lot of his business. Vinci, who had bragged to neighbors about “beating the fuck out of” another homeless man three days prior, beats the man, 38-year-old Richard Hanley, with a metal police baton. When a stunned Hanley produces a steak knife, Vince drops the baton, draws a pistol, and shoots Hanley dead.
February 14, 2018: 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz walks into the high school he was expelled from with an assault rifle and murders 17 of his former classmates. Cruz was known to his former classmates for making frequent anti-semitic, homophobic, and xenophobic comments publicly and over Instagram and had previously threatened to murder antifa. His former classmates remember him wearing “really extreme” patriotic t-shirts and a MAGA hat and deriding Muslims as terrorists. He had carved swastikas into several of the spare magazines he was carrying for his AR-15 assault rifle.
February 14, 2018: Declaring that “I hate turban people,” a man puts a gun in the face of Gurjeet Singh, a Sikh man, father and Uber driver.
February 17, 2018: A 70-year old men enters a refugee shelter in Heilbronn, Germany armed with a knife and stabs three refugees, seriously wounding a 17-year-old Afghan refugee.
February 17, 2018: While returning to their car after eating dinner at a Carmel, CA. restaurant, a Muslim family is nearly killed when Robert Budden attempts to run them down in his Porsche, hitting husband & father Amro Radwan. Budden then gets out of his car, insults Radwan, and then drives into him a second time.
February 20, 2018: While waiting for a Nottingham bus, 18-year-old Egyptian engineering student Mariam Moustafa is set upon by a mob of six girls without any provocation. Moustafa dies from her injuries three weeks later
February 22, 2018: A Sikh environmentalist waiting outside of British Parliament to speak to a politician is randomly attacked by a passing man, who attempts to pull off his turban while yelling “Muslim go home!” at him.
February 23, 2018: An assailant fires several shots into the windows of Las Vegas’ only trans bar, seriously injuring a black trans woman inside.
February 25, 2018: Eight neo-nazis armed with iron bars storm a social center in Piraeus, Greece - injuring five people in the center - three seriously.
February 25, 2018: 57-year-old Daniel Owen Kelley approaches a 19-year-old Latino flower vendor in Anaheim and berates him with racial slurs before kicking over his flower bucket and beating him with a metal cane. Kelley was previously convicted of a hate crime in 2015.
February 25, 2018: A 21-year-old university student is dragged out of the Rust bar in Niagara Falls, NY by several employees who use brass knuckles to beat him until a passing police officer intervenes. The student was targeted for bringing his girlfriend, a black woman, into the bar. The attack left him with several broken facial bones and a concussion. Rust is owned by the wife of active white supremacist Todd A. Brio, who frequents the bar.
March 2018 - 23-year-old Mark Conditt - a home-schooled Christian extremist and former member of a bizarre, militia-like organization for Christian extremist teens - builds seven parcel bombs and delivers them to black and Latino neighborhoods, killing two black men and severely injuring a black woman and a Latina woman, as well as three other unidentified victims. Conditt killed himself by detonating a bomb inside his own vehicle as a SWAT team approached him. Conditt had previously posted online statements against abortion and calling for homosexuality to be made illegal.
March 2, 2018: An teenager in Cardiff, Wales receives a life sentence for plotting a terror attack at a Justin Bieber concert in the name of ISIS/Daesh.
March 3, 2018: A 27-year-old Louisiana man smashes his truck into a convenience store and robs it at gunpoint, later confessing to police that he targeted the store because the owners were Muslim (the owners are actually Sikhs).
March 3, 2018: The Spanish actor and polyglot Marius Makon enters a Madrid café where a patron calls him a “black piece of shit” before smashing him in the head twice with a beer bottle, cutting his head open.
March 4, 2018: After MAGA hat-wearing “proud boy” bigots arrived at a left-wing bookstore at the University of California San Diego and threatened to burn the bookstore down, the bookstore was broken into, vandalized, and set on fire.
March 5, 2018: 28-year-old Benjamin Morrow dies after blowing himself up in his apartment/armoury/bomb laboratory in Beaver Dam, WI. Among the debris, police recover several firearms, thousands of rounds of ammunition, body armour, masks, and white supremacist literature. The blast that killed Morrow was so powerful that twenty different fire departments responded and the entire apartment building had to be destroyed.
March 6, 2018: Six members of a suspected neo-nazi terror cell in Attica, Greece are arrested on explosives and arson charges.
March 6, 2018: A former US Army interpreter and Afghan refugee has to have his leg amputated after 68-year-old Perry George Nicolopoulos drove his car right at the refugee & his wife and three-year-old son. Nicolopoulos missed the former interpreter’s family but crushed his leg against another vehicle, then backed up and rammed him a second time. The interpreter’s leg is later amputated.
March 13, 2018: Colorado resident William Ray Garcia begins screaming racial slurs at a black motorist in a vehicle two cars ahead of his because the black motorist looked at him. Garcia soon he begins pursuing the other vehicle, then rams it in an attempt to force it off the road. Police charge Garcia with criminal mischief, reckless endangerment, bias-motivated crimes, child abuse, second-degree assault and reckless driving.
March 16, 2018: 56-year-old Richard Gallegos pulls what appears to be a gun and points it at three people in a New Orleans neighborhood, shouting, “I’m going to kill all you niggers!” Police later confiscate a BB gun and knife when they arrest him.
March 16, 2018: An 89-year-old Sikh man steps out of his car in a Calgary grocery store parking lot and is immediately set upon by an unidentified middle-aged white man who shoves him repeatedly until he falls to the ground, knocking the turban off his head and sustaining injuries to his hands and head.
March 17, 2018: 52-year-old John Carothers pours lighter fluid over the head of 40-year-old Robert Miller before setting him on fire, killing Miller and burning down part of the Murfreesboro halfway house both were living in. From jail, Carothers wrote to a white supremacist group admitting to targeting Miller because he was black.
March 22, 2018: A group of masked men wielding clubs and tasers storm into a classroom at Montpelier University in France and attack the students occupying it as part of a protest. The armed thugs - who are later identified as members of the fascist student group G.U.D. + sympathetic faculty - severely injure four people in the attack. Philippe Pétel, the university’s dean of law, had let the thugs in through a back door and cheered them on as they fractured student’s skulls, later claiming in an interview that the violent attack was necessary and that he was proud of the armed attackers. He is later compelled to resign.
March 22, 2018: A neo-nazi terror group smashes their way into a community space for Afghan refugees in Athens, Greece, destroying computers and equipment before dousing it in petrol and setting it on fire.
March 23, 2018: The body of 85-year-old Holocaust survivor Mireille Knoll is discovered in her apartment. Ms. Knoll had been beaten and stabbed to death and her apartment was set on fire. Police arrested two men - one of whom was previously convicted for the sexual assault of the daughter of Ms. Knoll’s domestic helper. Police believe Ms. Knoll was targeted because she was Jewish.
March 24, 2018: A gay couple on vacation in Mexico are confronted by a man as they walk through a Puerto Vallarta park holding hands. The man pulls out a gun and shoots one of the men, seriously injuring him.
March 30, 2018: An international student from India waiting for an Ottawa city bus after work is approached by two white men in their 20s who attack him, drag him to the ground, and rip the turban off of his head while yelling racist slurs at him.
March 31, 2018: 21-year-old CJ Salmon viciously attacks a gay man outside of a bar, knocking the man and a woman standing beside him to the ground and punching him repeatedly in the face, after the man spoke to a group of people Salmon was walking with.
April 2, 2018: A Dalit youth is shot to death by Gujjars during escalating ethnic tension in Shobhapur, India
April 3, 2018: A Muslim woman on her way to class at a Kansas City community college is confronted by a man who makes an Islamophobic comment, then punches her in the face, sending her tumbling down a flight of stairs.
April 5, 2018: A 25-year-old Muslim woman driving to her Houston home from her nursing job is nearly sideswiped by a truck. When she gets out to inspect her vehicle, the truck U-turns and two white men jump out and confront her, yelling “Oh my God, it’s a raghead,” “It’s an fucking raghead,” “sand nigger” and other derogatory terms. As the woman tries to get back in her vehicle, one of them men pulls out a knife and stabs her.
April 5, 2018: A gay man visiting Rome is robbed at knifepoint by four neo-nazis who beat him so severely he is rushed to the nearest hospital by ambulance.
April 8, 2018: A gay couple are attacked by four men calling them homophobic slurs after Miami’s gay pride parade.
April 8, 2018: Three men attack a gay couple in Washington, D.C. while shouting homophobic slurs at them. One man was beaten unconscious and both were hospitalized with serious injuries.
April 12, 2018: Two arsonists attempt to set a mosque in Nablus, West Bank on fire after spraypainting racist slogans on it in Hebrew.
April 12, 2018: 14-year-old Brennan Walker gets lost making his way to school and knocks on the door of a home to ask for directions. When the woman who answers the door sees that Walker is black, she calls her husband, who rushes to the door with a gun and shoots at Walker, missing him. Walker manages to flee without being shot as the woman asks her husband (as recorded by their own security system) “Why did “these people” choose my house?” Retired Detroit firefighter Jeffrey Ziegler is charged with Assault with Intent to Murder; and Felony Firearms.
April 12, 2018: Police search the home of 19-year-old Jakub Zak, a supporter of the neo-nazi group Patriot Front (which splintered from the organization Charlottesville terrorist James Alex Fields Jr. belonged to), recovering five semi-automatic pistols Zak had illegally acquired, as well as ammunition.
April 13, 2018: Several attendees at a party in Delaware turn on a 23-year-old man at the party, making homophobic remarks about him before physically assaulting him, breaking his leg.
April 13, 2018: Three men and two women randomly attack a Hasidic Jewish man walking down the street, beating him bloody.
April 14, 2018: A gang of 20 men confront four Polish immigrants walking to catch a bus in Hull, UK after they overhear them speaking Polish. The mob throw bottles at the four, then chase the men back down the street until catching one, who they kick and beat with a nail-studded wooden board, hospitalizing him.
April 15, 2018: Shouting “who you eyeballing, nigger?,” 34-year-old Maurice Diggins and 27-year-old Dusty Leo jump out of their pickup truck in a Biddeford, ME 7-11 parking lot and smash a black man in the head, breaking his jaw and knocking him to the ground. As the man got to his feet and ran away, the men shouted at him “go on, run nigger!” then chased after him in their truck. Both are charged with aggravated assault and hate crimes.
April 16, 2018: Christians leaving a church in Pakistan are fired upon by masked gunmen on motorcycles. Two are killed and four others injured. Daesh claims responsibility for the attack.
April 17, 2018: 26-year-old Nicholas Rose is arrested by Orange Country police after his own family turns him in for plotting to murder prominent Jewish community members in the area. Police recover ammunition, a “kill list” of local Jewish leaders as well as a written plan titled “Killing My First Jew” and a variety of anti-Semitic literature. Police believe that Rose was also planning to commit terrorist acts against local Greek and Russian Orthodox churches because he believe them to be “sympathetic to the Jewish cause.”
April 18, 2018: A 23-year-man racially abuses and physically assaults two racialized women on a street in Manchester, injuring both of them. He goes on to assault three other people before passerby apprehend and hold him until police arrive.
April 20, 2018: A man wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat began verbally abusing a 24-year-old Mexican man on the NYC subway with racial slurs, claiming that he’s “taking American jobs.” When the Mexican man gets off at the next stop, the abusive man follows him and assaults him on the platform, then pushes him onto the subway tracks before fleeing.
April 20, 2018: A neo-nazi gang in Kiev wielding tear gas canisters, knives, and firearms attack an encampment of homeless Roma, injuring several and then setting fire to their camp in what was described as a pogrom.
April 21, 2018: 40-year-old Jeremiah Greenwood throws rocks at the parked car of a Colorado couple, then proceeds to knocking their mailbox off their post. When the couple come outside to investigate the commotion, Greenwood begins yelling racial slurs about their immigration status, pulls a knife, and tried to stab them. The couple revealed to the arresting officers that Greenwood had targeted them for racial abuse in the past.
April 21, 2018: 40-year-old James Vincent purchases some ice cream at a store in Flatbush, NY. Then, upon leaving the store, he spots a 52-year-old Jewish man leaving a synagogue. Vincent yells “you fucking Jew!” at the man, then follows him, yelling anti-Semitic slurs at him until deciding to repeatedly punch the man and strangle him. Vincent has been charged with hate crimes.
April 22, 2018: 29-year-old Travis Jeffrey Reinking - a self-proclaimed “sovereign citizen” and purveyor of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories who hurled racial slurs at shoppers in a Publix supermarket the week prior, walks into a Tennessee Waffle House with an assault rifle, killing three black patrons and one Latino patron.
April 23, 2018: 25-year-old Alek Minassian - an extremist misogynist that had published facebook posts declaring an “incel rebellion” and praising misogynist & mass murderer Elliot Rodger - drives a rented van down the sidewalk of a busy Toronto street, killing ten people and injuring thirteen others.
April 26, 2018: Screaming that his is going to “kill you black bastards,” 49-year-old Christopher Jones points a pistol at two boys, aged ten and sixteen, then chases them down an alley and into their garden in an unprovoked attack. Jones is sentenced to four years in prison.
April 28, 2018: When a Hasidic rabbi says good morning to him while passing him on a street in Brooklyn, 40-year-old James Vincent responds with a litany of anti-Semitic slurs and death threats. Vincent then beats the rabbi to the ground, fracturing his ribs, and strangles him. Vincent has been previously arrested for hate crimes.
April 29, 2018: A gay couple in Sydney are pursued by a man screaming homophobic insults at them. The man soon attacked the couple, breaking the arm of one of them so severely he required surgery and the insertion of supportive pins.
April 29, 2018: Two journalists in Fretterode, Germany are spotted by neo-nazis who chase them down and smash up their car. The journalists are stabbed and beaten with a large wrench. Two 24-year-old neo-nazis have been charged with assault and robbery.
April 29, 2018: Two Jewish university students are walking home when two other students begin taunting them with shouted comments like “fuck the Jews!” The pair are pursued by the anti-Semites, who assault them at the door of their home.
May 1, 2018: A 30-year-old Muslim woman is beaten unconscious in front of her four children in a McDonald’s in Liverpool. Her attacker mocked her accent, told her to “go back to your own country,” and attempted to rip the hijab off of her head before beating her unconscious.
May 1, 2018: 80-year-old Fredric Allan Shinerock decided to jump out of his car and criticize the parking of a young black woman at a university parking lot by yelling at her, “You don’t belong (unintelligible)! Go back to South LA! Shut your fucking ugly, nigger mouth. You’re a nigger!” When the women took strong exception to the racist abuse, Shinerock punched her and attempted to kick her repeatedly. Shinerock was charged with misdemeanor battery, with the event being investigated by police as a hate crime.
May 1, 2018: A 22-year-old Jewish rabbinical student walking home in Brooklyn, NY is assaulted by two men who target him because he was speaking in Hebrew on his cell phone. Darren Morgan, 20 and Justin George, 19 are charged with a hate crime for the assault.
May 3, 2018: While talking on the phone to his son, a 28-year-old Syrian refugee in Edinburgh is confronted by assailants demanding to know “why are you still here? Why are you not back in your country?” before stabbing him six times. Shabaz Ali, the victim, is left permanently disabled by the attack; his assailant, 18-year-old Sean Gorman, receives a seven-year prison sentence.
May 5, 2018: Sonya King, a 5-foot-tall Muslim woman working as a food delivery driver, drops a meal off at 54-year-old Rick Painter’s home. Painter proceeds to strangle her with her own niqab. When Painter does not respond to her pleas and continues choking her, King fights for her life, gouging Painter in the eye and stabbing him with her car keys until she is able to flee.
May 5, 2018: Florida man Dustin Hughes, whose facebook profile picture was an image of him with a confederate flag and the slogan “heritage not hate,” repeatedly phoned a local mosque threatening to blow it up and murder all the worshippers there. At 4:06pm that day, he also left a voice message, in which he said “You fucking Muslim piece of shit. I planted a bomb in your temple; I’m gonna blow your fucking temple up, you fucking Muslim piece of shit. Where you guys have your sanctuary and worship Allah, I’m gonna blow that motherfucker up. l have a detonator, l’m gonna cause that motherfucker to go off, you guys are all gonna be up in flames after l’m done with you! You guys wanna come here and cause mayhem to America, well, I’m gonna cause mayhem to your religion ‘cause your religion is nothing but lies. Lies, lies, lies from the Devil! Where’s Allah now?” Hughes has been charged with hate crimes and pleads guilty in June.
May 5, 2018: A 38-year-old gay woman leaving a nightclub in Co. Tyrone, Ireland is confronted by a 17-year-old boy who assaults her then uses a cordless drill to drill a hole in her skull, leaving her gravely injured.
May 6, 2018: A fourteen-year-old boy leaving a Queens yeshiva is approached by a man who calls him “Jew boy” and then punches him in the face.
May 6, 2018: Two men jump out of a car outside of a popular gay nightclub in east London and begin punching and kicking clubgoers. They run back to their car and return with two bottles full of acid, which they spray indiscriminately on clubgoers, seriously injuring three men in their teens and twenties.
May 7, 2018: Natasha and Shala Fross, two 26-year-old sisters, attack a Latina woman as she stands in front of her Colorado home, discussing home renovations with a neighbor, dragging her by her hair as they shouted racist slurs at her. The two sisters are charged with a hate crime.
May 10, 2018: A high school student and his mom are driving down the highway when a pickup truck tries to run them off the road, screaming “get out of our country, you niggers!” at them. The truck succeeds in running them off the road and then the truck’s five passengers jump out and smash the car up with baseball bats, sticks, and (apparently) a frying pan.
May 11, 2018: A 19-year-old woman standing with friends outside a gay club in Dorset, England, tries to avoid an escalating confrontation with a man who accosted them by steering her friends away. The man, Martin Keith Stephens, responds by grabbing her by the hair and throwing her against a wall after threatening to kill her. Stephens also told the victim that if he spent “even a day in jail, she would pay for it.”
May 12, 2018: 55-year-old Vincent Joseph O'Sullivan is arrested by police in Guerneville, CA after twice stealing the local chamber of commerce’s rainbow flag and then escalating to threatening to detonate a pipe bomb in a town grocery store in a plot to kill and injure many of the LGBTQ+ tourists that flock there for vacation.
May 12, 2018: A Sikh man and father of six is shot and killed as he sits in his car. 20-year-old Broderick Malik Jones Roberts is charged with two counts of felony murder.
May 13, 2018: A 36-year-old father and Pakistani migrant is set upon by five thugs in Athens, Greece near a police station. The attackers knock him to the ground, punching him and kicking him in the head.
May 14, 2018: A gang of six neo-nazis kidnap 13-year-old Zavion Parker from his school bus stop. Parker, who is black, is forced into a truck and then taken to an abandoned building where he is beaten and robbed. HIs assailants use his cell phone to send text messages to his mother threatening to hang him. He manages to escape and a passerby in a car rescues him and calls police, who continue to investigate.
May 14, 2018: A 35-year-old man driving in Virginia is forced to stop when a pickup truck cuts him off and slams on the brakes. As the driver of the truck yells at him “you don’t belong here!” and “Go back to your own country!” the passenger jumps out, pulls the man out of his vehicle and assaults him. The man is able to escape and drives away, with the pickup truck in pursuit. He manages to call police, who identify and arrest 56-year-old Jimmy Lynn Greer and his 25-year-old Dustin David Greer on hate crime charges.
May 16, 2018: While enjoying a walk in the French countryside, a Muslim couple and their three children encounter a racist woman shouting racial slurs at them. The racist woman then fetches her husband, who fires a shotgun at the family but misses them.
May 17, 2018: 25-year-old Shai Jevan Lewis walks down a street in Sydney, Australia, randomly punching and kicking Asians he encounters, including multiple women and a 70-year-old man. Several of his victims sustain facial injuries and Lewis is charged with seven counts of assault and grievous bodily harm.
May 19, 2018: a mosque located in a converted apartment in a residential apartment building in Hässelholm, Sweden is broken into and set on fire. Five families are forced to evacuate their adjoining apartments during the blaze, which completely guts the mosque.
May 19, 2018: Yiannis Boutaris, the 75-year-old mayor of Thessaloniki, Greece, is met with an angry mob of Golden Dawn supporters as he tries to attend an event commemorating the mass murder of Greeks in the early 1900s. Upon his arrival, Boutaris receives jeers about his association with LGBTQ+ and Jewish people, then is pelted with rocks and bottles, knocking him to the ground where he is kicked as he lies on the pavement. Boutaris is hospitalized for multiple injuries.
May 19, 2018: A Latino woman buying strawberries at a Turlock, CA. fruit stand is approached by a white man who calls her several racist slurs then punches her in the face.
May 20, 2018: A gay couple in Edinburgh, Scotland are brutally beaten outside of a nightclub for holding hands.
May 23, 2018: 43-year-old Vincent Teunissen, an ex-soldier and member of the extremist Islamophobe terror group “Anti Terror Brigade Special Forces,” is arrested after police raid his parent’s home in Lingewaard, Netherlands where he lives and seize evidence of his intention to launch a terrorist attack against Muslims.
May 26, 2018: Fascists in Dresden, Germany attack a refugee shelter at 4AM, pelting it with rocks and bottles and attempting to set it on fire while its residents huddled in fear.
May 26, 2018: A gay couple in Denver, Colorado are approached by a man yelling homophobic slurs at them. The man stabs both men repeatedly as they try to flee.
May 26, 2018: After participating in a xenophobic rally in Aix-en-Provence, France, five members of the white supremacist Social Bastion group go on to randomly assault two racialized motorists passing by them.
May 26, 2018: When two foreign women are confronted by a man screaming racial abuse at them in the streets of Bratislava, Slovakia, their Filipino companion comes to their aid. He is beaten to death by the racist.
May 27, 2018: 40-year-old Robert Kelly, an off-duty Colorado cop, approaches a black man on the street and begins abusing him with racial slurs, then punches him several times in the face. Kelly is later arrested and charged with assault and hate crimes.
May 29, 2018: After covering a school in Newport, Wales with nazi grafffti two days prior, a 23-year-old man returns to set the building on fire and is arrested.
June 2, 2018: Two gay man run for their lives after being set upon by a homophobic mob of around 20 people chasing them after the Salt Lake City Pride festivities. They flee into a nearby café where the shopkeeper, coming to the aid of the two men, is thrown by the mob back into the door so hard it breaks the hinges and punched multiple times. The shopkeeper fights back and manages to keep the homophobes out of the café.
June 2, 2018: While out collecting scrap metal in an abondoned building, three migrant farm workers are shot at by Antonio Pontoriero in Calabria, Italy, who kills 29-year-old trade unionist Soumaila Sacko.
June 3, 2018: a 39-year-old woman walking to a bus stop in Bolton, UK with her two young daughters and teenaged son encounters a man who hurls racial insults at them. When her son objects, the man attacks him. The woman intervenes and is beaten unconscious. She remains in critical condition in the hospital.
June 3, 2018: 56-year-old Joseph Minor approaches his neighbour in the parking lot of their Daytona, Florida apartment complex, calling him a “nigger,” and telling him that he hates him and that “his days are numbered.” When his neighbor retreats into his apartment, Minor sets his car on fire.
June 3, 2018: A 25-year-old man walking through Queens, NY is chased by two men yelling homophobic slurs, who knock him down from behind and beat him.
June 4, 2018: Two men drive through a Romani encampment in Amfissa, Greece, firing a shotgun through the window of their truck and killing a 13-year-old Romani girl.
June 5, 2018: Around 4AM, arsonists set fire to both a mosque and a Sikh temple in Leeds. Firefighters are able to extinguish both blazes before significant damage occurs.
June 5, 2018: A 14-year-old black boy is getting off his school bus in North Brookfield, MA. Two masked men yelling racist slurs at him drive by in a Jeep and throw a hatchet at him, barely missing his head.
June 5, 2018: A mob of at least ten masked neo-nazis break into the AZ Kim Hubert center in Salzwedel, Germany. They head immediately to the 2nd floor and attack people sleeping there with axes, clubs, and pepper spray while also trashing the center before making their escape.
June 7, 2018: Former members of the neo-nazi Azov Battalion, armed with axes and sledgehammers, attack a Roma encampment in Kiev, Ukraine, driving the occupants out while livestreaming the whole incident. Ukraine police watch but fail to intervene.
June 9, 2018: Two gay men in St. Petersburg, Russia for the World Cup are attacked by homophobes, leaving one of them with a broken jaw and serious brain injuries.
June 9, 2018: Two gay men in Oakland, CA’s gay district are bludgeoned from behind with an iron bar, then punched, kicked, and dragged by an unknown assailant in two separate, unprovoked attacks. One of the victims has to undergo reconstructive surgery to repair the damage to his jaw and cheekbone.
June 14, 2018: Three men in a car fire a compressed air pistol at two refugee boys walking on the sidewalk, hitting and injuring one.
June 16, 2018: The only mosque in Edson, Canada is set on fire by an arsonist caught on videotape armed with a jerry can, arriving just hours after worshippers departed.
June 17, 2018: Wielding a 10-inch kitchen knife, a 47-year-old woman chases Jewish schoolchildren around a North London neighbourhood screaming “I want to kill all you Jews!” She is apprehended by volunteers in a local Orthodox Jewish neighbourhood watch program and then arrested by police on hate crime charges.
June 17, 2018: While waiting for some pedestrians to cross the street in Cagliari, Italy, a Dominican youth on a motor scooter is ambushed and chased by three assailants shouting racist abuse at him, then beating him so badly that he is hospitalized.
June 20, 2018: A 20-year-old immigrant from Mali and owner of a successful restaurant is walking home from work in Naples, Italy when a passenger in a passing car fires a shotgun at him, wounding him.
June 23, 2018: a mob of right-wing extremists armed with knives and clubs attack a Roma encampment outside of Lviv, Ukraine around midnight, murdering a 24-year-old Roma man and injuring four others, including a ten-year-old boy.
June 23, 2018: Two men lob a bomb at a home in Philadelphia that serves as a safe refuge for transgender people.
June 23, 2018: Racist homophobes in Thessaloniki, Greece, separating a mixed-race gay couple from the rest of the crowd at the town’s Pride parade and throw them both into the sea. Later that evening, a 17-ear-old Pakistani migrant is beaten by four men in an assault captured on CCTV.
June 24, 2018: Police arrest ten members of an Islamophobic terrorist cell, seize firearms and uncover an explosives factory in a series of raids across France. The majority of arrestees are police officers or members of the French military.
June 24, 2018: A 21-year-old woman of Colombian descent is attacked at a bus stop by a security guard who beat her to the ground and punched her repeatedly in the face while yelling racist abuse at her.
June 29, 2018: While returning from a visit with his mom in Renfrewshire, Scotland, 21-year-old Blair Wilson is subjected to homophobic verbal abuse by a complete stranger, who then crosses the street to beat him bloody.
June 30, 2018: 30-year-old Timmy Kinner stabs nine people at a birthday party for a three-year-old refugee in Boise, Idaho. The three-year-old dies from her injuries; all other victims were also refugees from Syria, Iraq, and Ethiopia; five others were also children.
June 30, 2018: 25-year-old Joshua Daniel Miller. a member of a “Three percent” militia, shoots 23-year-old Eddie Heahcoe after an argument, killing him.
July 2, 2018: When asked to move to the smoking area of a London pub, two men and a woman berate the pub staff with homophobic verbal abuse before viciously assaulting them, breaking several bones.
July 4, 2018: A 19-year-old Muslim woman walking in Anderlues, Belgium is confronted by two men, who block her path, call her a “filthy Arab,” tear her hijab and her shirt off, knock her to the ground, and carve a cross into her torso.
July 4, 2018: 92-year-old Rodolfo Rodriguez is beaten to the ground and smashed in the face with a brick by five assailants in Los Angeles who shouted racial slurs and told him to “go back to his country” while punching and kicking him. Rodriguez suffers multiple broken bones and contusions from the attack.
July 6, 2018: Missouri neo-nazi Ronald Kidwell is charged with a hate crime after admitting to police that he stabbed Meshon Cooper-Williams to death and then stuffed her body into a trash can.
July 7, 2018: A black man walks into the pool room of a Pennsylvania bar where he is confronted and assaulted by eight members of the neo-nazi “Keystone United” gang.
July 8, 2018: A Jewish man is attacked by a mob of ten people in Berlin, who beat him to the ground and continue punching and kicking him until passers-by intervene.
July 10, 2018: A 41-year-old Bidjara man and veteran is stabbed to death behind a Moreton Bay, Australia 7-Eleven. Police have issued an arrest warrant for the neo-nazi alleged to have committed the murder.
July 11, 2018: A 52-year-old First Nations man is hospitalized after being discovered badly injured on Water Street in Thunder Bay, Canada by unknown assailants in what officials are describing as a hate crime.
July 11, 2018: Two Nigerian migrants waiting for a bus outside of a migrant support center are shot by a passenger in a passing car with an air pistol. Both are injured.
July 12, 2018: Acting on a tip, Miami police arrest 72-year-old Walter Edward Stolper as he is in the act of burning down the 15-storey, 400-unit condo building he lives in. Stolper, who had just received an eviction notice, had told a witness he was going to burn down the building “with all the fucking Jews.” Police recovered dozens of jerry cans filled with gasoline, other arson materials, as well as book extolling nazi ideology and swastikas.
July 12, 2018: A Muslim food vendor in Manhattan is grabbed from behind by an attacker while he was working at his food cart and then dragged him out into the street, where the attacker began hitting him while yelling anti-Muslim slurs. Hassane Elbaz says the man had been harassing him for several days prior to the attack.
July 13, 2018: Abu Sheikh, a Muslim man is walking home from his mosque in Saksatoon, Canada when a truck swerves on to the sidewalk in an attempt to run him over. The driver then gets out of the truck and throws bricks at the windows of Sheikh’s home.
July 14, 2018: A 26-year-old Latino man is confronted by two white men outside of a Georgia bar while his is waiting for a ride service. The men racially abuse him, accuse him of being a member of “the cartel,” and then stab him.
July 15, 2018: A Muslim couple returning to their car from a family picnic in Mississauga, Canada are confronted by two men walking by, who call them terrorists and “fucking Arabs.” The two men then attack the couple, beating both of them in front of their two young daughters. 39-year-old Muhammed Abu Marzouk suffers a severe brain injury and several facial fractures and undergoes multiple life-saving surgeries. Janis Corhamzic, 19, and Adem Corhamzic, 27, are being investigated on hate charges.
July 16, 2018: In a Leeds courtroom, 19-year-old Jack Coulson, pleads guilty to terror offenses after being discovered with a pipe bomb and bomb-making manuals. Coulson, who likes to cosplay as a nazi and is an admitted member of the banned National Action white supremacist terror group,had previously praised the murderer of UK MP Jo Cos as a “hero.”
July 16, 2018: A photojournalist is attacked in the street in Barcelona by a fascist shouting “viva Franco!” at him. The photojournalist suffers multiple facial injuries and is treated at a primary care facility.
July 17, 2018: A man walks into a quiet bakery in Heilbronn, Germany and fires six shots from a pistol at the cashier, a hijab-wearing Muslim woman before running away in an attack eerily similar to those carried out by the racist NSU terror group. Fortunately, the pistol appears to have been loaded with blanks.
July 18, 2018: Two Chicago men are charged with a hate crime after punching and stabbing a 19-year-old relative because she was dating a Muslim man.
July 18, 2018: A Roma infant is shot in the back by a compressed air rifle as her mother cradles her in her arms in Rome, Italy. The infant has to undergo surgery to have the projectile taken out of her back.
July 20, 2018: Two AfD supporters assault a trade unionist from behind in Hanau-Steinheim, strangling him unconscious. The trade unionist is hospitalized with a traumatic brain injury and other injuries resulting from the assault. The two attackers are charged with serious assault.
July 20, 2018: Two fifteen-year-old boys in Yorkshire, England known for espousing extremist right-wing ideology receive lengthy prison sentences for their elaborate plot to build explosives, murder an acquaintance’s father, steal shotguns, and execute a mass shooting and bombing at their school.
July 21, 2018: 25-year-old Chad Merrill intervenes when another man begins calling another regular at a York, Pennsylvania bar “nigger” and other racial slurs. The racist bar patron, 24-year-old James Saylor, responds by pulling a pistol and shooting Merrill in the chest, killing him.
July 21, 2018: Two young Polish men getting of a bus in Edinburgh, Scotland are confronted by a racist mob of at least ten people, who attack them, hospitalizing one of the pair with serious injuries to his face, head, and arms.
July 23, 2018: While attending a community block party, the mayor of Burien, Washington is attacked from behind and beaten to the ground by a man making derogatory comments about the mayor’s Latino ethinicty.
July 23, 2018: 29-year-old Doenton A. Rogers begins making insulting and homophobic remarks to a transgender woman at a Detroit gas station. Following the woman into the station, Rogers pulls out a gun and shoots her, shooting her in the shoulder after a struggle for the weapon. He now faces hate crime charges.
July 24, 2018: A 61-year-old woman waiting for a bus is stabbed in the face by a man wielding a kitchen knife and screaming anti-semitic slogans.
July 25, 2018: A pack of 15-20 neo-nazis armed with knives and clubs attack migrants sleeping in a park in Thessaloniki, Greece, injuring four people, two seriously.
July 25, 2018: Hooded fascists from the misogynist Social Patriotes gang attack a march for women’s reproductive rights in Santiago, Chile by throwing animal blood at the marchers and later stabbing four women and a security guard.
July 26, 2018: A man on a bicycle approaches a woman walking in downtown Portland with her friends. The man makes disparaging remarks about the woman’s sexual orientation, then punches her in the face several times and rides off. Police charge 38-year-old Timothy Walsh with a hate crime.
July 26, 2018: A 19-year-old Senegalese man in Partinico, Italy, is greeted with racist slurs as he stands outside of a bar. Then he is beaten in the streets by five men who injure him so badly that he is hospitalized for a week. Two cousins, Gioacchino Bono, 34, and Lorenzo Rigano, 37 are arrested for the assault.
July 26, 2018: Two people run up to a migrant from Guinea in Caserta, Italy and shoot him in the face with a compressed air pistol, injuring him.
July 27, 2018: A 33-year-old migrant working on scaffolding in front of the town hall in Vicenza, Italy is shot in the leg by a 40-year-old man firing from a condominium balcony nearby. The resulting injury is bad enough to require the migrant worker to be hospitalized for a week. Meanwhile that same day, at a migrant support centre in Caserta, an asylum seeker is shot in the face at close range by a compressed air pistol, with his assailant an an accomplice running off without capture.
July 28, 2018: A Senegalese waiter working in a Sicily bar is attacked at his work by a group of seven men in Sicily, who punch and kick him while calling him a “dirty Negro” and demanding he go back to his country.
July 28, 2018: Two foreign citizens driving in Aprilia, Italy are spotted by local residents and chased. Two local men catch up to them and attack them, beating a 43-year-old Moroccan man to death.
July 28, 2018: A Montréal couple taking down stickers of the racist gang Atlante Québec are attacked by three members of the gang.
July 29, 2018: 35-year-old Sandra Alexander approaches an 18-year-old girl waiting a bus stop in Brampton, Canada and begins to yell racial slurs at her and threaten to light her on fire. When a Muslim bystander attempts to intervene, Alexander attacks her, attempting to tear off her hijab. A third woman is also subjected to racial and physical abuse by Alexander before Alexander is arrested at the scene and charged with assault with a weapon, uttering threats, and is being investigated for additional hate crime charges.
July 29, 2018: a gang of fascists injured six people in a park in Manresa, Spain after the six hung a Catalonian flag.
July 30, 2018: A group of men in a red Renault Clio attempt to run over a group of racialized youth chatting in a park in Beaune, France. They fail, but hurl racial abuse and threats at the youth. Three hours later two men return in a different car, produce a shotgun, and fire into the group, injuring six.
July 31, 2018: A Sikh man doing volunteer work putting up election signs for Republican candidates in Modesto, California is attacked by two masked men who beat him while yelling “go back to your country!” and then spray-painted a aneo-nazi Celtic cross symbol and “go back to your country!” on his truck.
August 3, 2018: A 32-year-old Senegalese immigrant is shot repeatedly by two assailants on a motor scooter in Napoli, Italy. He suffers wounds to his leg but survives.
August 4, 2018: A dozen masked goons barge into Bookmarks, the UK’s largest socialist bookshop, just before closing and ransack it before fleeing.
August 4, 2018: A 21-year-old Pakistani student studying at the University of Newcastle in Australia is driving to the school library when a group of nine people stop his car and surround it. A woman reaches through his passenger window to grab his cell phone as a man pulls open his door screaming “go back to your country! You don’t belong here!” The student is then beaten by the mob, (at least one of whom uses brass knuckles) and is injured so badly he requires surgery.
August 4, 2018: 22-year-old Allen Loftis assaults three men he suspects are gay at a nightclub in Springfield, Missouri and is charged with hate crimes after confessing to police that he did it because “he didn’t care for gays.”
August 6, 2018: 71-year-old Sahib Singh Natt is out for a morning walk in Menteca, California when two men wearing hoods approach him, kicking him the stomach, knocking him to the ground, then repeatedly kick him in the stomach and head before spitting on him and fleeing the area.
August 6, 2018: Two gay men in Ghent, Belgium are attacked by and bludgeoned by assailants with a metal pipe in an assault being described as homophobic. Both are hospitalized as a result of the attack.
August 8, 2018: German authorities document over 700 attacks on refugees or refugee shelters in the first half of 2018. The attacks injure 120 people.
August 11, 2018: Police arrest a member of Sweden’s neo-nazi terror gang Nordic Resistance Movement after finding evidence he was plotting to murder two mainstream media journalists. Police seized a home-made shotgun, ammunition, silencers, and photographs of the journalists’ homes. Last year, NRM members were convicted of a series of bombings of refugee shelters in Sweden.
August 11, 2018: Toronto police stop a car carrying two men. Upon searching the car, the police discover stolen firearms, more than a dozen knives, cocaine, methamphetamine, and other illegal drugs, and nazi paraphernalia.
August 13, 2018: A middle school in Oklahoma is shut down after area parents post public threats to mutilate, stab, and murder a 12-year-old transgender student.
August 13, 2018: Dutch police arrest a member of the extremist terror group “Anti Terror Brigade Special Forces” and seize an illegal firearm from him after he goes online to declare his intention of carrying out a terror attack against Muslims.
August 16, 2018: Scottish Defence League member and ardent white supremacist Peter Morgan is convicted of terror offences and sentenced to 12 years in prison after police confiscate bomb-making materials, terrorist training manuals, white supremacist propaganda, and drug paraphernalia found in his Edinburgh apartment
August 18, 2018: Hundreds of xenophobes in Pacaraima, Brazil attack and destroy makeshift camps housing Venezuelan refugees, forcing 1200 refugees to flee for their lives from the rampaging mob.
August 18, 2018: 27-year-old Uber driver Max Lin is assaulted by a passenger in Melbourne, who calls him an “Asian loser,” disparages his English, tells him to “go back to where you fucking came from,” then punches him in the face and steals his phone.
August 19, 2018: Three men in a pickup truck drive through a campsite at an Oregon country music festival waving a large Confederate flag. When an 18-year-old black man voices his displeasure, one of the three jumps out of the truck and hits him several times, injuring him badly enough to require hospitalization.
August 19, 2018: A 34-year-old transgender woman leaving a Charleston, SC nightclub is confronted by a man shouting transphobic slurs at her. The man kicks the trangender woman’s sister in the stomach and then punches the transgender woman in the head, knocking her unconscious. 34-year-old Christopher Lamar Price is charged in the attack.
August 23, 2018: A racist mob attacks an Ahmadi mosque in Faisalabad, Pakistan, burning it to the ground. In addition, six Ahamdis are shot and injured in the attack.
August 26, 2018: A lesbian couple are viciously assaulted by a homophobic mob on a downtown street in Calgary, Canada.
August 26, 2018: 33-year-old neo-nazi JR Wilson steals a bottle of wine from a New Orleans gas station and then immediately starts yelling racial slurs at a black man in the parking lot. Wilson knocks the man to the ground and then punches and kicks him in the head until he is rendered unconscious. When police arrive, Wilson brags to them about his swastika tattoo and alludes to planning to attack more black people in the future.
August 26, 2018: 32-year-old Christian extremist and misogynist Timothy Hernandez stabs his girlfriend to death and then beheads her in front of their 3-year-old daughter. Hernandez confesses to police, saying he murdered 27-year-old Vanessa Cons because “women who did not follow God’s word would be struck down” and that “she would not repent.”
August 27, 2018: A mob armed with rocks and iron bars attack Chemnitz, Germany’s only Jewish restaurant. The owner is injured by a thrown rock as the mob shouts at him to “leave Germany, you Jew!”
August 28, 2018: Joshua Castillo approaches a 63-year-old woman as she gets off of a bus in downtown Portland. Shouting “you fucking dyke, I’m going to kill your ass!” at her, Castillo produces a knife but is arrested by police in the area.
August 28, 2018: An arsonist sets fire to a Sikh temple in Leith, Scotland, causing extensive damage.
September 1, 2018: A man in Albany, NY is beaten unconscious by another man shouting anti-gay slurs. One of the victim’s ears is ripped off in the attack. 37-year-old Hubert Dabbs, who has a prior conviction for an armed assault in 2014, is charged with attempted murder and a hate crime.
September 8, 2018: At least ten neo-nazis armed with baseball bats and axe handles storm a leftist bar in Salzwedel, Germany, smashing it up and attacking patrons before fleeing in vehicles. A 17-year-old by is injured in the attack and police only manage to arrest one suspect.
September 8, 2018: A mob shouting “heil Hitler!” and “foreigners out!” attack an ice cream parlor in Wiesloch, Germany, throwing chairs and tables at patrons smashing a bottle over a man’s head.
September 1, 2018: A 30-year-old Nigerian immigrant in Bagheria, Italy is kicked and beaten in front of an ice cream parlor.
September 1, 2018: Two young refugees are chased through the streets of Chemnitz, Germany by seven masked assailants, who catch up to one of them and beat him.
September 2, 2018: A passenger on a bus in Turin, Italy is attacked by two men after coming to the defence of a black passenger the two men had been subjecting to racist taunts.
September 3, 2018: A 16-year-old student from Tunisia is beaten to the ground in Raffadali, Italy by an assailant yelling at him to “go back to his country,” sustaining injuries that hospitalize him for five days.
September 8, 2018: Londonn Moore, a black trans woman in North Port, Florida, is shot to death and dumped in the street.
September 14, 2018: 60-year-old Robert Ray approaches a 19-year-old woman in a store in Gonzales, Louisiana and tells her to “go back to Mexico.” When the woman’s mother tells him that “was not a nice thing to say,” Ray pushes her to the floor and then hits the woman’s father with his fist and a boot.
September 15, 2018: A South Asian family flee their home in Kent, England after a gang sets it on fire. Police investigate the arson as a hate crime.
September 16, 2018: Two gay men wearing t-shirts from a popular gay sports league are approached by four men and a woman on the street in Washington, DC. The five begin yelling homophobic slurs and assault both men, knocking one unconscious and injuring both men - one badly enough to require intervention at a local ER. It is the sixth attack in DC so far this year where the victims were attacked by people shouting homophobic slurs at them.
September 19, 2018: After arguing with worshippers outside of a North London mosque and making Islamophobic remarks, a group of people get in a car and then drive it through the worshippers, injuring three of them, before speeding off.
September 19, 2018: 40-year-old Alexander Carballido forces his way into the Miami home of a gay man, who he forces to strip at gunpoint and threatens him with death, saying that “all gay men should be dead” before robbing him and fleeing. When police catch up to Carballido the next day, he opens fire on them with an AK-47 and is shot to death in the resulting firefight.
September 19, 2018: After enduring weeks of racist taunts and harassment on a job site in Cape Breton, Canada, 21-year-old construction worker Nhlanhla Dlamini is confronted by one of his harassers, who points a nail gun at him and fires, hitting him in the back as he flees. Dlamini suffers a collapsed lung from the wound and undergoes emergency surgery, remaining in hospital for four days.
September 20, 2018: Police in Kent, England arrest two 15-year-old boys on suspicion of plotting a right-wing extremist terror attack.
September 23, 2018: An unidentified man approaches two gay men in Brooklyn. Yelling homophobic slurs at them, he attacks both men, knocking them unconscious and breaking bones.
September 26, 2018: A 15-year-old student in Pensacola, Florida is attacked by a classmate, who berates him with a slew of homophobic slurs as he punches and kicks him, leaving the student with a broken nose and damage to his eye socket.
September 27, 2018: Four white supremacists attack a Democratic Socialists of America meeting at a Louisville bar, pepper-spraying attendees and bar staff alike. When police arrive, they refuse to intervene or search the attackers, allowing them to go free without charges.
September 28, 2018: German police arrest six men accused of belonging to the terrorist group “Revolution Chemnitz” on charges related to the armed assaults of foreigners on September 14th and plotting terror attacks.
September 28, 2018: Three neo-nazis confront a journalist in Naumberg, Germany in a grocery store parking lot as he gets into his car. When the journalists confronts them, he is stabbed in the stomach by the seig-heiling bigots.
September 28, 2018: A 48-year-old black man is randomly attacked by up to 50 racist football hooligans in Sofia, Bulgaria. He is kicked to the ground and kicked and beaten unconscious. At the hospital, he is diagnosed with a concussion, broken jaw, and broken teeth.
September 29, 2018: Two men in Berlin stop a passerby and ask if he’s “a Jew.” When the man responds by asking them why they would want to know that, both men attack him, then flee the scene in a taxi.
October 2, 2018: An arsonist lights a can of gasoline on fire in the third-floor hallway of a Toronto hotel hosting refugee families. The hotel had previously been targeted in a video by a self-described “nationalist” social media group “dedicated to exposing the idiocy of the Left.” (sic).
October 4, 2018: 48-year-old Boulder man Jeffrey Karol Bonczyk approaches a racialized woman on the street and yells at her to “go back to China.” When the woman tells Bonczyk that she’s Native, Bonczyk replies by saying “I’m the Viking! I’m the first one here! I’m the white one!” before knocking her to the ground and kicking her repeatedly. Bonczyk was previously convicted for felony assault, criminal mischief, harassment, and other crimes.
October 11, 2018: A car carrying AfD supporters and leaders in Regensburg, Germany drives by a counter-demonstration against the racist party. The driver leans out of the car and fires two shots at the demonstrators. Luckily, none are injured.
October 14, 2018: A 62-year-old Orthodox Jewish man walking to his Brooklyn synagogue is attacked by a 37-year-old man who jumps out of his car, chases him, knocks him to the road and repeatedly beats him. When another elderly Jewish man attempts to intervene, the assailant chases him off and continues beating his first victim.
October 14, 2018: More then a dozen uniformed Proud Boys members attack two protestors outside of a Republican Party event in New York City, repeatedly smashing their heads into the pavement while calling them “faggots” and “bitches.” NYPD officers look on but refuse to intervene or arrest the attackers.
October 15, 2018: A teenager wielding a stick chases an older Orthodox Jewish man down the street in Brooklyn, smashing him in the head and shoulders with the stick until it breaks.
October 16, 2018: South Dakota resident and right-wing extremist Mark Einerwold is arrested when police raid his home on burglary charges and find an improvised explosive device, illegal weapons, and bomb-making materials. Hilariously, the police at first identify Einerwold as “antifa,” prompting his brother to vociferously deny the label, explaining that his brother hated “antifa” and pointing reporters to years of extreme-right social media posts made by his brother.
October 16, 2018: After receiving anonymous threatens calling her a “dirty Jewish cow,” and warning that she is being watched, the home of a politician in Lund, Sweden is set on fire by arsonists in the middle of the night, completely destroying it. This is the second arson attack on a Jewish person’s home in Lund this year.
October 18, 2018: While over 50 Filipino worshippers huddled inside, attackers launched a volley of molotov cocktails at Seattle’s Iglesias Ni Cristo church.|
October 18, 2018: After threatening to murder New Jersey resident Koebere Bull and her three biracial “monkey children,” 20-year-old Dylan Jarrell was stopped by Kentucky state troopers as he left his house with “hundreds of rounds of ammunition and a detailed plan of attack on two school districts - Anderson County Schools and Shelby County Public Schools.”
October 19, 2018: 29-year-old Colorado Springs resident Sean Scappaticci decides to tell the Uber driver giving him a ride him that he was going to kill him because he “hated brown people.” After making repeated threats, the Uber driver stops and car and runs for his life, with Scappaticci giving chase. When police arrive on-scene, Scappaticci continues making threats to “kill all brown people” and fights with the cops.
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