Wednesday, March 20, 2019

State Dept. Bars Credentialed Reporters From Special Conference Call – Allows 'Faith-Based Media Only': Report

State Dept. Bars Credentialed Reporters From Special Conference Call – Allows 'Faith-Based Media Only': Report: Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is a conservative Christian who has talked publicly at CIA about the Rapture.

Michael Cohen's Hush Money Bank Account 'Received Substantial Payments From Foreign Sources': Reports

Michael Cohen's Hush Money Bank Account 'Received Substantial Payments From Foreign Sources': Reports: Feds had been investigating Cohen since 2017.

Apparently Just Christian and Jewish News Outlets Were on Pompeo's Secret 'Faith-Based Media Only' Call

Apparently Just Christian and Jewish News Outlets Were on Pompeo's Secret 'Faith-Based Media Only' Call: Democratic Lawmakers Demand Answers

Steve King Just Can't Give a Straight Answer When a Constituent Asks Him if White Societies Are 'Superior'

Steve King Just Can't Give a Straight Answer When a Constituent Asks Him if White Societies Are 'Superior': 'That’s So Hypothetical'

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Watch 'Fox

Watch 'Fox: Kilmeade was clearly upset – that Beto reads books, and that Vanity Fair mentioned it.

Friday, March 8, 2019

Trump Will Spend More Time at Political Fundraisers This Weekend Than He Will Touring Tornado Devastation

Trump Will Spend More Time at Political Fundraisers This Weekend Than He Will Touring Tornado Devastation: This weekend Trump easily will have spent more time raising money for his re-election, the RNC, and likely other GOP politicians than he will with Americans who lost everything, including loved ones.

Trump Partied at Mar-a-Lago With Founder of Florida Spa Busted for Human Trafficking

Trump Partied at Mar-a-Lago With Founder of Florida Spa Busted for Human Trafficking: “Since 2017, she and her close relatives have contributed more than $42,000 to Trump Victory, a political action committee, and more than $16,000 to the president’s campaign.”

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Watch: State Lawmaker Goes Nuts in Sex-Crazed Rant After Bill Decriminalizing Teen Sexting Passes

Watch: State Lawmaker Goes Nuts in Sex-Crazed Rant After Bill Decriminalizing Teen Sexting Passes: GOP lawmaker reads off list of sex acts he opposes.

Kirstjen Nielsen Cites Non-Existent 'Confidentiality Privileges' to Refuse Top House Democrat Memos to Trump

Kirstjen Nielsen Cites Non-Existent 'Confidentiality Privileges' to Refuse Top House Democrat Memos to Trump: Nielsen claims: 'information that I give in private to the President of course is covered under confidentiality privileges.' It is not.

Kirstjen Nielsen Cites Non-Existent 'Confidentiality Privileges' to Refuse Top House Democrat Memos to Trump

Kirstjen Nielsen Cites Non-Existent 'Confidentiality Privileges' to Refuse Top House Democrat Memos to Trump: Nielsen claims: 'information that I give in private to the President of course is covered under confidentiality privileges.' It is not.

Trump’s ‘Vengeful Personality Cult’ White House Is Blackballing Any GOP Strategists Who Criticize Him: Report

Trump’s ‘Vengeful Personality Cult’ White House Is Blackballing Any GOP Strategists Who Criticize Him: Report: 'They’re just going after political enemies.'

Trump’s ‘Vengeful Personality Cult’ White House Is Blackballing Any GOP Strategists Who Criticize Him: Report

Trump’s ‘Vengeful Personality Cult’ White House Is Blackballing Any GOP Strategists Who Criticize Him: Report: 'They’re just going after political enemies.'

Republicans Just Confirmed a 37 Year Old Who Worked for an Anti-LGBT Hate Group to Become a Federal Judge for Life

Republicans Just Confirmed a 37 Year Old Who Worked for an Anti-LGBT Hate Group to Become a Federal Judge for Life: “That is the most scant, weakest legal resume imaginable for someone who’s seeking a lifetime appointment to the second-highest court of the land.”