Saturday, October 31, 2020

Friday, October 30, 2020

Papa Rosko - 1984

Jared Kushner complaining about blacks

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Trump administration seeks to label humanitarian groups anti-Semitic

Google once again shows sympathy towards fascism

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

The clear contrast in District 117

Meet new representative!

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Police CLAIM to be investigating death-threats against the Seattle mayor

Lovecraft Country had SO much promise...

100th Anniversary of Charles Ive's Sonata

To Mend A Broken Internet

Violence, homophobia, misandry & misogyny

Toxic smoke-grenades used in Portland cause lifetime health-issues

Resign, Dianne!!!!

Friday, October 16, 2020

Portland killing of Antifa is police assassination

Richard O'Brien in new series

1 in 4 identify as Queer

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

A message from your friendly neighborhood postal-worker

New York Times demands censorship of colleagues

The far-right will NOT admit they were wrong about the killing of a "Patriot"

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Fuck David Crosby

David Crosby has never been a damn thing but a smug, self-righteous asshole that is holier-than-thou about being part of the Woodstock generation. Asking him what he thinks of ANY master-of-his-craft is a mistake in the first place. R.I.P. Eddie Van Halen.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Mary Trump: My Uncle Is Responsible for 210,000 Deaths and Is Now "Willf...

This ‘squidbot’ jets around and takes pics of coral and fish

A Hanukkah Haunting

Crawling back into the closet to score conservative bigot votes

Donald Trump's "Spread The Love" rallies

Death-Cult leader holds super-spreader event in Atlanta

security guard killer being held

Golden Dawn faces prosecution

James Murdoch explains what the fuck is wrong with his family

Jansa supports fascism

Decatur protest seeks allies

The Republican party has embraced fascism

Sunday, October 11, 2020

The Harlem Renaissance was as Queer as it was Black

The Harlem Renaissance was as Queer as it was Black: Beginning a century ago, Black LGBTQ entertainers

1944 Herrmann & Whitman

Sound has a new speed-limit

Junior Flemmings SHOULD have been fired.

Rocky Horror on-stage!

The Trump Death-Cult

The woman that had Harvey Milk murdered has absolutely no right to talk about LGBT.

Pasolini predicts America

Activists cage themselves in Downtown LA in opposition of ICE raids

Members of Patriot Prayer steal elk-statue erected by AntiFa protesters in Portland

If American Democtacy is going down, it should go down VOTING.

Twenty Lessons On Tyranny For The US

Man shot just as "Patriots" begin to disperse in Denver

Voters NEED 3rd-party options

Saturday, October 10, 2020

murderous white-supremacist allowed to leave state by judge

Friday, October 9, 2020

Grindr security-flaw lets anyone take over any account

pettion to return Mt. Rushmore & public land to Oceti-Sankowin natives

AIDS United | COVID-19 Relief Must Leave No One Behind

AIDS United | COVID-19 Relief Must Leave No One Behind

San Francisco Activists Sue City Over 'Illegal Dragnet Surveillance' of George Floyd, BLM Protests

San Francisco Activists Sue City Over 'Illegal Dragnet Surveillance' of George Floyd, BLM Protests

Virtual-reality threats to get the dogs to attack innocent people?[BBC%20News%20Newsletter]-2020October9-[technology]

Do you know the works of composer and conductor Samuel Coleridge-Taylor? - Voice Online

Do you know the works of composer and conductor Samuel Coleridge-Taylor? - Voice Online: IN A new series of specially commissioned short films, the Royal College of Music (RCM)...

Michigan Coup Averted

Michigan Coup Averted: A right-wing militia's hairbrained scheme to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer has been foiled.

The Rocky Horror Show LIVE and Socially Distant - QFM96

The Rocky Horror Show LIVE and Socially Distant - QFM96: Let's do the time warp again and enjoy a socially distant performance at the Garden Theater in the Short North! Catch the musical "The Rocky Horror Show LIVE and Socially Distant" October 15 through November 1.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Historical photos of men in love: Posing for a portrait in the 1800s- bit too late for heteros to kill THESE fellows!

Historical photos of men in love: Posing for a portrait in the 1800s: This rare photo from the Nini-Treadwell Collection has been shared exclusively with LGBTQ Nation just so you can see it...

Trump to impose new rules on certain visas

FBI seized legally privileged materials from Assange after arrest

Supreme Court judge busted for rape wants to take away gay marriage

Contractor busted on hidden camera slurring a gay couple

Contractor busted on hidden camera slurring a gay couple: 'Oh, this is a whole house full of 'em.... Bunch of dope smokin' queers...

Neo-Nazis in charge of Greek government face trial[BBC%20News%20Newsletter]-2020October7-[top+news+stories]

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

When police-brutality is a dog-bite.

Monday, October 5, 2020

just a little

If you support Trump, you are definitely either stupid, wealthy 1% or a fascist. Aren't you supposed to be shoving a vibrator up your ass to prove how much it doesn't turn you on? Meanwhile you decry how groups wanting basic civil-rights are impeding upon corporate-Amerikka's business-interests. You lockstep behind the military and military-trained police like cowards, screaming hoarsely how,"I would die for that man!" You fear black people and gay men because they don't fit the logo that 1950s propaganda sold Amerikkka. I realize because of people like you I might need a gun for self-defense and defense of my loved ones & own one. I just don't flaunt it in public and get an erection when I'm cleaning it. Meanwhile, you are too self-centered to wear a mask to prevent spreading a condition that you have no idea whether or not you asymptomatic-ally carry. You scream about how things affect you & you only. You are the wet-dream of a eunuch bisexual meth-addicted house-painter from Germany who's own girlfriend taunted him to his face. You are a failure to your ancestors. You are the epitome of involuntary-celibacy. You are a waste of life itself.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Help Stop Harmful Drugging of Race Horses

Help Stop Harmful Drugging of Race Horses: Hundreds of horses suffer catastrophic breakdowns on racetracks each year in the United States. The frequency of such fatalities is likely linked to the rampant use of drugs in US horseracing, and the corresponding lax oversight and regulation of performance-enhancing medications. Reps. Andy Barr (R-KY) and Paul Tonko (D-NY)—co-chairs of the Congressional Horse Caucus— introduced the Horseracing Integrity Act (H.R. 1754) to address the industry’s continued reliance on drugs. Sens. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), Martha McSally (R-AZ), and Dianne Feinstein have introduced identical legislation, the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Act (S. 4547), in the Senate. H.R. 1754 passed the House of Representatives, so it’s now up to the Senate to send this legislation to the president’s desk.Please use the form below to contact your senators and urge them to support the Horseracing Integrity Act and Horseracing Integrity and Safety Act.

Charge the cops that shot Jacob Blake

Konstantin Reymaier – Bach: Toccata (The New Organ at St. Stephen's cath...

Let the People Pick the President, a conversation with author Jesse Wegman

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Pride Media owner Adam Levin donates to anti-LGBTQ Republicans again

Pride Media owner Adam Levin donates to anti-LGBTQ Republicans again: The owner of LGBTQ legacy publications The Advocate and Out has broken his 2018 pledge to stop donating money to anti-LGBTQ Republicans...


snipers authorized to use deadly force against blacks at George Floyd's funeral

Friday, October 2, 2020

Trump hospitalized for a virus he doesn't believe in!