Sunday, January 31, 2021

This is fucked-up

I use logic, therefore I am a "libtard asshole". Meanwhile, believing in Jewish space-lasers is considered perfectly fucking acceptable.

Friday, January 15, 2021

Transgender gun-toting alpaca-farmers can survive

Getting queers killed for an extra 15-minutes of fame

As always is the case, "15-minutes-of-fame"-celebrities have figured-out that the key to extending their fame comes from homophobic remarks containing "f*ggot". They do it entirely on-purpose & consciously, and then quickly apologize. While the paparazzi race to droll over them, queers get killed & "everybody" is happy.

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

THIS is the horned guy trashing the capitol building:

Remove Trump from office

Time to kill some rednecks

The right-wing Republican hypocritical inbreds always scream about how "libtatd snowflakes" are violent. So let's show them violence - where are the cars running them over? Where are the 17-year-olds shooting them? Where are the rubber bullets and pepper spray? Where are the sonic weapons? Where?!?

Monday, January 4, 2021

Baby Neo-Nazi that screamed for the genocides of blacks, gays, etc. put in prison after courting adolescent neo-Nazi

Sunday, January 3, 2021