Tuesday, May 30, 2023

How you know you're talking to a Christian

 You tell them or they find out secondhand that you're gay and their reaction is to start telling you about all the pedophiles they have known in their lifetime.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

YOUR money

YOUR Social Security funds that YOU have spent a lifetime paying into are YOUR'S and do not belong to the federal government to play "Let's Kill The Poor"-games with. They do NOT have the right to take it away, limit it, take from it, borrow from it or the like. This is YOUR retirement and disability funds. This was setup for YOU.


Apparently, according to yet another of the hip, hip, hip "more trendy-than-thou" Atlanta-and-Georgia-crowd, I'm not only "aggressive" & "manic" (I like discussing my passions/interests with people I think are of like minds), but I'm "outspoken" and "a cornucopia of violence".  The polite, cold arrogance is quite a show.

Color me amused.

Kenneth Anger dead at 96


Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Reviews from R'lyeh: Miskatonic Monday #190: The Things We Feed

Reviews from R'lyeh: Miskatonic Monday #190: The Things We Feed: Between October 2003 and October 2013,  Chaosium, Inc.  published a series of books for  Call of Cthulhu  under the Miskatonic University Li...

System Of A Down - Spiders (Official HD Video)

No Balls - Come Clean LP (Full)

Let's be fucking honest

A bunch of conservative and neoliberal homophobes asking a gay man not to use the word "f-**-t" because they claim they are offended by it IS about as MeWe as MeWe gets.  Same folks that ask black folks not to use "the N word" around them.