Wednesday, June 28, 2023

It really IS that simple

If you are still believe in "God" & "the Devil" as you were told that you must or else, you are still a primitive, unevolved monkey. If you declare things that you don't understand "Satanic", you are part of the problem. If you attend "services" and practice "worship", you are a cultist. It really is that simple for the reason that while you are free to believe what you wish, that freedom stops the second that you force it on others or use it to harm others.

The Risk of Gentrifying Queerness

The Risk of Gentrifying Queerness - YES! Magazine: Has a fixation with visibility hindered the fight for collective LGBTQ liberation?

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

The controversy about AI & art

Anyone claiming that AI steals artists' human-touch needs to truly study exactly how Johannes Vermeer made his paintings. It wasn't talent. It wasn't inspiration. It was using a mirror a la "camera obscura". He used the technique of objects and invention to make photographic quality images.

Friday, June 9, 2023

The Devil Inside

If you were a supporter of Donald Trump, you were a supporter of Roy Cohn. If you were a supporter of Roy Cohn, you were a supporter of Joe McCarthy. If you were,you are an advocate of corruption & the murder of the innocent. It's just that simple.

Cop City Must Be STOPPED! (clip)

Thursday, June 8, 2023


: Well. The cinematography was superb. The characters were overly annoying & largely cliche ("Of course you're a killer! You're a man!" was an actual line repeated through the second half). The absurdist plot tried hard to be deeply philosophical, but wasn't sure what it wanted to say. The choreography was amusing but tired. I would imagine that the book would be interesting, but as a film... It is not essential viewing.

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

The Dark Mnd Of Blackwingbear

The supply of Hotpockets and Red bull...

Prior to meeting my husband, I was in homosexual, bisexual, pansexual and heterosexual relationships. Not always long-term & often short-term. Still, I do find it amusing when someone that hasn't been in any relationship whatsoever makes assumptions about what being in any of those four MEAN & what they consider the source of their knowledge to be.