Sunday, November 26, 2023

this is Hell

Of course I'm depressed. A genocide is happening in my lifetime. I'm watching more than one culture and people be completely wiped off of the face of the earth while most of humanity is gleefully distracting themselves with entertainment instead of caring. THIS is Hell defined.

Thursday, November 16, 2023


I SWEAR Boomers are SO muggerfuggin' SPOILED. They brag about how their parents beat them in the "good ol' days" and how THAT'S what is  "wrong with the goddamn kids these days" WHILE they are telling you how they want their sheets washed & how they are too damn good to eat what you fix for them.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

This will be an interesting week.

this will be an interesting week

Faulty FedEx

Thanks to the facts that FedEx doesn't require a recipient's signature or a picture anyplace but on the tail of the delivery truck, I hope a certain FedEx employee is enjoying their new flatscreen television. How is this company still in business?