Saturday, October 19, 2024

Butthole Surfers - Sweat Loaf

When a "two-party system" becomes four-party

Given that the ballot that I voted with had more than FOUR parties on it, I don't think that Blue Republicans ever again get to tell me that we are a two-party ever again in my lifetime if they want to be taken seriously. I am fully capable of telling those arrogant hipsters exactly which orifice that they obviously have their skull stuck in.

Can I Walk With You At Midnight?

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

X recently deleted hundreds of LGBTQ+ accounts under mysterious circumstances - LGBTQ Nation

X recently deleted hundreds of LGBTQ+ accounts under mysterious circumstances - LGBTQ Nation: X stands accused of "well-researched' takedown of LGBTQ+ profiles with over 1 million worldwide followers. Pink Media alleges that someone inside X executed a "well-researched and well-prepared takedown of a network of LGBTQ+ X profiles that had well over 1 million followers worldwide."

Two nudists rescue tourist from blowtorch attack in San Francisco's Castro district - LGBTQ Nation

Two nudists rescue tourist from blowtorch attack in San Francisco's Castro district - LGBTQ Nation: The heroic nudist hopes video of the incident shows nudists in a positive light. "Over the years we’ve been doing this, we’ve tried to show the neighborhood that we’re regular people—we just have a relaxed idea of what we’re supposed to wear."

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Pro-Palestinian activists disrupt NYC Pride parade

Pro-Palestinian activists disrupt NYC Pride parade: Pro-Palestinian activists disrupted the New York City Pride Parade to urge the Human Rights Campaign to divest from ties to weapons manufacturing.

Chevron Secision Is Just More Hacking at the Branches by SCOTUS - LewRockwell

Chevron Secision Is Just More Hacking at the Branches by SCOTUS - LewRockwell: In LOPER BRIGHT ENTERPRISES ET AL. v. RAIMONDO, SECRETARY OF COMMERCE, ET AL. (“Raimondo”) the Supreme Court of the United States overturned the “Chevron deference,” a doctrine dating to the 1980s that said in judging whether a regulatory agency had exceeded the authority delegated to it by Congress, courts must defer to the agency’s interpretation of any ambiguous language in the law. This is being decried by liberals as a crippling blow to the federal government’s ability to regulate and lauded by conservatives as a welcome return to stricter obedience to the Constitution. In reality, it is just more hacking at the … Continue reading →

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Friday, March 15, 2024

Inside of a right-wing, racist, homophobic Christian-Nationalist group prepping for a "national divorce"

Monday, February 26, 2024

"School Of Hard Knocks"

Does almost EVERY conservative Republican that does methamphetamine list "Hard Knocks" as their school in online profiles instead of admitting that they viewed education past high-school as something that "only sissy boys do"? Anyone else notice this?

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Police arrest teen who used truck to attack Pulse shooting memorial

Police arrest teen who used truck to attack Pulse shooting memorial - LGBTQ Nation: It's the second time that a teen has vandalized the rainbow-colored memorial.

Georgia legislature advances Don't Say Trans bill while silencing opponents

Georgia legislature advances Don't Say Trans bill while silencing opponents - LGBTQ Nation: The bill bans "queer theory" from being taught in grade schools and requires teachers to out trans kids.

"Shocking" school permission slip requires parental consent for a visit from a Black author

"Shocking" school permission slip requires parental consent for a visit from a Black author - LGBTQ Nation: The permission slip was apparently the school's attempt to comply with Florida's Parents' Bill of Rights.

Transgender teen stabbed 14 times in a park while attackers shouted slurs

Transgender teen stabbed 14 times in a park while attackers shouted slurs - LGBTQ Nation: The 18-year-old victim was attacked while at a roller-skating party.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Be honest, hipsters

SALTBURN (by the director of BARBIE and produced by the lead in BARBIE) is a brilliant and beautiful examination of class-war made and released in 2023. However, it will not receive public acclaim or acknowledgement for one very obvious and distinct reason: the gender war is "hip" and "fashionable" to have a progressive stance on, while it is still "hip" and "fashionable" to mock the poor and poverty-stricken on their path to a pauper's grave. Be honest.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Life During Wartime

I'm painfully, sardonically, cynically aware that 100 years after the Pansy Craze led to the acceptance of LGBT+  we have gone backwards to the point that representatives, pastors, conservatives and military personnel are calling for the extermination of LGBT+.


Tuesday, January 9, 2024

They haven't assassinated Jeremy Corbyn yet?

Really surprised that the U. S. & British haven't had Jeremy Corbyn assassinated yet. He's openly speaking his mind.