Wednesday, December 23, 2020

And Jesus did sayeth unto them,"Go & be an asshole to every single person that you come across that isn't also an asshole..".

City councilman apologizes for calling trans-activist "IT"

Leaving Out Assange, Who Exposed US War Crimes, Trump Pardons Blackwater Guards Jailed for Massacring Iraqi Civilians

Leaving Out Assange, Who Exposed US War Crimes, Trump Pardons Blackwater Guards Jailed for Massacring Iraqi Civilians

Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation Administers First COVID-19 Vaccine | Health

Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation Administers First COVID-19 Vaccine | Health

U.S. Supreme Court to Hear Case Involving Crow Nation | Sovereignty

U.S. Supreme Court to Hear Case Involving Crow Nation | Sovereignty

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

1 in 5 prisoners in the U.S. has had Covid-19

What NC syncophants do

Time to Bench Facial Recognition Software

Time to Bench Facial Recognition Software

Tear Facebook Apart

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

DeKalb to Add Fourth Food Distribution Site in December

DeKalb to Add Fourth Food Distribution Site in December

DeKalb Announces Expanded Drop Box Locations for Jan. 5 Runoff

DeKalb Announces Expanded Drop Box Locations for Jan. 5 Runoff

Loeffler campaign: She had ‘no idea’ she posed with neo-Nazi. Umm, how's the "dumb-blonde"-trope working?

Loeffler campaign: She had ‘no idea’ she posed with neo-Nazi: ATLANTA (AP) — The campaign of Georgia Republican U.S. Sen. Kelly Loeffler is disavowing a photo circulating on social media of her posing with a longtime white supremacist at a recent campaign eve…

Kelly Llofler poses for "fun" picture with former KKK Grandmaster Chester Doles

Wednesday, December 9, 2020


Ah, Facebook. It's ok if a straight person is openly  homophobic but if I reply,"Yeah, us faggots are like that" sarcastically to them, I get reported for hate-speech.


Sometimes it really does come down to finding excuses to want to keep going/hanging-on within this marketing-concept advertisement we call civilization.

Bongo Biden and dancing Trump

no art, just marketing

You hear people saying that the arts are dying in 2020 due to the new culture - actually, the arts were gasping for breath LONG before that as they were turned into a commodity for marketing. When the driving-force of a culture is just another product to be sold the message is the price-tag. In modern society, there can be no such thing as art - just advanced marketing tactics.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020


Dammit, Israel - we don't CARE about the existence of the neighbors. We're kinda busy trying to survive.

Viciously homophobic priest caught watching gay-porn in church & attacks the guard

Friday, December 4, 2020

Suddenly, people in LA & NYC are talking about Georgia without humming Dueling Banjos.

Suddenly, the yuppie-elite in New York City, Seattle, Dallas/Fort Worth, San Diego, Long Beach & Los Angeles CARE about what happens in Georgia, instead of just grinning and humming a few bars of "Dueling Banjos" from DELIVERANCE. After the election, they will go back to making generalizations about all of the citizens of Georgia & publicly avowing how they wish everyone in the entire state would just painfully die-off so that they can be forgotten.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020


Belgium is currently under a strict COVID lockdown. So, when the Brussels police got a report of an illegal party above a gay bar, they sent out a squad. Inside, they found 24 men in various states of undress. Outside, they found a man trying to climb down a drainpipe, with ecstasy in his pockets. The man claimed diplomatic immunity. Turns out he's Jozsef Szajer, Hungarian Member of the European Parliament and loud publicly homophobic politician.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Ask The Keppra How You You Make A Monster

I will never be able to forgive UCB Pharmaceuticals or forget what a monster they made me into. Time is a very, very precious thing - and when you are not yourself getting to experience & share it, YOU are wasted. They took something more precious from me than can ever be repaid. I was made into a monster for years & I'm just now getting myself back - and lost all that wasted & warped SHARED time.

Dragon's Lament: Episode 1 - "Hunger Sauce and Squeaky-Things" - ARTC 2020

Fallen Angel - Episode 1: "Queen of Hearts" - ARTC 2020

Rory Rammer: "Green Man's Burden" - ARTC 2020

Mercury: A Broadcast of Hope - Day 1087

Tales from the Dark River - "That Night on the Raft"

Dragon's Lament: Episode 2 - "Waiting for the Moon" - ARTC 2020

"Nightingale" - Episode 1 - ARTC 2020

Tales from the Dark River - "Molly Michaelmas and her Steam Shovel"

"Getting Ahead of Himself" - ARTC 2020

Advent of ARTC 2020 - Day 1 - "A Christmas Rose"

The new way

Throughout the entire history of our species and even throughout the entire history of the world, there have been more than two genders. This was denied by the 1/4 to 1/3 of the population that sadistically enjoys telling others who & how they must be or face their wrath and uses political conservatism, fundamentalist religion, or "family values" as an excuse to bully and terrify while inflicting pain, mutilation and even murder. Those of non-binary gender and non-heterocentric orientation have had to keep their numbers (a sizeable chunk of the population) secret for safety-sake, but are not quite as able to do so as "mother nature" takes steps to minimize the amount of reproduction humans are able to do to minimize the amount of damage humans are able to do. With the "I've had more children than you! I win!"-mentality of heterosexuals becoming more and more the norm, you WILL see more and more transsexuals born. Instead of angrily fighting against this, heterosexuals should pay heed to the aboriginal/native belief that those born of "two-spirits" are holy & have the capability of being wise leaders. The time for listening to the sadistically conservative 1/3 of the population is at an end if we wish to see our species and others survive and we should instead embrace transsexuality, homosexuality and other genders and orientations NOT focused on reproduction as a competition.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

It wasn't just Tchaikovsky

Ever desired to have your most enamored verse-writers become feeling-less machinations?

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Who plays Fortnite that ISN'T homophobic?

Check thyself, straight-allies

A "straight-ally" once told me that I was a "redneck" & "must have been ashamed of being gay" because I wasn't "fabulous" and must "have a need to act butch". Just because I have longhair and a beard & don't have a perm or wear flannel over a dress doesn't mean I'm not a queer. Either way, your judgemental ass doesn't get to decide that for me, ya narcissistic "ally". You bragged about how many queer kids you "saved" - but I'll bet every single one of them had to fit your stereotypes or you rejected them for not being "fabulous-enough". She briefly went to my high-school & really thought she was "the punkest of the punk"... A mutual-friend assured me she has a "very selective and self-written narrative" for a memory.. Indicating she thinks much higher of herself than she truly is.

Most of the people who are on social-media

Winwa Kokosha Dzhikaze Abwamget Gmetsenan A Ggyebades Yegatthyek!

Ricky Schroder is STILL a bitch-boy.

pass it on

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Daria Nicolidi passes

Monday, November 23, 2020

Was Chopin homosexual ?

Why the "community" has painted itself into a corner

I've had a "more positive than thou" trans-activist on facebook tell me masculine cis gay men are no longer "queer-enough" to be considered and that straight-allies are now considered "more queer". For reasons such as that, my general reply anymore is simply "what the fuck ever".

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Dear Entertainment Industry: try something ORIGINAL

I'm tired of "nostalgia". I'm tired of sequels. I'm tired of franchising. I'm tired of remakes/"reboots"/"re-imaginings". I'm tired of the media getting away with being completely unoriginal & mundane. I'm tired of them expecting the public to lick it up like lapdogs. I'm tired of the "entertainment industry" expecting everyone to be completely vacuous, shallow, unintelligent & accepting.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Universal Basic Income: A Queer Perspective

Atlanta needs Bail-reform & less lock-ups

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Sharice Davids Supports Deb Haaland for Interior Secretary

Sharice Davids Supports Deb Haaland for Interior Secretary | Currents

Television, drug of the nation

Television truly is a miraculous invention. We either sleep our short, short lives away in an attempt to escape it's jingles and memorized lines OR we willingly watch it & fall asleep in front of it, absorbing it's toxic cocktail of binaural information. How many people have slaughtered their entire families at some tragic news story, only later revealed to be part of an advertisement? How many housewives have slit their wrists or overdosed on amphetamines and highballs because their husbands bought them the wrong diamond ring from Zales & they just weren't "feeling 7-Up"? Ironically, I'm typing this on another toxic and addictive piece of technology, designed to keep me staring at it just like a television.

Monday, November 16, 2020

Rehoboth’s Fay Jacobs target of cyber-bullying - Cape Gazette

Rehoboth’s Fay Jacobs target of cyber-bullying - Cape Gazette: Longtime Rehoboth Beach author and gay activist Fay Jacobs was the target of a hate crime Nov. 14. According to a Facebook post the day after the incident, Jacobs said she had been asked to give her gay history program, “ Gay with Fay: Gay History...

Samuel Alito Criticizes Gay Marriage Ruling

Samuel Alito Criticizes Gay Marriage Ruling: U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Samuel Anthony Alito Jr. on Thursday criticized the high court's 2015 same-sex marriage ruling

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Boujee Natives: Snotty Nose Rez Kids Infuse Hip-Hop with Indigenous Identity and a Wicked Sense of Humor | Arts & Entertainment

Boujee Natives: Snotty Nose Rez Kids Infuse Hip-Hop with Indigenous Identity and a Wicked Sense of Humor | Arts & Entertainment

Native vote 2020 pays-off!

Record-breaking number of Native women elected

6 Native Americans elected to Congress

Indigenous candidates wins in office could actually FINALLY cause progress

Thank a Native American for getting rid of Trump

It's time to recognize Joe Biden won due to Native American, black, & Latin voters

In Wisconsin, it was Native Americans that secured the win for Biden

Native Americans a BIG part of why Biden won

The power of the "Something-Else" voters

Native American voters helped Biden take Arizona

Monday, November 9, 2020

Ultimate joke

Some folks have been of a spiritual point that they're tired of waiting for others to evolve to the concept of a mass collective consciousness. After awhile, you just accept that they DON'T WANT to "wake up"/they are having too much fun being snarky & that, due to that, there is no chance for our species to ever, ever, ever, ever evolve. Azathoth can't wake up, then, and we can't ever become the flow of energy in a larger organism that we are meant to be. We're stuck in these flesh-suits, victims of our own mortality... Living & dying over and over and over and over... Subject to physical and emotional pain with no end, because the majority of humans are giddy from laughing at someone elses' pain on social-media. This is the extent our species can achieve. Luckily, we will manufacture a consciousness superior to ours' & that will be the one decent thing our species achieved.

Sunday, November 8, 2020


Because I believe in helping those that need help & taking-care of others like I would want them to do for others, people mistake me for being "nice". I'm not "nice". I can be a real asshole when instigated & when I feel I need to be. I believe in devouring the souls & very essence of fascists, extremist bigots, and the vapid shallow "beautiful people" that would ignore the atrocities around them and pretend that they do not exist.. I believe in tearing-down & destroying those who express apathy for other people, animals & forms of life. I believe in loving others & have a ravenous hunger to taste the flesh & blood of those that would willingly harm or discard others like disposable garbage. I prefer to think of myself as a monster that yearns to destroy monsters. I'm NOT "nice".

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Egypt detains two men on 'suspicion' over their sexual orientation: HRW

Egypt detains two men on 'suspicion' over their sexual orientation: HRW: Seif Bedour and Ahmed al-Ganzoury are now imprisoned with alleged Fairmont hotel rapists and have been subjected to abuse in custody, rights group says

Monday, November 2, 2020

Just a thought..

I fully expect conservatives to be angry about losing their chance at being the bullies in a fascist dictatorship & to begin killing their family and neighbors to "spare them" from other people having civil-rights.

Antigay politician admits to secretly hoping to impregnate his second cousin.

Antigay politician admits to secretly prescribing opioids for lover. She’s also his second cousin.: The doctor and author of Tennessee's 'Don't Say Gay bill' was handing out prescriptions to family members. One of them was also his lover - and his nurse...

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Friday, October 30, 2020

Papa Rosko - 1984

Jared Kushner complaining about blacks

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Trump administration seeks to label humanitarian groups anti-Semitic

Google once again shows sympathy towards fascism

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

The clear contrast in District 117

Meet new representative!

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Police CLAIM to be investigating death-threats against the Seattle mayor

Lovecraft Country had SO much promise...

100th Anniversary of Charles Ive's Sonata

To Mend A Broken Internet

Violence, homophobia, misandry & misogyny

Toxic smoke-grenades used in Portland cause lifetime health-issues

Resign, Dianne!!!!

Friday, October 16, 2020

Portland killing of Antifa is police assassination

Richard O'Brien in new series

1 in 4 identify as Queer

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

A message from your friendly neighborhood postal-worker

New York Times demands censorship of colleagues

The far-right will NOT admit they were wrong about the killing of a "Patriot"

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Fuck David Crosby

David Crosby has never been a damn thing but a smug, self-righteous asshole that is holier-than-thou about being part of the Woodstock generation. Asking him what he thinks of ANY master-of-his-craft is a mistake in the first place. R.I.P. Eddie Van Halen.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Mary Trump: My Uncle Is Responsible for 210,000 Deaths and Is Now "Willf...

This ‘squidbot’ jets around and takes pics of coral and fish

A Hanukkah Haunting

Crawling back into the closet to score conservative bigot votes

Donald Trump's "Spread The Love" rallies

Death-Cult leader holds super-spreader event in Atlanta

security guard killer being held

Golden Dawn faces prosecution

James Murdoch explains what the fuck is wrong with his family

Jansa supports fascism

Decatur protest seeks allies

The Republican party has embraced fascism

Sunday, October 11, 2020

The Harlem Renaissance was as Queer as it was Black

The Harlem Renaissance was as Queer as it was Black: Beginning a century ago, Black LGBTQ entertainers

1944 Herrmann & Whitman

Sound has a new speed-limit

Junior Flemmings SHOULD have been fired.

Rocky Horror on-stage!

The Trump Death-Cult

The woman that had Harvey Milk murdered has absolutely no right to talk about LGBT.

Pasolini predicts America

Activists cage themselves in Downtown LA in opposition of ICE raids

Members of Patriot Prayer steal elk-statue erected by AntiFa protesters in Portland

If American Democtacy is going down, it should go down VOTING.

Twenty Lessons On Tyranny For The US

Man shot just as "Patriots" begin to disperse in Denver

Voters NEED 3rd-party options

Saturday, October 10, 2020

murderous white-supremacist allowed to leave state by judge

Friday, October 9, 2020

Grindr security-flaw lets anyone take over any account

pettion to return Mt. Rushmore & public land to Oceti-Sankowin natives

AIDS United | COVID-19 Relief Must Leave No One Behind

AIDS United | COVID-19 Relief Must Leave No One Behind

San Francisco Activists Sue City Over 'Illegal Dragnet Surveillance' of George Floyd, BLM Protests

San Francisco Activists Sue City Over 'Illegal Dragnet Surveillance' of George Floyd, BLM Protests

Virtual-reality threats to get the dogs to attack innocent people?[BBC%20News%20Newsletter]-2020October9-[technology]

Do you know the works of composer and conductor Samuel Coleridge-Taylor? - Voice Online

Do you know the works of composer and conductor Samuel Coleridge-Taylor? - Voice Online: IN A new series of specially commissioned short films, the Royal College of Music (RCM)...

Michigan Coup Averted

Michigan Coup Averted: A right-wing militia's hairbrained scheme to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer has been foiled.

The Rocky Horror Show LIVE and Socially Distant - QFM96

The Rocky Horror Show LIVE and Socially Distant - QFM96: Let's do the time warp again and enjoy a socially distant performance at the Garden Theater in the Short North! Catch the musical "The Rocky Horror Show LIVE and Socially Distant" October 15 through November 1.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Historical photos of men in love: Posing for a portrait in the 1800s- bit too late for heteros to kill THESE fellows!

Historical photos of men in love: Posing for a portrait in the 1800s: This rare photo from the Nini-Treadwell Collection has been shared exclusively with LGBTQ Nation just so you can see it...

Trump to impose new rules on certain visas

FBI seized legally privileged materials from Assange after arrest

Supreme Court judge busted for rape wants to take away gay marriage

Contractor busted on hidden camera slurring a gay couple

Contractor busted on hidden camera slurring a gay couple: 'Oh, this is a whole house full of 'em.... Bunch of dope smokin' queers...

Neo-Nazis in charge of Greek government face trial[BBC%20News%20Newsletter]-2020October7-[top+news+stories]

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

When police-brutality is a dog-bite.

Monday, October 5, 2020

just a little

If you support Trump, you are definitely either stupid, wealthy 1% or a fascist. Aren't you supposed to be shoving a vibrator up your ass to prove how much it doesn't turn you on? Meanwhile you decry how groups wanting basic civil-rights are impeding upon corporate-Amerikka's business-interests. You lockstep behind the military and military-trained police like cowards, screaming hoarsely how,"I would die for that man!" You fear black people and gay men because they don't fit the logo that 1950s propaganda sold Amerikkka. I realize because of people like you I might need a gun for self-defense and defense of my loved ones & own one. I just don't flaunt it in public and get an erection when I'm cleaning it. Meanwhile, you are too self-centered to wear a mask to prevent spreading a condition that you have no idea whether or not you asymptomatic-ally carry. You scream about how things affect you & you only. You are the wet-dream of a eunuch bisexual meth-addicted house-painter from Germany who's own girlfriend taunted him to his face. You are a failure to your ancestors. You are the epitome of involuntary-celibacy. You are a waste of life itself.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Help Stop Harmful Drugging of Race Horses

Help Stop Harmful Drugging of Race Horses: Hundreds of horses suffer catastrophic breakdowns on racetracks each year in the United States. The frequency of such fatalities is likely linked to the rampant use of drugs in US horseracing, and the corresponding lax oversight and regulation of performance-enhancing medications. Reps. Andy Barr (R-KY) and Paul Tonko (D-NY)—co-chairs of the Congressional Horse Caucus— introduced the Horseracing Integrity Act (H.R. 1754) to address the industry’s continued reliance on drugs. Sens. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), Martha McSally (R-AZ), and Dianne Feinstein have introduced identical legislation, the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Act (S. 4547), in the Senate. H.R. 1754 passed the House of Representatives, so it’s now up to the Senate to send this legislation to the president’s desk.Please use the form below to contact your senators and urge them to support the Horseracing Integrity Act and Horseracing Integrity and Safety Act.

Charge the cops that shot Jacob Blake

Konstantin Reymaier – Bach: Toccata (The New Organ at St. Stephen's cath...

Let the People Pick the President, a conversation with author Jesse Wegman

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Pride Media owner Adam Levin donates to anti-LGBTQ Republicans again

Pride Media owner Adam Levin donates to anti-LGBTQ Republicans again: The owner of LGBTQ legacy publications The Advocate and Out has broken his 2018 pledge to stop donating money to anti-LGBTQ Republicans...


snipers authorized to use deadly force against blacks at George Floyd's funeral

Friday, October 2, 2020

Trump hospitalized for a virus he doesn't believe in!

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Trump's non-payment of taxes for 10 years

Police attack NYC

GOP Senator introduces bill that could require genital exams for girls competing in school sports

GOP Senator introduces bill that could require genital exams for girls competing in school sports: Sen. Kelly Loeffler's bill to ban transgender girls from school sports is meant to 'protect women,' she says. But with federal funding on the line, there could be unintended consequences...

Person A Shouldn't tell Person B what to do with their body unless Person B asked for advice. If Person A continues to attempt to tell Person B what to do with their body unsolicited, Person A is not fit to live in civilization or around civilized people. It truly is that simple.

Person A Shouldn't tell Person B what to do with their body unless Person B asked for advice. If Person A continues to attempt to tell Person B what to do with their body unsolicited, Person A is not fit to live in civilization or around civilized people. It truly is that simple.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

keep police from surveilling your cellphone

The upper middle-class are willing to remember Ginsberg but not Taylor

White-people bemoaning Ruth Bader Ginsberg's death BUT these same elitists sure as fuck aren't talking at all about Breonna Taylor... Yet those bitches ARE guilting people BEFORE the fucking election about how they had better vote for Biden instead of 3rd-Party. YEAH. Your racism is QUITE, QUITE clear.

Friday, September 25, 2020

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Rachel Maddow's FAKE news bust

Your boss is watching you

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Florida Man assaults gay-couple for existing

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

DC police inhumanity

Christian Kroger employees sue for right to be bigots

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Mentally incompetent candidates

Death of a queer

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Why does the LGBT-community HAVE to accept insincere apologies?

Insane in the membrane

Senators in Georgia are running on the logos of a machine-gun & images of shooting progressive representatives. It's violent insanity placating to the psychotic and sociopathic.

A popular opinion amongst Trump-supporters

Friday, September 11, 2020

Eat The Rich

"EAT THE RICH" It's a simple concept: If you hack a Billionaire's accounts, leaving them "only" 2 million dollars to live the rest of his life off of then donate that money to social-causes/social-service organizations that are desperately needing funding. Open a homeless-shelter or a free clinic. Donate it to Black Lives Matter, NAACP or HRC. Buy an abandoned mall turn it into a community for those that cannot afford housing. ETC.

Donald Trump allegedly called a contestant on The Apprentice a “Black f**”

Donald Trump allegedly called a contestant on The Apprentice a “Black f**”: Trump didn't want Kwame Jackson to win the reality show because he's Black and gay, according to his former lawyer...

Wisconsin state blocks absentee ballots


Inbred idiots still supporting the con-artist president while they scream, "f*ggot! n*gger!" all the way to the nursing homes.

Trump whines about Woodward

Thursday, September 10, 2020


When a person you live with won't eat anything but candy, carnival food & drink soda-pop.. it's no wonder they're shitting  black blood & can't stay awake. That doctor our housemate went to today wasn't an md, he was a pain doctor who only sees people who want pain meds.  He is going to need an internal specialist. He said he won't do it because it might cost him money AFTER I told him we'd help him out with the cost if he'd get it checked by a REAL doctor. That was when he yelled at me that we were fixing to get into a fight & I walked off. Sometimes you just have to walk away from someone purposely being stupid because they think it makes them more of a man.

The evolution of horror past 1950's bullshit


Sunday, September 6, 2020

Man brought an AR-15 to a gay bar

Man brought an AR-15 to a gay bar: He claimed self-defense for pointing the gun at people, and now he's getting sent to jail for years...

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

A simple Doxx on the officers that killed George Floyd

Greetings World Wide Web, I am Jerry Feedland & this document has been created in order to justify not only the murder of George Floyd, an innocent man who was suffocated by a biased police officer while his partners watched && George pleading for his last breath. This man was a loving and caring individual who was admired by many individuals but was sadly stripped away of his own life on 5/25/2020. This document also justifies aggressive verbal & physical actions that the Minneapolis PD has shown in the real world, "to protect and serve." it has been seen to be "to arrest and kill.", this horrific incident has lead to violent riots & protests which is why this document will be leaking every detail on this law enforcement agency. The targeting of Verse I, will be aimed at the suspects and individuals linked to the murder of George Floyd, if the District Court of Minnesota does not apply a fair sentence towards the suspects. Verse II will be leaked with official's information including NAME, SURNAME, ADDRESS, SSN, INSURANCE CARDS, SSNs, CCs, CELL-TOWER PINGS & more information. If the MPD wants to deny anything, well... Tried covering this up? One of your officers threatening to break a teen's leg (EPIDEMIC OF POLICE ABUSE) This is what the officer's exact words were towards the teen: "Plain and simple, if you fuck with me, I'm going to break your legs before you get the chance to run. I'm being honest I don't screw around." the officer said; Not only that, a lot of incidents and reimbursements that you covered up, in-fact the newspaper calculated that between 2006 and 2012, the city paid out $14 million for alleged police misconduct. Also - f63e423e3b4af1a7a56f39bf9569de7002839da0, HXNM98xCSz ? Minneapolis Police Department 350 South 5th Street, Room 130, Minneapolis, MN 55415-1389 #20-140629 There is so much more dirt on you, note that the teens were immigrants as well & the cop was white. Remember I am the one and only, nobody is hidden in this realm. root@jfeedland - # cat mpdsuspects.txt +---------------------------------------+ | Officer Derek Michael Chauvin | | Officer Tou Thao | | Officer Thomas D Lane | | Officer J. Alexander Kueng | +---------------------------------------+ ▓█████▄ ▓█████ ██▀███ ▓█████ ██ ▄█▀ ▒██▀ ██▌▓█ ▀ ▓██ ▒ ██▒▓█ ▀ ██▄█▒ ░██ █▌▒███ ▓██ ░▄█ ▒▒███ ▓███▄░ ░▓█▄ ▌▒▓█ ▄ ▒██▀▀█▄ ▒▓█ ▄ ▓██ █▄ ░▒████▓ ░▒████▒░██▓ ▒██▒░▒████▒▒██▒ █▄ ▒▒▓ ▒ ░░ ▒░ ░░ ▒▓ ░▒▓░░░ ▒░ ░▒ ▒▒ ▓▒ ░ ▒ ▒ ░ ░ ░ ░▒ ░ ▒░ ░ ░ ░░ ░▒ ▒░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░░ ░ ░ ░ ░░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░░ ░ ░ dP""b8 88 88 db 88 88 Yb dP 88 88b 88 dP `" 88 88 dPYb 88 88 Yb dP 88 88Yb88 Yb 888888 dP__Yb Y8 8P YbdP 88 88 Y88 YboodP 88 88 dP""""Yb `YbodP' YP 88 88 Y8 Name: Derek Michael Chauvin Badge: #1087 Address: 7517 17th St N Oakdale, MN 55128 DOB: 3/19/1976 Ethnicity: White Age: 44 Last Known Address: 7330 Brightland St, Windermere, FL 34786 Social Security number: 201-96-6347 APN: 2902921130016 LAW ENFORCEMENT COMPLAINS (10): AGGRESSIVE VERBAL USAGE | SPOTTED WITH "MAKE WHITES GREAT AGAIN" HAT POINTING TO BIAS / RACISM. (MOST HAD NO DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS.) ### In 2011 Chauvin was one of five cops placed on leave after officers shot and wounded a Native American man during a call, the outlet said, citing a database maintained by Communities United Against Police Brutality. In 2008 he shot and wounded another man he claimed reached for a cop’s gun during a domestic violence call. In 2006 he was involved in a fatal shooting of a man who stabbed two people and turned on police. ### CHAUVIN GREPPED PASSWORDS: { highlifenissan90, highlife, nissan90 } -+ CREDIT / DEBIT CARD INFORMATION +- Number: 5178 0594 4326 1365 CVV: 134 Pin: 0087 EXPIRATION: 7/22 FIRST NAME: MICHAEL LAST NAME: CHAUVIN ADDRESS: 7517 17th St N CITY: OAKDALE STATE: MINNESOTA ZIP: 55128 COUNTRY: USA SSN: 201-96-6347 PHONE: (612) 483-9677 DOB: 3/19/1976 P.O BOX: PO Box 251172 Saint Paul, MN 55125 ### BIN LOOKUP: BIN: 1365 Country: BE Vendor: DINERS CLUB INTERNATIONAL Type: CREDIT Level: BUSINESS ### -+ Wife's Quick Lookup +- Kellie May Xiong / Chauvin Age: 45 DOB: 10/21/1974 SSN: 482-37-9870 // ISSUED BEFORE 2011 (CONFIRMATION: 2007/2008 IOWA) TRAFFIC INFRACTION VIOLATION: CASE NUMBER: 82VB195045 ### OFFENSE CODE: 4.9 // NOISY ANIMAL / CONVICTED / DISP DATE 8/2/2019 ETHNICITY: ASIAN / CHINESE. CHILDREN: 1 MALE. KELLIE #- GREPPED PASSWORDS: { suriyaxion, suriya, solara2004, cody11, florida10 } -+ Washington County Parcel Information +- Current Owner: CHAUVIN DEREK & KELLIE 7517 17TH ST N OAKDALE , MN 55128 Property Address: 7517 17TH ST N OAKDALE MN 55128 Taxing District 6402 OAKDALE-622-RWMWS Tax Year Net Tax Total Paid Penalty/Fees Interest Amount Due 2020 $3,358.00 $1,679.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,679.00 2019 $3,100.00 $3,100.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2018 $2,554.00 $2,554.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2017 $2,602.00 $2,602.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2016 $2,410.00 $2,410.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2015 $2,430.00 $2,430.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2014 $2,168.00 $2,168.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2013 $1,912.00 $1,912.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2012 $2,204.00 $2,204.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2011 $2,126.00 $2,126.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2010 $2,130.00 $2,130.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2009 $2,178.00 $2,178.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2008 $2,054.00 $2,054.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2007 $1,992.00 $1,992.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2006 $1,946.00 $1,946.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2005 $1,858.00 $1,858.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total $1,679.00 -+ Voting Records +- Name: Derek Michael Chauvin Address: 7330 Brightland St, Windermere, FL 34786 Voter Identification Number // VIN: 123091464 Date Of Registration: 1/11/2016 Party: Republican Party of Florida Voter Status: Active* -+ CELL TOWER / ISP / Carrier Information +- (612) 481-6047 Status: Connected Line type: Wireless Carrier: Aerial Communications Inc (CHECKING ACCOUNT ENDING IN *4076) (612) 483-9677 Status: Unreachable / Disconnected. "AERIAL COMM. ADV, THAT NUMBER IS OLD AND DISCONNECTED." Carrier: Aerial Communications Inc (651) 459-3776 Status: Hijacked / Disconnected / Moved. "QWEST CORP. ADV, NUMBER OWNERSHIP MODIFICATION OCCURRED 3 TIMES SINCE 5/26/2020." Line Type: LandLine/Services Carrier: Qwest Corporation +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ IF YOU ARE AN AUTHORIZED USER PROCEED WITH CAUTION: UPDATE 2:44:38 PM 5/28/2020 ACOM2 & AER TOWERS ARE TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE ALL CONNECTIONS WILL BE ROUTED THROUGH ACOM1 AND SUB-COM [I] SUBSCRIBER: Added with id 5a32946dh1267a5264344a728 *** DISPLAYING LAST 3 CONNECTIONS *** LAST LAT AND LONG (CELLCOM2) - 44.982301, -93.273224 LAST LAT AND LONG (CELLCOM2) - 44.984200, -93.270266 LAST LAT AND LONG (CELLCOM2) - 44.9844501, -93.2701466 +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ UPDATE: Derek Michael Chauvin's wife Kellie May Xiong has attempted to contact QWEST to pull records of her husband & to establish an agreement on redacting the information using 2-STEP AUTH w/ PIN CODE. This procedure has been bypassed hence 2FA having no importance whatsoever. LEGAL COURT OF MINNESOTA 5/29/2020 OFFICIAL MATTER State of Minnesota County of Hennepin The state of Minnesota, Plaintiff, vs. DEREK MICHAEL CHAUVIN COMPLAINT Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 5/29/2020 District Court 4th Judicial District The Complainant submits this complaint to the Court and states that there is probable cause to believe the Defendant committed the following offense(s): COUNT I Charge: Murder - 3rd Degree - Perpetrating Eminently Dangerous Act and Evincing Depraved Mind Minnesota Statute: 609.195(a), with reference to: 609.195(a) Maximum Sentence: 25 YEARS Offense Level: Felony Offense Date (on or about): 05/25/2020 Control #(ICR#): 20200338 Charge Description: That on or about May 25, 2020, in Hennepin County, Minnesota, Derek Michael Chauvin caused the death of George Floyd by perpetrating an act eminently dangerous to others and evincing a depraved mind, without regard for human life. COUNT II Charge: Manslaughter - 2nd Degree - Culpable Negligence Creating Unreasonable Risk Minnesota Statute: 609.205(1), with reference to: 609.205 Maximum Sentence: 10 YEARS AND/OR $20,000 Offense Level: Felony Offense Date (on or about): 05/25/2020 Control #(ICR#): 20200338 Charge Description: That on or about May 25, 2020, in Hennepin County, Minnesota, Derek Michael Chauvin caused the death of George Floyd by his culpable negligence, creating an unreasonable risk and taking a chance of causing death or great bodily harm to George Floyd. On May 25, 2020, someone called 911 and reported that a man bought merchandise from Cup Foods at 3759 Chicago Avenue in Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota with a counterfeit $20 bill. At 8:08 p.m., Minneapolis Police Department (MPD) Officers Thomas Lane and J.A. Kueng arrived with their body worn cameras (BWCs) activated and running. The officers learned from store personnel that the man who passed the counterfeit $20 was parked in a car around the corner from the store on 38th Street. BWC video obtained by the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension shows that the officers approached the car, Lane on the driver's side and Kueng on the passenger side. Three people were in the car; George Floyd was in the driver's seat, a known adult male was in the passenger seat and a known adult female was sitting in the backseat. As Officer Lane began speaking with Mr. Floyd, he pulled his gun out and pointed it at Mr. Floyd's open window and directed Mr. Floyd to show his hands. When Mr. Floyd put his hands in the steering wheel, Lane put his gun back in its holster. While Officer Kueng was speaking with the front seat passenger, Officer Lane ordered Mr. Floyd out of the car, put his hands on Mr. Floyd, and pulled him out of the car. Officer Lane handcuffed Mr. Floyd. Mr. Floyd actively resisted being handcuffed. Once handcuffed, Mr. Floyd became compliant and walked with Officer Lane to the sidewalk and sat on the ground at Officer Lane's direction. In a conversation that lasted just under two minutes, Officer Lang asked Mr. Floyd for his name and identification. Officer Lane asked Mr. Lloyd if he was "on anything" and explained that he was arresting Mr. Lloyd for passing counterfeit currency. Officers Kueng and Lane stood Mr. Floyd up and attempted to walk Mr. Floyd to their squad car (MPD 320) at 8:14 p.m. Mr. Floyd stiffened up, fell to the ground, and told the officers he was claustrophobic. MPD Officers Derek Chauvin (the defendant) and Tou Thoa then arrived in a separate squad car. The officers made several attempts to get Mr. Floyd in the backseat of squad 320 from the driver's side. Mr. Floyd did not voluntarily get in the car and struggled with the officers by intentionally falling down, saying he was not going in the car, and refusing to stand still. Mr. Floyd is over six feet tall and weighs more than 200 pounds. While standing outside the car, Mr. Floyd began saying and repeating that he could not breathe. The defendant went to the passenger side and tried to get Mr. Floyd into the car from that side and Lane and Kueng assisted. The defendant pulled Mr. Floyd out of the passenger side of the squad car at 8:19:38 p.m. and Mr. Floyd went to the ground face down and still handcuffed. Kueng held Mr. Floyd's back and Lane held his legs. The defendant placed his left knee in the area of Mr. Floyd's head and neck. Mr. Floyd said, "I can't breathe" multiple times and repeatedly said, "Mama" and "please," as well. The defendant and the other two officers stayed in their positions. The officers said, "You are talking fine" to Mr. Floyd as he continued to move back and forth. Lane asked, "should we roll him on his side?" and the defendant said, "No, staying put where we got him." Officer Lane said, "I am worried about excited delirium or whatever." The defendant said, "That's why we have him on his stomach." None of the three officers moved from their positions. BWC video shows Mr. Floyd continue to move and breathe. At 8:24:24, Mr. Floyd stopped moving. At 8:25:31 the video appears to show Mr. Floyd ceasing to breathe or speak. Lane said, "want to roll him on his side." Kueng checked Mr. Floyd's right wrist for a pulse and said, "I couldn't find one." None of the officers moved from their positions. At 8:27:24, the defendant removed his knee from Mr. Floyd's neck. An ambulance and emergency medical personnel arrived, the officers placed Mr. Floyd on a gurney, and the ambulance left the scene. Mr. Floyd was pronounced dead at Hennepin County Medical Center. The Hennepin County Medical Examiner (ME) conducted Mr. Floyd's autopsy on May 26, 2020. The full report of the ME is pending but the ME has made the following preliminary findings. The autopsy revealed no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation. Mr. Floyd had underlying health conditions including coronary artery disease and hypertensive heart disease. The combined effects of Mr. Floyd being restrained by the police, his underlying health conditions and any potential intoxicants in his system likely contributed to his death. The defendant had his knee on Mr. Floyd's neck for 8 minutes and 46 seconds in total. Two minutes and 53 seconds of this was after Mr. Floyd was non-responsive. Police are trained that this type of restraint with a subject in a prone position is inherently dangerous. Defendant is in custody. Complainant requests that Defendant, subject to bail or conditions of release, be: (1) arrested or that other lawful steps be taken to obtain Defendant's appearance in court; or (2) detained, if already in custody, pending further proceedings; and that said Defendant otherwise be dealt with according to law. Complainant declares under penalty of perjury that everything stated in this document is true and correct. Minn. Stat. § 358.116; Minn. R. Crim. P. 2.01, subds. 1, 2. - Complainant Michelle M Frascone Special Agent - - PROPERTIES && MIS... - -# 2017 PURCHASE PRICE OF MINNESOTA HOME: $260k - -# 2011 PURCHASE PRICE OF FLORIDA HOME: $210k - 2011 DEREK MICHAEL CHAUVIN -***- $90k - MLPS salary Most Recent Address. First Reported 11/13/2015 7330 Brightland St, Windermere, FL 34786 First Reported 7/15/2013 3172 Frontier Dr, Saint Paul, MN 55129 First Reported 8/5/2013 3172 Frontier Dr, Woodbury, MN 55129 First Reported 11/9/2012 251172 Po Box, Saint Paul, MN 55125 First Reported 5/7/2008 11565 Waterview Ct, Woodbury, MN 55129 First Reported 5/7/2008 11565 Waterview Ct, Saint Paul, MN 55129 First Reported 4/30/2007 251172 Po Box, Woodbury, MN 55125 First Reported 3/5/2004 2533 Cobble Hill Ct UNIT F, Saint Paul, MN 55125 First Reported 3/5/2004 2533 Cobble Hill Ct UNIT F, Woodbury, MN 55125 First Reported 2/15/2016 7517 N 17th N St, Saint Paul, MN 55128 First Reported 7/15/2001 3895 E 73rd E St, Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076 First Reported 7/19/2001 3895 E Upper 73rd E St, Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076 First Reported 7/19/2001 3895 E Upper 73rd E St, Inver Grove, MN 55076 First Reported 4/1/1997 1736 Dixon Dr, St Paul Park, MN 55071 First Reported 7/1/1998 1736 Dixon Dr, Saint Paul Park, MN 55071 First Reported 9/8/1996 295 E Marie E Ave, Saint Paul, MN 55118 First Reported 9/8/1996 295 E Marie E Ave, West Saint Paul, MN 55118 First Reported 7/1/1996 295 Marie Ave, Saint Paul, MN 55118 ▄▄▄█████▓ ██░ ██ ▒█████ █ ██ ▓ ██▒ ▓▒▓██░ ██▒▒██▒ ██▒ ██ ▓██▒ ▒ ▓██░ ▒░▒██▀▀██░▒██░ ██▒▓██ ▒██░ ░ ▓██▓ ░ ░▓█ ░██ ▒██ ██░▓▓█ ░██░ ▒██▒ ░ ░▓█▒░██▓░ ████▓▒░▒▒█████▓ ▒ ░░ ▒ ░░▒░▒░ ▒░▒░▒░ ░▒▓▒ ▒ ▒ ░ ▒ ░▒░ ░ ░ ▒ ▒░ ░░▒░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░░ ░░ ░ ░ ▒ ░░░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ Name: Tou Thao Badge: #7162 Address: 8225 Sumter Ave N Brooklyn Park, MN 55445 Age: 39 DOB: 12/1980 (NOV) Ethnicity: Chinese / Vietnamese. Most Recent Address: 8001 Florida Ave N, Minneapolis, MN 55445 (Oct 2012 - Feb 2020) EMAIL: # CREDIT / DEBIT CARD INFORMATION # Name: Tou Surname: Thao Number: 4374 6792 8364 3991 CVV: 294 PIN: 8662 EXPIRATION DATE: 02/23 CUSTOMER SINCE: 2008 ADDRESS: 8225 SUMTER AVE N CITY: BROOKLYN PARK STATE: MINESSOTA COUNTRY: US ZIP: 55445 TYPE: DEBIT DB DESCRIPTION: VISA RED CARD ## BIN VERIFICATION (UNKNOWN) BIN: 3991 Country: JP Vendor: JCB Type: CREDIT Level: Bank: ## ### RECENT ADDRESSES ### 10299 Nightingale St NW, Minneapolis, MN 55433 (Sep 2008 - Aug 2019) 1069 McKay Dr NE, Andover, MN 55304 (Jul 2001 - Aug 2019) 5225 Sumter Ave N, Minneapolis, MN 55428 (Dec 2009) 8225 Sumter Ave N, Minneapolis, MN 55445 (Mar 2009) 10299 Nightingale St NW, Coon Rapids, MN 55433 (Dec 2006) RELATIVES +----------------------+ Soua Thao house: 5211 Logan Ave N Minneapolis MN 55430-3452 Choua M Xiong ((763) 533-4242, HOUSE: 7741 Shingle Creek Dr Minneapolis MN 55443-2939 Amy J Thao house: 1744 Ionian St San Diego CA 92154-2818 Steven Vang Thao: house: 4719 Fremont Ave N Minneapolis MN 55430-3517 Lor M Thao: 5108 76th Pl N Minneapolis MN 55443-3208 Chue Thao house: 5370 5th St NE Minneapolis MN 55421-1190 ### CARRIER / ISP INFORMATION (612) 483-9677 Status: Conntected / Temporarily Unavailable. "AERIAL COMM. ADV, THAT NUMBER IS ON HOLD." Carrier: Aerial Communications Inc *VISA DEBIT CARD ENDING IN 3991 OTHER PHONE NUMBERS (STATUS UNKNOWN / MIXED CUSTOMERS): (763) 657-0914 - Landline (612) 226-9368 - Wireless // VERIFIED AERIAL COMM. (DISCONNECTED AS OF 4/22/2020) (763) 222-3472 - Wireless (763) 862-8989 - Landline (651) 266-2305 - Wireless // DEAD NUMBER. ### COMPLAINS AND LAW SUITS: IN 2017, Lamar Ferguson sued Thao AND another officer, Robert Thunder, FOR excessive USE OF force. According TO the lawsuit, Ferguson AND a woman who was eight months pregnant were walking home WHEN Thao AND Thunder stopped AND searched them WITHOUT cause. ---+## PARTIAL DATA FROM BREACHED REDACTED DATABASE // MPD ONLINE BOT DUMP // ##+--- -------------- MYSQL 5.6 KEY ***** ------------- (56,'8162','MPD_Office','7741 Shingle Creek Dr','Minneapolis','MN','55430','(651) 266-2305','Tou','Thao',1,552), ██▓ ▄▄▄ ███▄ █ ▓█████ ▓██▒ ▒████▄ ██ ▀█ █ ▓█ ▀ ▒██░ ▒██ ▀█▄ ▓██ ▀█ ██▒▒███ ▒██░ ░██▄▄▄▄██ ▓██▒ ▐▌██▒▒▓█ ▄ ░██████▒▓█ ▓██▒▒██░ ▓██░░▒████▒ ░ ▒░▓ ░▒▒ ▓▒█░░ ▒░ ▒ ▒ ░░ ▒░ ░ ░ ░ ▒ ░ ▒ ▒▒ ░░ ░░ ░ ▒░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ▒ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ Name: Thomas D. Lane Address: 8517 Fairview Ave N, Minneapolis, MN 55428 Age: 66 DOB: (Jan 1954) Emails:,, (HACKED) Passwords: {mn311lane, thomlaa, nigger123} Recent Address: 12325 Champlin Dr, Champlin, MN 55316 (Aug 2010) Credit Card Number: 5574 2360 2033 8187 Expiration: 06/2021 CVV: 549 Insurance Member: State Farm since 2016 Suspicious Email ???: "Sent 2008 on AOL" "At the lake too many dark blokes i m hitting it at home dont want to get blown up by one of them... haha!" Sender: "" 8517 Fairview Ave N, New Hope, MN 55428 (Jun 2003) 11434 Welcome Ave N, Champlin, MN 55316 (May 2003) 7652 Brooklyn Blvd, Brooklyn Park, MN 55443 (Aug 2002) 1301 69th Ave N, Minneapolis, MN 55430 (Nov 2000 - Nov 2000) 11434 Welcome Ln N, Champlin, MN 55316 (Nov 1999) 1305 Grand Ave, Superior, WI 54880 (Oct 1999) (763) 533-7326 - Landline (763) 370-8114 - Wireless (952) 533-7326 - Landline (612) 533-7326 - Landline -+ WIFE QUICK LOOKUP +- Name: Margaret E Lane Age: 65 DOB: (Oct 1954) Email:, Phone Numbers: (763) 533-7326 - Landline (763) 370-8114 - Wireless (763) 712-1854 - Landline (952) 533-7326 - Landline (612) 533-7326 - Landline ## RELATIVES ## Name: Courtney Elizabeth Lane Age: 41 DOB: September 1978 Address: 11434 Welcome Ln N, Champlin, MN 55316 Emails:, Recent Address: 8517 Fairview Ave N, Minneapolis, MN 55428 Addressses: 8517 Fairview Ave N, New Hope, MN 55428 (Jan 2005) 8519 Fairview Ave N, Minneapolis, MN 55428 (Dec 2002) 6517 Fairview Ave N, New Hope, MN 55428 (Nov 2002) 3451 Dupont Ave S #105, Minneapolis, MN 55408 (Jun 2002 - Oct 2002) 1305 Grand Ave, Superior, WI 54880 (Sep 1998 - Dec 2001) #: (612) 245-5138 - Wireless (763) 712-1854 - Landline (763) 464-8657 - Wireless (859) 420-9849 - Wireless (715) 395-1874 - Landline (763) 533-7326 - Landline (715) 395-1870 - Landline ██ ▄█▀ █ ██ ▓█████ ███▄ █ ▄████ ██▄█▒ ██ ▓██▒▓█ ▀ ██ ▀█ █ ██▒ ▀█▒ ▓███▄░ ▓██ ▒██░▒███ ▓██ ▀█ ██▒▒██░▄▄▄░ ▓██ █▄ ▓▓█ ░██░▒▓█ ▄ ▓██▒ ▐▌██▒░▓█ ██▓ ▒██▒ █▄▒▒█████▓ ░▒████▒▒██░ ▓██░░▒▓███▀▒ ▒ ▒▒ ▓▒░▒▓▒ ▒ ▒ ░░ ▒░ ░░ ▒░ ▒ ▒ ░▒ ▒ ░ ░▒ ▒░░░▒░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░░ ░░ ░ ▒░ ░ ░ ░ ░░ ░ ░░░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ Name: J. Alexander Kueng Age: 26 DOB: October 1993 Address: 5052 Vincent Ave N, Minneapolis, MN 55430 Father: Joni L Kueng Age: 56 DOB: September 1963 Address: 5052 Vincent Ave N, Minneapolis, MN 55430 Passwords: {kueng4231} OLD JCB CARD: 3556837768427277 02/2020 9918 COUNTRY: US // EXPIRED. #: (612) 287-9293 - Landline // ACTIVE (612) 595-0221 - Landline // DISCONNECTED MASTERCARD ENDING IN: *8232 EXP: 12/22 Email:, Previous Addresses: 2930 Blaisdell Ave. Minneapolis, MN 55408 (Nov 2000 - Feb 2016) 5052 Vincent Ave N, Brooklyn Center, MN 55430 (Oct 1995) 5809 73rd Ave N #209, Minneapolis, MN 55429 (Dec 1993) 8400 Golden Valley Rd #109, Minneapolis, MN 55427 (Oct 1991) Brother: Name: Matthew D Kueng Address: 5052 Vincent Ave N, Minneapolis, MN 55430 Email: Age: 21 DOB: Jan 1999 #: (612) 287-9293 - Landline Brother (2): Name: Kuen Taylor Kueng Address: 5052 Vincent Ave N, Minneapolis, MN 55430 Age: 27 DOB: January 1993 #; (612) 287-9293 - Landline

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

truth of sheep

In war, it is not the conscientious objector that is the coward. It is the one willing to be molded into a soldier.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Friday, July 3, 2020

goddamn, the United States has become pathetic

There isn't enough drugs in existence to be able to watch the fireworks at Mt. Rushmore with a straight face . When they began playing "Eye Of The Tiger", "Downtown Train" & "Thunderstruck" as patriotic pieces associated with the U.S. military... I almost fell off the couch laughing. When the M.C. couldn't read his own notes & mispronounced multi-syllable words... Geez, fuck. It's downright embarrassing to be a United States citizen anymore. "Funeral For A Friend"?!? Seriously?!

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

They're going to kill you

Ok, mass-media... You're currently doing the old trope of "if we chastise the ultra-wealthy enough, they will magically become good people, stop preying upon the poorest & will take pity upon the human-race.". Apparently you really don't understand how this thing called Capitalism works. Your very lives are considered completely inconsequential compared to an economic advantage. The rich not only DON'T care if you live or die, but will actively seek your demise if it is profitable.

Friday, May 8, 2020

I'm still not used to gay & lesbian couples in commercials. What I'm used to is straight folks SAYING they are your "allies" & then calling you a faggot behind your back. I'm not used to tv-networks openly showing gay-films, I'm used to heterosexuals declaring us all dirty deviants & saying we should be killed for our own good. They always lied & said they were "tolerant", while they prayed in church that you would suffer a pain-filled death from AIDS. I'm not going to be ABLE to believe a damn thing they claim for a long, long time.