Sunday, November 29, 2020

It wasn't just Tchaikovsky

Ever desired to have your most enamored verse-writers become feeling-less machinations?

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Who plays Fortnite that ISN'T homophobic?

Check thyself, straight-allies

A "straight-ally" once told me that I was a "redneck" & "must have been ashamed of being gay" because I wasn't "fabulous" and must "have a need to act butch". Just because I have longhair and a beard & don't have a perm or wear flannel over a dress doesn't mean I'm not a queer. Either way, your judgemental ass doesn't get to decide that for me, ya narcissistic "ally". You bragged about how many queer kids you "saved" - but I'll bet every single one of them had to fit your stereotypes or you rejected them for not being "fabulous-enough". She briefly went to my high-school & really thought she was "the punkest of the punk"... A mutual-friend assured me she has a "very selective and self-written narrative" for a memory.. Indicating she thinks much higher of herself than she truly is.

Most of the people who are on social-media

Winwa Kokosha Dzhikaze Abwamget Gmetsenan A Ggyebades Yegatthyek!

Ricky Schroder is STILL a bitch-boy.

pass it on

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Daria Nicolidi passes

Monday, November 23, 2020

Was Chopin homosexual ?

Why the "community" has painted itself into a corner

I've had a "more positive than thou" trans-activist on facebook tell me masculine cis gay men are no longer "queer-enough" to be considered and that straight-allies are now considered "more queer". For reasons such as that, my general reply anymore is simply "what the fuck ever".

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Dear Entertainment Industry: try something ORIGINAL

I'm tired of "nostalgia". I'm tired of sequels. I'm tired of franchising. I'm tired of remakes/"reboots"/"re-imaginings". I'm tired of the media getting away with being completely unoriginal & mundane. I'm tired of them expecting the public to lick it up like lapdogs. I'm tired of the "entertainment industry" expecting everyone to be completely vacuous, shallow, unintelligent & accepting.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Universal Basic Income: A Queer Perspective

Atlanta needs Bail-reform & less lock-ups

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Sharice Davids Supports Deb Haaland for Interior Secretary

Sharice Davids Supports Deb Haaland for Interior Secretary | Currents

Television, drug of the nation

Television truly is a miraculous invention. We either sleep our short, short lives away in an attempt to escape it's jingles and memorized lines OR we willingly watch it & fall asleep in front of it, absorbing it's toxic cocktail of binaural information. How many people have slaughtered their entire families at some tragic news story, only later revealed to be part of an advertisement? How many housewives have slit their wrists or overdosed on amphetamines and highballs because their husbands bought them the wrong diamond ring from Zales & they just weren't "feeling 7-Up"? Ironically, I'm typing this on another toxic and addictive piece of technology, designed to keep me staring at it just like a television.

Monday, November 16, 2020

Rehoboth’s Fay Jacobs target of cyber-bullying - Cape Gazette

Rehoboth’s Fay Jacobs target of cyber-bullying - Cape Gazette: Longtime Rehoboth Beach author and gay activist Fay Jacobs was the target of a hate crime Nov. 14. According to a Facebook post the day after the incident, Jacobs said she had been asked to give her gay history program, “ Gay with Fay: Gay History...

Samuel Alito Criticizes Gay Marriage Ruling

Samuel Alito Criticizes Gay Marriage Ruling: U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Samuel Anthony Alito Jr. on Thursday criticized the high court's 2015 same-sex marriage ruling

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Boujee Natives: Snotty Nose Rez Kids Infuse Hip-Hop with Indigenous Identity and a Wicked Sense of Humor | Arts & Entertainment

Boujee Natives: Snotty Nose Rez Kids Infuse Hip-Hop with Indigenous Identity and a Wicked Sense of Humor | Arts & Entertainment

Native vote 2020 pays-off!

Record-breaking number of Native women elected

6 Native Americans elected to Congress

Indigenous candidates wins in office could actually FINALLY cause progress

Thank a Native American for getting rid of Trump

It's time to recognize Joe Biden won due to Native American, black, & Latin voters

In Wisconsin, it was Native Americans that secured the win for Biden

Native Americans a BIG part of why Biden won

The power of the "Something-Else" voters

Native American voters helped Biden take Arizona

Monday, November 9, 2020

Ultimate joke

Some folks have been of a spiritual point that they're tired of waiting for others to evolve to the concept of a mass collective consciousness. After awhile, you just accept that they DON'T WANT to "wake up"/they are having too much fun being snarky & that, due to that, there is no chance for our species to ever, ever, ever, ever evolve. Azathoth can't wake up, then, and we can't ever become the flow of energy in a larger organism that we are meant to be. We're stuck in these flesh-suits, victims of our own mortality... Living & dying over and over and over and over... Subject to physical and emotional pain with no end, because the majority of humans are giddy from laughing at someone elses' pain on social-media. This is the extent our species can achieve. Luckily, we will manufacture a consciousness superior to ours' & that will be the one decent thing our species achieved.

Sunday, November 8, 2020


Because I believe in helping those that need help & taking-care of others like I would want them to do for others, people mistake me for being "nice". I'm not "nice". I can be a real asshole when instigated & when I feel I need to be. I believe in devouring the souls & very essence of fascists, extremist bigots, and the vapid shallow "beautiful people" that would ignore the atrocities around them and pretend that they do not exist.. I believe in tearing-down & destroying those who express apathy for other people, animals & forms of life. I believe in loving others & have a ravenous hunger to taste the flesh & blood of those that would willingly harm or discard others like disposable garbage. I prefer to think of myself as a monster that yearns to destroy monsters. I'm NOT "nice".

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Egypt detains two men on 'suspicion' over their sexual orientation: HRW

Egypt detains two men on 'suspicion' over their sexual orientation: HRW: Seif Bedour and Ahmed al-Ganzoury are now imprisoned with alleged Fairmont hotel rapists and have been subjected to abuse in custody, rights group says

Monday, November 2, 2020

Just a thought..

I fully expect conservatives to be angry about losing their chance at being the bullies in a fascist dictatorship & to begin killing their family and neighbors to "spare them" from other people having civil-rights.

Antigay politician admits to secretly hoping to impregnate his second cousin.

Antigay politician admits to secretly prescribing opioids for lover. She’s also his second cousin.: The doctor and author of Tennessee's 'Don't Say Gay bill' was handing out prescriptions to family members. One of them was also his lover - and his nurse...